Posts by gantscha

    Recently two LEDs of my slider knobs just stopped working :cursing: - One LED in the volume ring and one (the top one actually) in the Treble ring ...

    I really thought that this Kemper thing has a really good build quality but LEDs (with a normal lifespan of 30years plus with this kind of usage) that stop working after halve a year do shake my confidence... 8|

    If anyone can tell my what kind of leds are used i can solder them myself (really dont want to send the whole thing back and then wait for weeks to get it back)

    Anyone else with this issue?!? Any suggestions?!? ;(

    There wasn't any freeze during the update here, there was a pause for a short while but nothing untoward, maybe a minute at most and it carried on as per normal. Didn't require switching the power off or on halfway through. I'm not getting the pops/clicks/gaps so far. But I do notice that switching between patches there's some crackle sometimes for the first little bit maybe reverb related? Of course it's also slightly annoying that it doesn't keep the place you are in the list of rigs when you turn it off (it comes back with the last rig, but if you try to navigate to antoehr rig you find yoruself at the start of the list of rigs, but it did this before).

    It will load the last rig AND! be on the right position to navigate forward and backward only if you select "Rig Autoload" on the third page of the system settings :thumbup: a bit strange but it works 8o

    First i have to say thank you mister Kemper - this is the most addictive gear i ever used :thumbup:

    Two Questions remain:

    1) If i connect the Monitor OUT / SEND to my mixer i get no signal at all - and YES i did turn on full volume in the MASTER sections for the Monitor OUT ... So where is this secret button to turn it on ?(

    2.) when i switch to PERFORM it says this function is not ready yet ?!? But it is clearly explained in the manual - is this really missing right now or is this just some "bug" with the newest firmware?

    Again Thanks for your help - this is a really great place with great people!!!

    Thanks for all of your tips!

    I managed to get the sound that i wanted :D The harsh feeling was comming from the input section just like you suggested - sorry for that should have played more before i post!

    After all i have to say i am in love with this kemper thingy ;) I cant really tell if it is much better as my in comparisson cheap guitar rig 5 (remember i am no pro) but i can tell that i am much much faster in getting the tone i want!

    Thanks for all your help!

    Thank you very much for your suggestions. Still it does not really solve my "problems" or call it wishes.

    I do have some other monitor solutions to use in my recording room:

    1.) JBL EON 515 XT
    Sounds better then the K701 but still too hard for my ears

    2.) AKG K-271 MKII
    The same as with the K701 - a little better i agree

    3.) Sony in Ear Hifi Headphones (also High Quality)
    Just too harsh for me...

    I will get my Yamaha Studio monitor boxes next week so i will try with them too...

    But still my questions remains - what would be the best settings to simulate the sound of the you man in the you tube video? Some hints would be fine. (Like i said i do have the exact same guitar...)

    Thanks again!!!

    Hello Community!

    I received my Kemper just yesterday and i have to say that i am no professionall in any way nor do i own a bunch of old amps so i just came from guitar rig ... and hoped that this amp will lead me into tube heaven but after my first experience with it (with headphones AKG k701) all of the sounds felt very harsh and hard ... It helped when i turned back the presence or the treble but it still feels very hard when i hit any string ;( ?!?

    What i am looking for is a really creamy blues or jazz sound just like the guy on youtube with the same guitar than me (Even if i will never play like him i want at least his sound ;) :(

    Could anybody help me on how to get close to this sound with the KPA or is this just not possible to get such a creamy nice warm sound?!?

    Thansk a LOT!