Posts by jakeykim

    Yes, I did store the rig with the effect enabled, after making a minor modification to the scale. But, when I switch to other rigs and come back to the rig, the modification I made is gone. Basically, I can never save my desired setting... I have a gig coming and this harmonizer setting is crucial to one song, and now I don't know what to do...


    First of all, I do not quite understand why the user scale setting can not be saved into a harmonizer preset; it makes much more sense to me that the user scale setting is a part of a preset, so that i can apply the harmonizer setting to any desired rig. I hope this is addressed in the next firmware update...

    That said, I found that the user scale setting is not even properly saved into a rig. Has anybody have similar problem? I worked on a user scale setting, made some modifications, and stored the rig. Next time, i recall the rig, the harmonizer effect is there, but I lose my modifications.... Tried multiple time, but i can confirm that my custom preset never get to be saved... Why????

    Same here. Since 1.8.1, I have experience 3 (or more) times of sound disappearing, which happened mostly while using my midi volume pedal. I am currently on 1.8.2 and this happened once already. No sound from any other profile. I had to reboot two time, but one time the sound came back after operating the midi pedal/buttons randomly (I don't remember what exactly was it that brought the sound back up). Fortunately they happened during practice and rehearsal. My gig is on 6/11 and now I am worried...


    My "problem" doesn't seem to be a real problem... I found that sound stops because of the MIDI volume setting (click System button and goto Volume setting). Somehow, when I disconnect the pedal of my Midi Mate, it seems that the CC value seems to point to zero, even if I configure my MIDI Mate's Pedal setting to OFF. So, every time I change to a profile, the volumes sets to the minimum volume set in the KPA, unless you set KPA's volume setting to OFF. So, simply speaking, you have to set your KPA's MIDI volume setting to OFF, unless you'll actually use the MIDI volume pedal on MIDI Mate. It was a little bit of pain to change this setting for all profiles I am using for my gig (as I decided not to have a MIDI volume pedal hooked up to my MIDI Mate). But this resolved my issue. -Jake

    Same here. Since 1.8.1, I have experience 3 (or more) times of sound disappearing, which happened mostly while using my midi volume pedal. I am currently on 1.8.2 and this happened once already. No sound from any other profile. I had to reboot two time, but one time the sound came back after operating the midi pedal/buttons randomly (I don't remember what exactly was it that brought the sound back up). Fortunately they happened during practice and rehearsal. My gig is on 6/11 and now I am worried...


    I can't even believe how incredible harmonizer sounds! To my ears, the new pitch effects sound better than those in any other unit I've used before... With addition of delay (and EQ), this would simply be perfect. IMO, this update has finally made KPA the best all-in-one amp/effects unit on the planet (for me :P ). My big appreciation goes to CK and his Kemper Team!! -Jake

    I am not sure what you experienced is the same as what I got, but I did find a couple of profiles making strange sound (noise) like in sci-fi effects when played. What I just found is one of those great TAF profiles that were recently released for free. Go to "TAF-Hello 1980z", turn off both Chorus and EQ, and try strumming. The sound distorts into weird ray gun sound. Turn the EQ on, then the sound comes back to normal... Does anybody else have the same issue? I am on FW 1.5.2, BTW.


    These indeed are wonderful profiles with clean to medium gain. With some green screamer in front, they create great warm and round-sounding distortion. I just needed to turn down the noise gate (and engage 4:1 :) ) for my ESP PB-500 in humbucker mode. Thanks for sharing them :thumbup: . -Jake

    I love Behringer stuff, because in many cases, they are only what I can afford. :) So far, they never failed on me, but I don't gig that often...

    I have a pair of B2031A for my desktop playing and recording. They sound good and loud, but not designed for gigs. For band rehearsal, Behringers B210D or B212D would do the job fine. I have B210D and it can get quite loud. -Jake

    Hi, do you mind uploading a profile with nuno's settings?

    There is already one named "ADA NUNO". As suggested in the OP, you may replace the cab with something else, say, Tills cabs. I used Tills mixed 4x12 003 or something and it sounds darn good.

    Then, a function to remove the "favorite" status of all "favorites" at one time. That way we could go through and choose the profiles that we want to have easy access to by making them "favorites" again. Or, better yet, allow a temporary "tag" in the "favorites" folder, whereby all profiles that aren't tagged can have their "favorite" status revoked.


    When i updated FW to 1.1, the favorite list appeared already filled with LOTS of profiles. When I import profiles, some of them seem to be automatically added to Favorite.. I did not figure out the mechanism behind it yet. Anyhow, I'd like to remove them all and restart, but making each of them "un-favorite" is too painstaking to do... I think users should to be able to redefine their Favorite at any time with ease! -Jake