Thank you very much !
Posts by Robman
sounds kinda crazy ....I LOVE IT !!!!!
Dont know what it is but it sounds horrible
I'd be very surprised if Kemper didnt release the same software for Android.They've always done dual format software and I doubt they'll stop now......I have faith
Thanks Djemass. Greatly appreciated !
I got my first ever 335 a few weeks ago.I think it definitely sounds different.
Also, feedback is SOOOOOOOOOO much easier to get
A guy I know ( great player ) bought a KPA after I recommended it to him back around 2015.He kept it about 2 weeks and then sold it.
Thing is, the continual upgrades are great and probably make it more 'ampish' all the time but guys try it and if it isnt exactly what they're looking for ( before they move knobs even ) then straight away move it on....their loss I guess
Such is the human condition.
Regardless of everything that has been said, its unlikely that Slash & Co. would start talking up other products rather than Marshall due to endorsement etc...
I think people should put what kind of music they play as a side note here maybe.
If you're a 'blues player' then the context will be different from a 'metal head's' etc.....
In a covers/function band I use ; Fender for cleans (Deville I think ) with added comp , Boogie MK2 ( Amp Factory with some different cab ) for crunch, and an MK3 Boogie for leads mainly
what guitar,profile etc... ?
very Dan Mats , like it !
I have 2 toasters and rarely plugged in the 2nd one.I think it may only have been to update rigs / OS etc...
I'm glad to have a backup though just in case.
I think people should just hold off until the QC comes out and then give their opinion once they've tried it rather than arguing over heresay etc....
peace and love and good happiness stuff
Welcome to the club!!!
How you do that? I mean, you can profile a pedal but it has to be atached to an amp.
Once you can adjust the volume sufficiently you can profile it.
Its interesting to change cabs on a pedal actually
I profiled a Pete Cornish G2 pedal I had years ago before I sold it.Kemper did a pretty good job as far as I can remember.Only problem is that I could never try it into an amp on the KPA ( until I bought a second one ! )
Maybe a future update ( or processor upgrade )
so, when are these things appearing in the shops?
The biggest benefit I see would be the ability to run multiple amps at once.
For live work for me it would be too hard to adjust on the fly like I do with my toasters ( although I guess no different from the Kemper Stage )
I'm considering buying one.But, is the difference between the QC and the Kemper just processing power I wonder? If so , would a ( hopefully pending ) update and a processor update work on my beloved KPA's ?
Anything coming from the administrators before a lot of us buy another competing product ?
Welcome Gabriel ! You should be able to blast away with a good set of headphones