Posts by Firebird

    Why that, Ingolf?

    We have a digital signal in the KPA, transfered over USB into a PC/MAC that also works in the digital domain. I don't see how this could lead to worse results than going to a audio interface via SPDIF, and convert the signal there into a USB or Firewire stream.

    Would be nice if we could stream audio between the KPA and the PC/MAC using the USB connection. As we use USB for the Rig Manager anyway, it would simplify the setup and also reduce latency because we don't need to use an audio interface.


    I made a couple of rigs in the past where I can turn the delay on and off using one of the buttons of the FCB 1010 (UNO4Kemper). I recently upgraded from 2.2.1 to 2.3.3 and now I don't get any delayed sound from the delay. I can still turn the Delay section on and off with the FCB 1010, but the sound just stays the same, no difference if delay is on or off (and it was a Gilmour type of delay, nothing subtle). Didn't change anything in the rigs after upgrading. I am using a tap delay, could this be an issue with that beat scanner i read about? From looking at the delay settings i think i should hear something from it...

    Thanks for yor help.

    Is this just an adapter? If so your cable is still not carrying a symmetrical signal. But having symmetrical signals is basically the reason to use a XLR cable, otherwise you will still pick up more noise from the environment than neccessary. I believe the difference in hiss you notice comes more from of the different input sensitivity that XLR inputs normaly have, compared to TRS inputs.

    The better way to do it is to use a DI-Box, which gives you a real symmertical (or balanced) signal. You can get one for 10 euros.

    This is exactly what I am doing, I have a little DI-box sitting on top of my toaster, the leather belt of the KPA holds it in place. Then I have a short patch cable running from the KPA monitor out to the DI-Box and from there a XLR cable to the monitor. By doing it this way, only the 20 cm patch cable is not symmetrical and the XLR cable is used the way it is meant to be used.

    Good topic!

    Guitars: I usually have a Les Paul and a Tele with me, if one fails I can finish a gig with the other (rigs in the KPA are prepared for both guitars)
    Monitoring: RCF NX-SMA 12 active monitor, backup would be house monitor
    Amp: This is currently a problem since I have no backup for the KPA. I'm coming from tube amps and still have them but I don't want to carry a heavy tube head and a cabinet around just as a backup.

    I'm thinking about getting a Fender Mustang Floor as backup because it could serve as backup for the KPA and my Behringer FCB1010 at the same time (at least I hope so). Anyone knows if the Mustang Floor can serve as Midi-pedal for the KPA?


    I am surprised that some of you get a red light with a passive PU. That means, those PU's are louder than active PU's. I have never experienced such guitars.

    I have a Les Paul equipped with Häussel 1959 pickups, you can hardly find Humbuckers with lower output. I have set my clean sense to -6.0 db and the input LED is still going red when i hit the low E-string a bit hard. Anyway, I don't hear any distortion or clipping so thats fine for me.

    What I still don't understand is how to dial in the distortion sense setting. For example, if I download a rig, how do I set it to get close to the amount of distortion the amp had during profiling? Most of the time I simply don't know how much distortion a profile is intended to have. But thats where the profiles sound best imo. Is listening to it and trying to find the sweet spot the only way?
    I always thougt setting it to 0 db should do it, but is this true if the amp is profiled with a setting of, say, +4 db. Is the distortion sense setting used during the profiling process at all?

    That thing really confuses me ?(

    From what i understood , people who bought Kemper at thomann, received those profiles by email from them, after asking for them , after the purchase . I didnt ask for the usb pen . If they offered those profiles to some users and dont to others, that seem unfair . So firebird dont be so fast at shooting :) . And Btw: The first kemper i received from them was faulty, which i had to send it back , so its not so bad me asking what i asked them .

    Maybe the others got the profiles before Thomann decided to sell them on the stick?

    i have just emailed them . and the person who replied seemed a litle confused with my request . If there is anyone with thomann profiles msg me please . thanks

    No offence, but I must say I would be confused by your request too. Why should they give you a product for free just because you bought another?

    Maybe ask for the flightcase too


    One comment to the wish for balanced monitor output:
    In a noisy environment things get solved by a ground lift, rather than balanced signals, when we talk about high level signals.

    Thanks for your answer. It's of course true that noise makes less impact on high level signals (like +6db) than on low level signals (say a microphone signal).

    But still also with high level signals the noise rejection is better with a balanced signal because the noise is inducted into both wires almost equally and therefore cancelled out at the receiver. With an unbalanced signal nothing is cancelled out, you just hear less of the noise the higher the signal is (better SNR).

    I had trouble with noise from dimmer packs inducted into my unbalanced cables before, thats why I wish a balanced monitor out (and actually using a DI-Box for now)

    An alternative that could probably be done in software would be to have the main outs switchable to dual mono outs with separate volume controls. For me that would do it cause i don't go stereo to the FOH PA.

    I'm using a DI-Box which I put into the back of the KPA. So just a short TRS cable is needed from the monitor out to the DI-Box.

    But I agree, having a balanced monitor-out would be better. Less cables and connections that could fail. Thats why I always try to keep my setup as simple as possible.

    If Kemper puts out new versions of the hardware in the future (maybe in two years or something), what features would you like to see?

    My wishlist:

    - balanced monitor-out, on stages you sometimes have a lot of electrical noise (power lines, control lines for lights...), therefore I use a DI-Box to get a balanced signal from the monitor-out, but having the monitor-out of the KPA balanced would be even better
    - front-side USB for toaster-version too
    - midi phantom power for foot controllers (maybe switchable on/off by a small dip-switch to ensure compatiblity)
    - phantom power for condenser microphones