Posts by timowens

    You reported a Wah Pedal issue on September 23rd, we suggested a reset and you confirmed it to be fixed on September 26th.

    I doubt there is a Volume Pedal issue like you describe it. Please provide evidence that the Volume bar on page "Pedal Links" rests at minimum while no expression pedal configured as volume pedal is connected.

    Seriously? You told me that the wah issue was impossible but I provided proof that it was happening. Now you want proof that the volume issue is happening? Why would I make this stuff up? I can’t imagine that I’m the only one to have this problem.

    Ever since the Stage was released the firmware has been buggy, but what really stinks is that it's not just the Stage, my KPA Rack (which was rock solid until the Stage was released) has buggy firmware too. My last issue was that the Wah was on full by default, every time that I powered up my Stage and Rack the Wah was on by default (cocked wah sound) until I moved the pedal and then it started working like it should but the bad thing was that I don't always have a wah pedal hooked up so I would need to go in and disable the wah to make it stop. I ended up having to do a system reset to get it to stop.

    Now a few weeks later I find that the volume pedal is doing kind of the same thing, if I don't have a volume pedal hooked up then the KPA defaults to the minimum volume setting of the volume pedal, in other words, if I don't have a volume pedal plugged in as I scroll through the performance slots they will either be really quiet or no sound at all, so I need to plug a volume pedal in and cycle it to make the KPA work correctly.

    I don't have time to troubleshoot your firmware so I will be switching back to my AX8 until you get these bugs sorted out.

    Very frustrating to say the least...

    Two questions... when will they be available to (pre)order through the Kemper store and besides the Kemper logo and 4Ω impedance, are there any other differences between the Kemper Kone and the Celestion K12H-200TC?


    I have the same question, I run one or two 112 cabs so I really need 8 ohm speakers when I run two cabs. Thank you.

    I checked the manual, not sure if I looked at the correct manual because there are a few variations of the model but it says "Note: the DI output has added loudspeaker emulation", so if that's the case then you won't get a true "Direct Amp Profile". It still might sound good so it's sure worth a try. Also, the Kemper can usually tell if a cab is or is not involved while profiling and it will tell you so it would be interesting to see what it says after the profiling process. I don't remember exactly what happens but I'm pretty sure if it doesn't detect a cab the resulting profile won't have a cab (the cab light will not be on) after the profiling process, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

    So I decided to use Rig Manager on my KPA Rack today to clean up some old profiles, it insisted that I update the firmware so I did and sure enough, now the wah is on every time that I reboot the Rack. Hopefully the Initialize Global Settings will fix it like it did with the KPA Stage, but it kind of stinks because I didn't have time to do that and then reconfigure all of my global settings so I just had to work around it to get through what I needed to get done today. I sure hope that they get these silly bugs worked out soon, it really is kind of frustrating, never had issues with updates in the past.

    The Initialize Global Settings fixed it. At least I know I'm not going crazy, both the Stage and the Rack did the same exact thing after an update. I'm surprised that more people haven't had this issue, maybe most of you don't have a wah programmed to turn on when you move the pedal?

    So I decided to use Rig Manager on my KPA Rack today to clean up some old profiles, it insisted that I update the firmware so I did and sure enough, now the wah is on every time that I reboot the Rack. Hopefully the Initialize Global Settings will fix it like it did with the KPA Stage, but it kind of stinks because I didn't have time to do that and then reconfigure all of my global settings so I just had to work around it to get through what I needed to get done today. I sure hope that they get these silly bugs worked out soon, it really is kind of frustrating, never had issues with updates in the past.

    Nicely done, you guessed correctly!

    When I first got my Kemper I did some test profiles using my Suhr RL (non IR) and applying IRs afterwards. Some results were good, others not so much.

    Last night I went back and revisited some of my profiling attempts (I've been primarily using some Tone Junkies profiles as well as a few others). I'm in a temporary living situation (small condo) so I don't have access to any of my amps for continuing profiling. But one of these really jumped out at me. It's a profile I did of a Bugera 1960 Infinium (a 100 watt Marshall Plexi clone) that I profiled from my Suhr RL and put on two separate IRs from Celestion's Lynchback IR set. When I originally created the profile (all of them in fact) it was before I really understood much about the Kemper or it's tweaking feature set. So I dove in a tweaked a few things and holy moly - that profile is a fire breathing monster! At least as far as I can tell through my Beyer Dynamic DT770 Pro headphones. I look forward to giving these a listen on Saturday's gig where we usually have adequate time to do such things (some gigs, setup and soundcheck are in a loud noisy bar environment, stuffy private party, etc....).

    That's what it's all about!

    I updated the OP with a quick recording comparing the Studio profile, Merged profile and the amp through the Suhr Reactive Load to show how close they all sound, can you tell which is which?

    Regardless if you like the tone or my playing (haha) would you agree that the Kemper makes great profiles with the Suhr Reactive Load IR? Can you imagine the possibilities?

    I did a quick test this evening making a profile with the Suhr Reactive Load IR, everything went smoothly and it is really nice being able to make profiles without a guitar cab and mics. Of course now the whole issue of which IR (the rabbit hole) comes into play, so in this case I simply chose an IR that I had previously used for a demo of the BE100 with good results.

    I haven't taken the time to really test the resulting profiles but my initial impressions are good, it seems to work fine using the Reactive Load IR to make profiles. During the A/B test I couldn't tell the difference when monitoring through a CLR cab.

    I've tried making profiles with the Torpedo Live in the past and I just wasn't happy with the reactive load portion of the unit, it isn't bad, it just didn't suit me like the Suhr Reactive Load does.

    Anyway, I don't have time to record a demo but I wanted to share the profiles in case anyone wanted to check them out. The amp is the Friedman BE100 (my favorite amp of all time), I'm not going to say which IR I used so please don't ask.

    There are three files, the last letter tells you which format the profile is.
    D = Direct Amp
    S = Studio
    M = Merged

    This way you can compare the Studio and Merged profiles if you want to or you can use your own cab with the Direct Amp profile if you want to. I like options :)…jxLemw?e=LtgBju

    Amp Settings:
    Channel: BE
    Voice: Left
    All other option switches: Off
    Pres: 5
    Bass: 4
    Mid: 8
    Treb: 8
    Master: 2
    Gain: 7

    Other than refining the profile I made no other changes, I didn't feel the need to, the results were so close that I couldn't tell the difference between the profile and the amp through the CLR.

    EDIT: Here's a quick recording test to show how the Studio, Merged and Amp sounds compare. Here is what you will hear, but not in this order, can you tell which is which?

    Guitar-->Ditto Looper-->Amp-->Reactive Load-->DAW
    Guitar-->Ditto Looper-->Kemper Studio Profile-->DAW
    Guitar-->Ditto Looper-->Kemper Merged Profile-->DAW

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    I can't seem to get the volume on my Stage to control the monitor volume. Help I have a gig and want to start using it

    I'm not sure that I understand your question 100%. This procedure will make the MASTER VOLUME knob only control the MONITOR output, the main outputs will be at a fixed level.

    Press the OUTPUT button.

    Go to page 2/7.

    Uncheck Main Out Link.

    Check Monitor Out Link.

    Set the Main Volume to something like -14.6dB, that's where I run mine but you might need to adjust it to work with your PA.

    Don't worry about the Monitor Volume, it will be controlled by the volume knob.

    Press the SYSTEM button.

    Go to page 3/11.

    Set the Vol. LED Collar to Monitor Volume, this will make the LED's around the volume knob match the monitor output setting.
