Posts by Dogman

    A simple approach to measuring latency is the following:

    - Use an analog device to split the signal of your guitar (or any other signal generator you might want to use). Currently I use a DI box for this.

    - Output No.1 (the XLR out of my DI Box) goes straight into one input of my computers soundcard

    - Output No.2 (the "thru" of my DI Box) goes into the input of the Kemper and the Kempers output then to a second input of my soundcard

    - Now I play a short, percussive signal and record both soundcard inputs in my DAW

    - By comparing where the signal starts on each track you can measure exactly how big the delay/latency is that the Kemper introduces in relation to the unprocessed signal

    I tried it with firmware 1.0.0, 1.0.3. and 1.0.4, without noisgate, with everything bypassed as well as with the amp-stack activated.
    The outcome was always the same: 5 ms

    Of course there´s always the possiblity of an error/mistake on my part but I measured other digital devices in the past with the exact same method and on the same recording-setup and always got results that where well within the respective manurfacturers claims.

    Hi there, I also recognize a tad of latency that annoys me. I tried to turn off the noisegate and played around with the attack-parameter to no avail.
    When I measured the Kempers latency from input to output I got 5 ms - which is already noticeable (and considerably worse than the AxeFx´s 2 ms).
    Might be a dealbreaker for me, bummer, as the unit sounds way cool...

    And by the way: those 5 ms seem to be a stable figure no matter which rig I use or if I turn all effects and the amp-modeling off or not.