Posts by jimiyves

    Thank you very much, it is the review that I was looking for.

    I thought the EVM12L was flat, because its primary use was in FOH. And I use my Thiele cab to listen music in my computer ...

    Maybe the Kone would be better for me.

    The EV12L is one speaker but a good one in that cab. The imprints give the impression of a range different speakers installed in that cab. If that diversity sounds appealing you could give it a try. Many of us seem to be pretty happy with the Kone from all reports.

    The other thing is that the Kone also functions as a quasi flat response monitor so you can play backing tracks through it as well as hearing full studio profiles through it with the cabs baked in. The Thiele cab has a particular frequency response - that response will be applied to everything coming out of the cab. There is some scope to tweak the response using the parameters that are there to adjust the Kone's response. If you think everything is too bassy, you could get if off the floor.

    Thank you for your answer.

    I use the EVM12L the same way than the Kone : for backing tracks and with imprints for the Kemper. The EVM12L is pretty flat, I wonder if I would hear a big difference with the Kone, used in the same way.

    Don't think it is technically possible, they are not samples. As turnaround it would be good if people would post a clip (as many do on the Rig Exchange section here on the Forum)

    BTW: welcome to both! :)

    Why not have a guitar track (guitar only to sound card), or maybe 3 (1 for clean profiles, 1 for crunch profiles, 1 for distortion profiles), and the track will be played by the profiles.

    I think it's difficult since we need a profil player ...

    Let's see if I can recall them all...

    Fender: Champ, Deluxe, Twin
    Marshall: several JCMs, Plexi
    Carvin 100w combo (believe was X100)
    Mesa: studio22, Mark II, caliber50
    Peavey, and some other I don't remember anymore.

    Rack: ADA mp1, Marshall JMP, Mesa Triaxis, old digitech and Rocktron stuff, almost everything from Line6... Lot of other stuff that has remained too short to still remember

    Thank you. So do you think KPA can exactly reproduce all these sounds ?

    I think Davide (guitarnet70) said that the effects in the KPA were as good as Lexicon. He should chime in here soon :)
    (I never owned one, so I cannot comment. All I know is, that the effects of the KPA sound great)

    As good as the Lexicon ? It's ok for me :D

    I used a G2 for my live rig for years and I own an AxefxII. I can say that the Axe2 is easily as good as the Lexicon and WAY more powerful. The Lex always pissed me off because it had great sounds, but very anemic in processing power. I'll be able to compare the Axe2 and the KPA in about a week when the KPA gets here.

    From what I've read so far, the KPA won't touch the Axe2 in terms of effects and routing possibilities. I'm much more interested in realistic, raw amp tone than I am the effects so I'm not worried about that.

    In terms of routing possibilities I agree, but in terms of effects (I mean the quality), I read the KPA was maybe as good as the Axe2.

    Don't have a G2 to make a comparison, but they have a G-System and an Eclipse in the studio we use for rehearsal and I do not feel the need to use them. Clearly the Eclipse is fantastic (I also use to have one) but if I tune it down to what I actually use live (Chorus, delay and little reverb) the KPA is as good to my ears, If you make studio productions and/or you need to use a ton of FX maybe is different, but then again: in studio normally you get recorded dry and the fx are all added from the board afterwards. 8 FX blocks and (IMHO) the quality of them, are more than enough to make most people very happy.

    No I don't need a ton of effects, a good reverb, good delays, a correct chorus, a correct wah, and a good pitch (which is missing now in the KPA), good eq.

    I don't need to use them in studio context, only for guitar. So I think KPA effects are really enough for me (if they add a good pitch/harmonizer).

    I used a G2 for my live rig for years and I own an AxefxII. I can say that the Axe2 is easily as good as the Lexicon and WAY more powerful. The Lex always pissed me off because it had great sounds, but very anemic in processing power. I'll be able to compare the Axe2 and the KPA in about a week when the KPA gets here.

    From what I've read so far, the KPA won't touch the Axe2 in terms of effects and routing possibilities. I'm much more interested in realistic, raw amp tone than I am the effects so I'm not worried about that.

    Thank you,

    I had a Mpx-G2 and an Axe-Fx standard and I prefered the Lexicon effects, since they are warmer and sounds more natural than the Axe effects. The processing power of the Lexicon does not prevent me from using effects, since I don't use too many effects in one preset.

    Maybe the Axe-II has better and warmer effects, but it is too expensive for me. I'm only interested by the KPA.