Posts by Sollazzon


    I've been following a discussion about Differences in sound between modern devices that today (in 2024) allow you to realize a digital copy of your analog Amp sound. (It was not about Modellers, it was about different profilers) and somebody at some point, came out with a sentence like this:

    ''As soon as you are introducing a profiler* of any sort the result will not be authentic ananymore.''

    So, when I read Your post, it was funny 'cause ..reminded that discussion.

    Are one of the DI boxes better than the other? Is it worth the extra money to get the Kemper version vs for example the Behringer g100 or the Art Xdirect?

    I don't know, from that list the only one I have is the Behringer® GI100 Ultra-G and it works.

    Cool ! THANKS.

    I Deftly have to give them a try in Genome!

    going slightly off topic, I've mailed a request to Boutiquetones yesterday.

    I didn't know them before but they've recently realized Official profiles (and captures for other devices) With Pierangelo of Mezzabarba of his MZERO head.

    (They also offer free stuff to try on their website)

    I Hope they will do the same for the SL-100 Asap so my request but it will take time for sure, looks like I've been the first one to try it Italy.

    what an amp ! Goes easily into feedback & has lots of useful tones from you demo.

    so buying/ swapping a real one could be a great move regarding your collection, that's not an amp that will lower in value with time , looks like a great investment.


    Bro, PLEASE, I'm already in therapy for my GAS!

    There's no need to Add Fuel on Fire (or whatever You say in Your language) :D


    just to update that yesterday I've finally been at Begnis (local dealer for Magnatone) and I had the oportunity to Test the Limited ed. (#25 on 100) half stack.

    [This one is Not for sale but he's getting orders for the Not Limited ed. (Same sounds.. different candies.. a lil less expensive) that is coming out next]

    The amp is HUGE. A very expressive tone machine.

    It doesn't forgive You anything.

    It reacts really honest, extremely faithfull to your touch. It's really a great one...not just for slash wannabe (like me??)

    I've made a lil video of the experience [yes it's not a Pro DEMO.. it's just me in front of the amp]

    In the end I've been so impressed that I'm serioulsy thinking of trading one R9 to get it .. we'll see.

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    Yes..basically What makes me a bit angry is this: let make a concret example! Today me and wife celebrate 10 years of wedding.:love:

    Let's say we want to create a video of our love story with our pics, and to even do a lovely soundtrack just for this video.

    I would do everything by myself and the same so she does.

    I'm pretty sure she (never studied anything in her life about music) will get a better result with the "help" of this site than me, basically playing pianoforte since I was 8 Years old, and guitar since I was 14.

    It's a good thing but, come on, It's not fair !

    As some of You may know I Like to play, record, mix all by myself and Most of my tracks are just loops I create to jam on, but last weekend I was trying ( for fun ) to let the AI works for me and, well, I admit I'm a bit scared:|

    That's the result of a 10 minutes job.(incuding registration time to the site)

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    It's.. come on! Crazy! It wolud take 3 o 4 days to me to get a backing track like this.

    And it sounds good to me!

    Me jamming it's not main topic actulally.. it's just a take with the first gutar I had there.

    Per quanto riguarda il collegamento, posso farlo tramite scheda audio?

    Sì! controlla che la tua scheda abbia le porte MIDI In e Out.

    ----Oppure potresti usare altro (un adattatore USB-MIDI) ma se la tua scheda ha già l'uscita MIDI sei a posto


    in ogni caso devo prevedere sia midi in che midi out da e verso il pc/fcb giusto?

    eh.. dipende da come Vuoi / hai bisogno di usarla.

    guarda, facciamo una cosa, .. provo a inserire il freeze (che non ho mai usato) giusto per verifica.

    il morph è sicuro che funziona.

    se hai Ben Chiaro Come la vuoi usare ti Compilo io la tabella e la provi!

    (poi tispiego come trasferire il tutto)

    Per i pedali avevo fatto un paio di video di confronto prima e dopo la modifica

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    Quello della Fcb, a confronto, è molto linerare come sweep.

    Peccato non si possa tarare con un sweep più Secco, a la Dunlop Wha Wha, .. almeno, .. che io sappia.

    Non saprei con certezza, io ho rimontato il chip originale e programmato il tutto come da video ma a logica credo di si, infondo credo che il chip uno4kemper sia semplicemente già preimpostato.


    È Necessario, per poter mandare / trasferire le Tue istruzioni alla fcb, che tu abbia la possibilità di collegare (via MIDI) il PC e la Fcb.

    Se vuoi ti posso dare una mano nel programmare (compilare la tabella) ma devi dirmi tu come vuoi farla funzionare / vuoi che funzioni.

    Per i pedali di espressione, se non ti trovi con quelli della fcb, potresti anche Convertire un wah wah (evitando di spendere in altri pedali) dopo ti cerco il post e il video che avevo fatto ai tempi.

    dunque ho Controllato..

    a Pag 385 del Main Manual 11.0 dice che il CC 34 comanda l'infinity del Delay e il 35 il freeze in Delay e Reverbero

    O meglio, di qualsiasi effetto messo nel rispettivi posti

    ''#34 Delay Infinity in all delay effects (any value toggles between on and off)

    #35 Freeze in all delay and reverb effects (any value toggles between on and off)''

    quindi, .. se coi tuoi sotterfugi riesci a mandare un CC 34 o 35 Puoi attivarlo dalla 1010 ! :thumbup:

    Che poi, me li spieghi 'sti Sotterfugi???!?! come la stai usando?

    I told You it Is Fun To play it!!

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