Posts by NYGuitarist

    Sorry to hurt your feelings there bro. Being the sensitive type maybe you shouldn't come to a forum of a competing product and expect to hear nice comments. And yeah cool. Maybe get some real amps. Us Kemper users have those too.

    You are demonstrating my point.

    First of all, my feelings are not hurt. The fact that you feel the need to belittle others to prop up yourself and your view makes your position that much weaker. I suspect that your need to do this comes more from your own sensitivity and insecurity.

    Second, I don't see why I can't come here to learn about something I may want to buy. As funny as it may seem to you, I have owned equipment from a number of different manufacturers and not once did I feel the need to view them as "competing" with each other. Frankly that's just juvenile. I never looked at a Fender and thought it was any less "better", or competing with a Marshall or Mesa, or whatever. The right tool for the job, is all this stuff is about, the way I see it.

    To call an Axe-FX "AssFX" says more about you than the Axe-FX. Which brings me back to my original point.

    Enjoy "winning" your battles!

    Peace out...

    LOL... Everybody feel better now after the beatings?

    I'm still baffled as to why people feel the need to insult the "opposition" AFTER they have made a choice to buy something. Is it confirmation bias at work?

    "AssFx"..? Really? How old are you?

    Full disclosure, I bought an Axe-FX II for $2200. Is it perfect? No. I also thought about buying a Kemper. Is it perfect? No. In fact I worked with someone at a studio here in LA and we both thought that both the AXE and the Kemper were excellent, but recorded the final tracks with real amplifiers.

    If I do buy a Kemper that last thing I'll do is post ANYTHING that doesn't totally flatter it, as witnessed by what happens here, even if you are a working professional with decades of experience and are even only slightly critical of it. I thought the Fractal forum was a bit much, but as we all know, the Kemper, and this forum beats Fractal.

    Thanks, I feel better too.

    I may still buy a Kemper. Or I may sell my Fractal, and forget the Kemper too, and start buying real amps again.

    Ok, I'm ready, let the beatings continue.

    I'm holding on to both the AXE II and KPA, the KPA has a lot of good things, I like how easy it is to profile, and the results are excellent when the amp is miced properly, i like having all the knobs to quickly edit, i like being able to save and load patches with USB etc, BUT the AXE II wins for me in pretty much all effects, i think it will be very hard for KPA to compete on the effects side of things, i like that is also a rack format, and the support from Fractal is incredible, I like how Cliff spends time on the forums and is very responsive to people's feedback, this isn't happening here yet from KPA, but it could change, also I think if Fractal does add their own type of profiling, and if it works as good as the KPA, with the power inside the AXE II, it will be a very very hard device to beat, like i said i own both, and i'm no fanboy on either side, just have my opinions and obviously will choose to use whatever sounds and works better for me, since this is how i make my living.

    Great post.

    I'd ignore the marketing hype and sales speak and I'd test the product myself and see which works for me.


    The KPA sounds very close to the Axe sound. Ironic though, that we are listening to a profile of a model of an amp.

    But although the Axe sound is damn good to start with, what happens on the KPA if I want to modify the profile? How well does it hold up when you want to create a newer "alternate" version of a profile?

    I ask this because I work with producers who like to ask for more or less of this or that, so I often create "versions" of a sound for use in a track.

    You'll notice, the internet is not "blowing up" anymore, Axe-FX and Kemper guitarists are getting along, respecting eachother, talking to eachother, the way it should have been when the KPA was first revealed.

    You said it better and faster than I could. Thanks!

    I hope people realize we are all benefiting from the effort and vision of some real tech pioneers that are changing how guitarists create their sound. Good times are ahead, so enjoy!


    Yeah, I must have missed that post. Ironic isn't it that what JEL finds "sad" is almost the way I felt about his/her post.

    For the record I own an AxeFX II and signed up to learn about the KPA, because maybe I'll buy one too. You know I've owned many amps from different companies over the years, different guitars, FX units, software, hardware, whatever, all at the same time. Because you use one doesn't mean your not allowed to use another too.

    As far as the "versus" part of this thread, I've read some very silly stuff from all over the internet. Seriously what is the big deal? Why is everyone so hyper-sensitive about this stuff? I'm learning all I can, wherever I can about because I enjoy guitars and amps.

    I wonder how long it will take for all of this overly dramatic and absurd "KPA vs Fractal" customer loyalty to become irrelevant when they are replaced by some highly innovative company that sells a $79 plug-in. But I guess there will always be the stomp box crowd to sell to.

    Now if there is constructive comparisons with what we know of the technology and results of these two incredibly advanced products I'm here to learn.

    I'm not in the studio right now, so i'm listening with just the laptop's speakers, also not familiar with that amp, but what I hear is this: it starts with better sound, more sparkle and definition, then a few second later it looses it and sounds muffled, then back again with sparkle, then muffled etc etc, so I'm assuming you're starting the clip with the real amp, then the profiler, If that's not the case the profiler sounds better then the real amp.. :)

    I'm hearing the same thing as DigitalTube. Even though I'm istening on a laptop with basic headphones I can still hear the change, especially in the low frequency distortion of the second sound.

    Thanks for the test!

    The only way to make a precise measure would be to send a test signal through the unit and measure when it hits the output, without an extra audiocard with A/D converters, pc and DAW.

    I agree. A simple poor man's way of measuring latency would be to a use a single sound source, preferably an extremely short attack transient, split the signal and send one signal to left side of a two channel audio I/O, the other through the KPA and into the right side. Record the sample.

    Assuming the audio interface has no difference between the L/R channels the difference would be measurable as the difference in time of the two audio tracks. This negates measuring any latency through a DAW, interface etc.

    It should be fairly easy to measure the KPA latency down to the sample this way. To determine the exact difference within the context of a particular sample rate flip one track 180 degrees out of phase and nudge it until 100% phase cancellation appears. The amount that track is nudged is the latency.

    From what I understand 1ms is approximately the same as sound traveling about the distance of 1 foot. So for example 5ms would be similar to standing 5 feet away from the sound source.

    Disclosure: I'm not an scientist of any kind. If there is a flaw in this let me know.

    I'm interested in the KPA but without any way to try out the unit for myself before I buy.

    Return questions: I wonder if Kemper offers a no questions asked return policy? Or is this just up to the policy of the particular dealer?

    Warranty question: If I need to repair a KPA where does it get sent? Does it have to go back to Germany?

    I'm in the USA.

    I only post here as a (hopefully) creative musician - I am constantly looking for ways to improve my tone and expression. I own some of the best tube amps, preamps, and digital modelers known to man, and I have always believed that someday digital units would surpass even the best we have achieved with analog - it's all just a matter of time and programming creativity.... May the best platform Win!!!

    I agree 100%.

    I have owned many different amps,cab, FX etc, over the years. I recently bought an Axe FX II, and actually learned about Kemper on the Fractal forum. So now I'm here to learn more, thinking I might buy one.

    BTW, I asked more than a few times in recents months if the Axe could do a "profile" (IR), after all it can shoot an IR of a cab so why not an amp. It's not farfetched and from what I understand it's similar to what convolution reverbs have been doing for 10+ years now. I first used a Sony DRE-S777 back in NY in 2002 (I think?). So IR with parameter interpolation isn't new.

    But I didn't come here to support or oppose one or the other, so relax, stop the silly stuff please, especially the personal jabs. No need.

    Clearly both the Axe and Kemper can rock the house. As musicians, we ALL benefit. It's a great time to be a musician!

    On to learning about the KPA!