Posts by Brick_top

    ok, yesterday I had rehearsal.

    Fortunately it went very well. It only took a couple adjustments to my presets and in some of the more louder I let the master led light a bit. As Tom and Jay said and it sounded perfectly fine!

    the band is rehearsing very loud, its unconfortable really. Any doubt about lack of volume is gone now. don't need to get this loud I need to get the band to turn down a bit.

    It is not desirable to rehearse this loud, I'm afraid for my health 8|

    I'm very happy with the CLR it can get very loud and it still sounds good but will all the band playing this loud with distorted rhythm guitars some of the nuances get lost.... or maybe my hearing is already suffering.

    thanks for all the help! I'll try to convince the band that we are playing too loud! I said it a couple of times yesterday

    I've been rumored to know just a bit about how the CLR works.

    Yes I'm aware of that, and I feel happy, lucky, and privileged that you join in.


    Not only can you turn up the Master level all the way, you must turn it up all the way in order to get full power from the speaker.

    Does this mean that what I put in will be reproduced correctly with the master all the way up assuming I have the input correctly setup?


    You cannot clip the CLR's power amps. The internal protection measures I designed into it prevent that from ever occurring. The red LED next to the Master level is not a clip indicator. If you will reread the manual, you will realize that the word "clip" does not appear in the section that describes its function.

    I think I might not understand the definition of the word clipping. Maybe I'm using the wrong word. When I use the word clip in this case I'm trying to refer to unwanted distortion from the speaker. You are 100% correct that the word clip doesn't appear in that section. I'm sorry about saying this.

    But the manual states that the led next to the master will flash red when the speaker is approaching its operating limit. Doesn't this mean that when the speaker surpasses the more or less 6dB threshold the protection function will stop the speaker from being pushed harder and thus stopping the speaker from outputing more volume?


    There is no need for that. You need to turn up the CLR Master level until it is loud enough. Disregard the output LED. You can trust me on that. Really.

    Meaning that the speaker won't be damaged right? No unwanted distortion will occur?


    Hopefully this digression from relevant topics can be put to rest now. The Atomic CLR will operate continuously and cleanly at an SPL of 120dB. If you insist on routinely using its maximum acoustic output, you will cause permanent hearing damage to yourself and to anyone listening nearby. And then it won't matter how much detail it reveals, because you will have lost all ability to hear it.

    I guess no one can't argue with this, maybe we are rehearsing too loud.

    Paraphrasing from the manual:

    1. Set the CLR's input and output levels to 0.
    2. Send the hottest signal you expect to generate to the CLR and raise the CLR's input level until just before the clip light flashes.
    3. Set the CLR's output level as loud as you want. This is where it can get deafeningly loud. You can crank this to the max and not clip the CLR, assuming your CLR isn't defective.

    Hi, I'm pretty sure I have the input setup correctly.

    I'm using the wedge as a wedge with the tilt preset selected.

    Are you sure you can crank the the output to the max? Have you tried doing that? Maybe your presets/rigs are very different from mine?
    When you say you can crank it to max and not clip the CLR are you taking into account what Tom King just said or are you saying you crank it and the speaker limit indicador led never flashes?

    Anyway I think what Tom said is of great help, that and maybe trying to revise some of my presets. I suspect that in my case the IR's I'm using might contribute to the "problem" I use the Ownhammers T2 versions.

    Sorry Brick_top if I didn't understand you right in the first place. I thought you mean the input LED clipping and suspected user error. Sorry again!

    I have set my Input to 12:00 personally to prevent input clipping with the levels my Kemper hits the input stage with.
    That said, if you see the speaker limit indicator flashing and it's not deafening loud there must be a defect like Burningyen suspected.

    Oh, ok. I suspected it was a misunderstanding..

    Well I don't know if there is a defect, that would be bad luck because both mine and my bandmates CLRs are behaving the same way.

    If I'm in my room and I use it at those volumes I think it is loud, but at reharsal with the band playing it gets hard to ear myself. And I don't like running the speaker that close to its limits.

    what I mean by the master clipping is the led labeled in the manual as "speaker limit indicator" lights red.

    I have the input set up like the manual advises. why should I turn it to 12:00?

    that is where the input is set for the volume I have in the axe-fx II. the input led never lights as I have it.

    don't know why you have the ideia I didn't read the manual


    a couple of weeks ago me and a bandmate both bought Atomic CLRs.

    I Bought a powered wedge that I'm using with my axe-fx II.
    he bought a powered cab to use with his kemper.

    the problem is we both feel the atomic CLR is not loud enough.

    I have the input in the CLR set at 2 o' clock and the output at 1 o'clock, anything more than that and the master clips.
    my bandmate input and output setups are pratically the same, the differences being because of the output from the axe or the kemper.

    from most reviews online we were expecting more volume.

    even quotes like "your drummer will tell you to turn down" nothing like that is happening.

    Anyone experiencing the same?

    but we are both very happy with the sound quality.

    I posted this in the fractal forum aswell, my bandmate (the one with the kemper) asked me to post it here too.

    Hi Brick,

    ckemper has clearly stated that is not using IR, though it could think about an import routine to transform an IR in to whatever the KPA is using

    I read about it not using IRs, I just wanted to know if there is any kind of simple explanation on how its done.

    What I was trying to say was to capture an IR of the kemper cab, and route an amp profile (withouth the kemper cab) through the axe-fx II using the IR captured by the axe-fx II. You can then listen to the differences, of course some might account for the quality of the IR capture feature of the axe-fx II, but from what I hear I does the job pretty well.