Posts by Feck

    You can also feed the cab with a stereo signal from the same Profiler then, and use the Widener for some ear-trick :)
    If you're not too far from the cab it sounds funny, I do it with my 2x12" Dragoon :thumbup:

    Definitely! I am a longtime fan of combining a cleaner amp with a mid-gain amp and adding different reverb/delay to each...the way that fills a room is just such an awesome thing. That's why I had to get a 2nd KPA...2nd best $2k I've spent. :D

    So I received a 2x12 Tone Tubby red Alnico cab that I custom ordered - it can accept either one KPA for both speakers, or 2 KPAs - one in each speaker for stereo. Just thought I would say that these speakers sound AMAZING with the KPA. Seriously, the tone is just blowing my mind. The Tone Tubbys have a great spank and high end clarity that allow the guitar to just sit on top of everything, and playing very dynamic amp profiles lets me go from AC30 style chimey cleans to full blown biting overdrive. Just thought I would mention it since I don't see much on the forum here about Tone Tubbys. Killer speakers and cabs. And, I had it in done in green tolex to match both my white and my green toasters. I'm using the ISP Stealth power amp, which is about the size and weight of a paperback book. And it puts out plenty of power for me...I don't know that it would hang with a Slayer cover band, but for any studio and most live purposes, it's perfect.

    Yeah, I like this amp way more than I thought I would. The dynamics are insane - the one thing I liked about the Axe-FX when I had one was that it was MORE dynamic than any real amp I had played - a fully distorted sound backed down on the guitar could go totally clean....this amp does that too. So I guess there IS at least one real amp out there that can do it!

    Some people just don't want to be happy. I have done plenty of records/recording with the KPA, and have profiled all 12-15 of my tube amps extensively. I have learned that the KPA will get about 90-95% of the sound of my amps. Which is simply close enough for me. How anyone can say that they can't get a KPA to sound good to them seems to imply that, most likely, they prefer the sound of plugins to real amps. Which I completely understand - I sometimes do as well. But other than that, there is simply no good reason for a guitarist to not be able to make the KPA work for them. Worst case scenario, make your own profiles of your own amps. At least that's a sound every guitarist will be able to get on with.

    I am on 2.7.3 OS and it would only import 14 of the 128 profiles that I have in the "Share" folder.

    What OS should I be on?

    it imported:
    4 of the 46MXL
    4 of the AKG414
    5 of the DPA4011
    1 of the M160 (first one)
    (all the above are the ACLEAN)

    I'm seeing these are the first 14, maybe the import got interrupted. I'll re-import.

    I had this problem too via USB stick. Using the Rig Manager fixed it though.

    Ignore the title.. Pick N mix. meaning you can pick and mix what mics you want to use. not what YOU WANT to buy! :) I agree though silly name!... seemed like a good fit at the time.. doh!. - and yes server is getting hammerd currently. so bear with it a bit.. :/

    Yes they are all in phase! - but what a good idea if you have 2 KPA's! :)

    Hell yeah! Buying now.

    Hey Andy. Are the different mic profiles phase coherent? Hopefully so - I've been waiting for this level of profiling so that I can blend 2 different mic perspectives realtime with my 2 KPA's. I'd do the profiling that way myself but I'm far too lazy..... :)

    No, I'm not saying profiles have to be free. I'm saying that in many cases, they are. And in some cases where people wish they WEREN'T, they still are going to be. I remember reading a CK post at one point where he said something about people charging or whether he was going to charge for profiles, and he said something to the effect of that the KPA was made to be a model that was based on community, not charging for everything that came out. So, at least to some degree, that was the INTENDED use of the KPA - as is pretty evident by the official, FREE Rig Exchange. There is just no feasible way I can see instilling absolute financial value on something that is, by large majority (as there are way more free rigs than commercial rigs for sale) free. If there were any real finger to point as to a potential root cause of the idea of theft or sharing rigs (other than the intrinsic human tendencies to attempt to get one over on people), it would be at the Rig Exchange, which by virtue of being free, lowers the overall perceived value of rigs themselves. However, the Rig Exchange is AWESOME, and basically embodies the entire concept of the KPA from day one. When I realized I could share my profiles with artists, fellow producers, and the community at large, it was a significant reason I invested into the platform. Conversely, if the original model was to have a bunch of random third party people make a bunch of money selling their wares on the KPA platform as a store of sorts, I would have been a whole lot less impressed with the concept, and less motivated to be part of it. I sure am glad it happened the way it did!

    I wasn't saying you can't start a tourist guide business. What I was saying is that if you start one, you HAVE to build into your operating cost the fact that at least some people will want to either follow along for free, or walk close enough so as to get the experience without having to pay for it. This happens in my neighborhood in Chicago - many groups do big neighborhood/food tours, and you see some people straggling along just outside the horde in order to still get something from it. It is a public street, after all. I'm not inventing any ethic here, nor am I attempting to justify why some people think the way they do. I'm merely stating that, as it is, the KPA is a free, open source format (once you've bought the unit, that is) and as such, there will always be people who steal or share. And I'll straight up say it here - when I had spent a good amount of time making profiles of my amps (and I have some nice ones) when the KPA came out, I thought of selling them for a minute. And again when I re-did a bunch of them using over $20k worth of gear. But in the end, I took one for the team and put them up for free. I don't have a problem with people trying to make some money off of selling them. I do, however, think that it's pretty ridiculous for anyone to think that they absolutely DESERVE to get paid and have that enforced all the way to the copy protection level for offering the equivalents of what many others have done for free already. Remember that, no matter how much energy you put into a profile, YOU are the one who can use it forever in your musical endeavors, either on an amateur or professional level. If you can make some extra cash on it, great. If you are counting on that revenue to pay your bills, then you are going to find yourself in the middle of a decade long battle over digital property rights which even the largest corporations on the planet can't find a concrete answer to. Essentially, a "pay what you want" or a donation model will most likely end up being the way this whole endeavor should and will go, in my personal opinion. And this is from a guy with at least $1k already invested in third party profiles.

    With all due respect to ANYONE who takes the time to make a profile and share it (whether for free or for profit), the entire model of the KPA was designed specifically to encourage a community. It was born with a completely different intent than for-profit software development and sales. Trying to backtrack the KPA model into that of a capitalist, developer-to-consumer model just isn't realistic. Anyone who makes a set of profiles and attempts to sell them for a profit MUST know that there will be a certain amount of sharing/theft involved. And, without getting to deep on the subject, I think this is not entirely wrong to some degree. Again, when I bought a KPA (and I bought one on day 1) I knew CK was forming the rig sharing community and that the idea behind the unit was to SHARE. Not sell for profit. Now, if some people want to (and it's their right to) use the KPA platform as a way to make some extra cash, then so be it. But they have no RIGHT to absolute security - it was never, at least to my knowledge, advertised that the KPA would be a legitimate, secure way to make profits for any individual other than CK and team.