Posts by jmtaylor22

    Maybe it is just me (I deal with a lot of noise at home with most gear), but I noticed some noise on some rigs that seem to be related to the pick parameter. When I center the pick parameter at 0 the noise goes away, if I move off of that it comes back.

    I am not sure if it is aliasing, but when I pick the low E string hard you would hear some odd hash/fuzz come and go around the note. It was not clipping, tried different guitars, different cables.

    For now I just edited all those rigs to have pick set at zero when I hear it and that reduced the noise for me. Not sure if it would help anyone else but thought I would mention it.

    with a stomp selected, just turn 'Type' all the way counter-clockwise.
    the first entry of the Stomps menu is empty ;)

    Sweet, I knew it had to be simple! I will check it out when I get home. The other thing I think it tricky is all the different volume knobs, but I think I have that sorted out now. Definitely the type of thing that is going to take a week or two to really get the hang of, although it is probably about as user friendly as you can make something with this many options.

    I am really liking the clean amp tones, still need to work with the distorted ones a bit more, they are sounding a little fizzy right now to me.

    Deleting is definitely a pain, there are a lot of rigs saved....

    Well just got it yesterday evening, so far very positive impressions, still just learning how it all works.

    One question I had is once I add a stomp (which is easy enough), I can easily switch it to something, turn it off etc... I for the life of me cannot figure out how to change it back to "Empty". How do you clear a stomp button?

    I really also wish there were a PC editor, there are a ton of rigs that I will never use (pretty much all the high gain ones), and it is going to take hours to clear them all out one by one.

    I would actually prefer if the amp could be reset to clear out all the rigs, and I could just add back in the ones I wanted. I did manage to get the USB to work, and I added some rigs from the exchange. It would be cool if the factory rigs were also available for download as well.