Posts by blewis

    I’m not able to play certain songs with my band because the Kemper trem isn’t choppy enough.

    In order to play those songs I’d have to bring an outboard Strymon Flint. I didn’t buy an all-in-one floor board to bring more pedals.

    I know this is a low priority - but how in the world can this be taking so long?!

    Yes, I’ve tried running two in series, and no it doesn’t sound the same.

    Good luck trying to get anything out of Liquid Foot (FAMC). I ordered off them over 6 months ago and nothing. Countless e mails asking them whats going on. Now they don't even reply. Worst customer service ever

    My LF JR+ just came in. It took over 5.5 months on the wait list. Painful, but possible.

    FWIW, through the process I found that contacting them through their support tracking system guaranteed a quick response.

    I have a lot of programming to do...

    Okay cool. I already purchased the DR103 and was able to download all your patches by visiting the site again. Thanks for your time and your willingness to share - oh and the great tones too!

    I was just curious about the actual Gilmour amp - the mystic surrounding having the actual amp. I think I got my wires crossed with your posts about the DR103 patches.

    Thanks again. Hopefully if you share your tones on the Gilmour amp when you have time, Andy will make them available for the single download guys too.


    Good luck trying to get anything out of Liquid Foot (FAMC)

    Yes, that is a risk. I have not placed my order yet. That part is making me nervous.

    Right now, it appears to be the only unit of its class. For me that's:

    1) size - I want something small - my GCP is too big. I have a mental block that I want it to fit in the front pouch of the KPA bag. KFC wont' fit.
    2) full MIDI command set (my GCP is very limited). I want to send MIDI notes to my synth and lights
    3) map the buttons any way I want as my rig changes.
    4) available on the market - I understand this is debatable. ;)
    5) has a published spec I can read
    6) has a free editor I can play with to understand how it works
    7) will work with other MIDI devices without having to wait on KPA to decide if they want the KPA to generate MIDI messages
    8) is expensive as sh*t... oh wait, that's not good. :)
    9) requires 2-3 cables to do what the KFC wants to do with 1.. oh wait, that's not good. :)

    I need a unit that can integrate my KPA, my synths, and my light right, and anything else.

    As much as I'd like to get the dedicated Kemper Foot Controller, a single ethernet connector pretty much tells the story and disqualifies it from my list based on what I wrote above. But Kemper isn't out to make a general purpose MIDI controller - clearly stated here that's not what they want to build.

    I think that makes me Mr. Grumpy Pants for sharing this with you guys, but I had hoped to reach a different conclusion and see more evolution and information on the KFC within the last year to sway me another way.

    Not trying to dis anyone, just commenting on my "evolution" in the "evolution" thread.

    It's not the end of the world. But I did decide not to buy a new audio interface with a great promotion last month because I told myself I'd be recording everything digitally through the s/pdif. :P

    I'll get over it. I just don't recall a device not being able switch between 44/48 in the last 15 yrs of messing with this stuff - so I just took it for granted.

    check your interface is at 44.1khz. Unfortunately, at the moment, this is the only sample rate that the Kemper runs at.

    Crap. Let me step back into my time machine 3 weeks ago and tell my engineer that my awesome amp in a box can't run at 48kHz (the sample rate we chose for our entire project)

    Not a good way to start of my overdub session. :cursing:

    I'm using two SP1-LF's and they work perfectly!
    [Blocked Image:]

    _Love_ this setup. I want to get a LF JR+ too, but the cost scares me.

    I have a GCP right now and I think it's too darn big and doesn't do any special stuff like trigger MIDI notes.

    Things are also up in the air right now with the Kemper controller and performance mode. I'd like to have all the information before I pull the trigger on something new. Could be a while.

    Mats... what expression pedal did you end up buying and did it turn out perfect for you - especially regarding your beta work with the pitch shifting Whammy type stuff?

    Great post, Marc!
    Well worth the read for CK, imho.


    I don't think it's a big deal. I believe some might be mistaking an engineer's desire for 'hard data' as an 'ego trip'. If you can show data proving him wrong and he can replicate it (scientific method), then it'll get fixed. That's not being "fuc*ed", that's just "data" - data the company is probably seeking in a public beta release.

    We all don't have the same ears, so you have to resort to measurements to normalize the conversation.

    p.s. I added [Mr. Kemper] to the quote above for clarity since I snipped the introductory sentences.


    I was on 1.5.4. Upgrading to 1.6 did not work.

    I was able to downgrade to 1.5.2 after some soul and internet searching. :)

    . After that, I was able to upgrade to 1.6 (using the same downloaded 1.6 kaos.bin that had failed previously).

    I found useful special operations for the Kemper here:

    Everyone here has been very helpful and I appreciate your suggestions and solutions.

    The only side effect I've seen (mentioned in another thread) in my "Last Imported" Rigs now contain my entire library (instead of my new AmpFactory profiles). The same number of profiles appear to be present.

    Continuing in my idiocy....

    How do you DOWNGRADE the firmware? I've searched the FAQ, the reference manual, and the forums. I'm blind cause I can't find it.

    When I stick my USB in with 1.5.2 (I'm on 1.5.4.) the KPA seems to just ignore the kaos.bin (since it's an older version I assume).

    No buttons in the External Storage menu appear to allow me to force a downgrade. Nothing in the system menu offers anything. Backup/Restore is worded to indicate it will only reload Backup/ files.

    How have your wizards learned the secret to downgrading?

    (they will never let me beta test after this thread. :) )

    Try going back to 1.5.2. and then upgrading to 1.6.0
    Maybe worth a try.
    It worked for a few others with problems on the update... (It's more of a shot in the dark and it doesn't make sense to me, but maybe worth a try)

    I appreciate the suggestion, but I think I'm done jumping through hoops on this beta. Not trying to be snarky. I'll let the developers sort it out.