Posts by staticjack

    Thank you for the feedback. I'm sure I can get a better sounding profile using all the cool tips. I also want to profile a couple other of my amps this next weekend. Matchless DC30 and a Clark Beaufort ( 5E3 Tweed amp). However, I want to make sure that I have the profiling optimized before I submit them to the exchange.

    Bruno has a very good plan. there. The world is littered with out of phase speakers. :)

    Also, if you placed it in front of a very reflective surface, like a hard back wall with no damping, you could get comb filtering from the reflections bouncing back from the back wall.

    I checked out the cab and the wiring is correct. However you may be on to something and I did record the cab againist a hard back wall in a tight space that had no damping and may have caused the comb filtering that you have suggested. Thx. I didn't notice it at the time but after hours of rocking out, my ears probably were fried. :wacko: I will re-profile later this week to see if I have better results.

    Hey guys thanks for the compliments and the great feedback. I strongly agree that there is a weird phase issue going on with the cab. :huh: I took Lunthos suggestion and tried some of Tills cabs ( which we all agree are excellent) and liked Tills 1960 06 and Tills 1960 015 ( a little bit darker and low end) and I was alot happier. When I profiled the amp I used a Budda 2x12 open back cab with Celestion G12h30 speakers. I used an E/V N/D308B Dynamic Cardiod mic. I closed miced the center of the speaker just off axis. I'm really surprised about the phasing as well. I use this mic live and don't have these issues. Any suggestions??? This was my first profile and I really appreciate all the support of this community and will be re-profiling it soon when I have a little more time. Maybe try some other mics (57, AKG 414 ??) I'm really diggin all the great amp profiles. Keep em coming. My wish list is a Zwreck amp. :thumbup: :thumbup: Thanks everyone

    I just uploaded to the exchange, my 1987 Marshall 2555 (100 watt) Silver Jubillee amp for everyone to check out. For the cab I used a Budda 2x12 open back cab with Celestion G12H30 speakers. I hope its something that everyone can use and enjoy. Its my first profiliong session and I'm learning. feedback is always welcome. :D

    Big C wanted to say hello from Sacramento California and say I have really enjoyed learning and getting to know my new Kemper. I've had it for about a week and every time I turn it on I learn something new and it really keeps me inspired. :D :D I would also like to thank you everyone for all the cool amp profiles that I have been checking out. I don't think i could thank this community enough for all the hard work that goes into preparing these. So I thought would bring a gift and profile my 1987 Marshall Silver Jubillee and submit it. Please feedback and let me know. Its all new to me so I hope its something that people can use and enjoy. Last but not least BIG THANK YOU TO CHRISTOPH KEMPER for this creation. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: