Posts by DeMuirs

    Is there any method using my computers keyboard to get presets out of Rig Manager? I am totally blind and this is one thing that we as blind users cannot do in Rig Manager as drag and drop is somewhat hit and miss using any screen reader on Mac and Windows. Adding this as a right click option would be a good idea. I have been able to do everything else on my Kemper Stage such as create a new performance, populate all of the performance slots by using copy and paste not drag and drop, add rigs to my local library and profiler, rename rigs in my Performances, add presets from my local library to the profiler, create folders in my local library save to my library and profiler etc. I have been able to do all of that using simple Copy and Paste, the Applications Key to add folders to my library etc although I have had to do a little scripting in Rig Manager as we really could do with some more keyboard support. E.G. a keystroke to actually open up that preset menu and the following only works once you have pressed that preset button or clicked on that part of the Window: numbers 1 through 8 for slots, I for input, O for output, A for amp, C for cab etc. Currently screen reader users have to use some kind of scripting to access the presets menu in the Rig editor Window, keystrokes to store to library or profiler, sort rigs by name etc, the menu where you rename rigs, navigating to various slots, drag the Window down in order that we can see the last of the 5 slots on screen when building a Performance and if I want to open up a new Window E.G. have Performances open in one Window and rigs in a second then I have to create a script for that as well.

    I actually know of someone who sold a Kemper and a bunch of profiles because he didn’t think Kemper had done enough with regard to making Rig Manager and Rig Editor as accessible for all and he may not have had enough insight to explore the Window structure as I did. Of course we shouldn’t have to do that and I probably wouldn’t have bothered either but did because I had a friend assisting me remotely with setting up some Rigs and Performances. That’s when I noticed that when he was clicking on some menus my screen reading software could read those off and would even report whether something was selected or not because the screen reading software can see if something is selected or not E.G. a reverb and the submenu that this particular reverb came from. I have a bit of a software development background and am involved in beta testing music technology products most recently working along with others on making Ableton Live 12 accessible for screen reader users on Mac and Windows. Note: I am not breaking my NDA as I am able to discuss this now that the product has been released and I must say that Ableton have done an excellent job. That’s probably why my curiosity got the better of me.

    Remember, making an application rich and fully featured with keyboard support also affects power users as they are mostly not that interested in using a mouse. After I heard those menus speak, I used OCR to see if my screen reading software could find anything in Rig Manager and it did. That’s when I found that preset button and a tun of other things. Fortunately the Juice API does expose a number of things which screen reading software can see and the experience for users is the same on Mac and Windows so any alterations that Kemper make to improve the software will work cross platform. I have put some videos together on all of this and plan to post them shortly. They may not be the best but I suspect they will prove to be enlightening for Kemper and how they may wish to proceed further and I know that because of my discoveries, some blind individuals will be purchasing Kemper products.

    Hey Matt. Here's a video demonstrating current accessibility in Rig Manager:

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    Shall put up a more detailed one soon.

    Hi all.

    Sorry for the long message but, this is worth a read. Thought I would start a thread on current accessibility for screen reader users using Rig Manager on Windows and Mac. Not covering Android as there currently is no accessible API for Juice on that platform that I am aware of. I would look at IOS but as yet have not figured out how to connect my Kemper Stage to WIFI. Did try the router pin thing but that didn’t work. Would be nice if I could add all of the WIFI info in Rig manager on Mac or Windows.

    The following was tested on a screen resolution of:

    1920 × 1080

    Accessibility observations on Windows:

    The Rig Manager application is written in Juice. This should mean that it should be possible to achieve comparable cross platform access on Mac and Windows. There is some keyboard support for Rig Manager. However, ideally would also have some more keyboard shortcuts E.G. Store performance in profiler, Control Shift S, Store performance in Local Library, Control Shift L, Control Shift P for the presets button. Perhaps Control Shift 1 through 5 to move to different slots or possibly put the slots and other things such as sliders into tab orders. However, I appreciate that tab orders would take more time to program up so perhaps initially working on adding additional keyboard support for slots, moving the Window the pre-sets button etc would be the main priority as well as keyboard support to access page up and down such as the page up and down keys which would move the Window up or down. Page up and down can be accessed by right clicking the Window at the following screen coordinates:

    1906 407.

    This would mean that third party developers such as myself and others would not have to implement keyboard shortcuts such as this through scripting which would improve keyboard support for all.

    Issues Reading Mac Keyboard support in the Manual with Windows Screen Reading Software

    I am assuming that the Command key is used on the Mac instead of the Control key which brings me to another issue. When reading the manual, all of the Mac keyboard support does not read correctly when using screen reader software on Windows. No idea why but obviously this needs addressing and it may well be the case the Mac keyboard support doesn't read correctly with the Mac screen reader, Voiceover either.

    Known issues with Windows screen readers.

    For some reason, the JAWS screen reader is not focused on performance or rigs when Rig Manager is opened. Clicking on "performances" or, "rigs" with the JAWS cursor rectifies this issue.

    NVDA and Narrator screen readers are correctly focused in Rig Manager. In the case of NVDA and Narrator, pressing the tab key brings you into the list of performances or rigs. This is dependent on which you have loaded at the time. You can then Left and right arrow through the table of performances or Rigs.

    Known keyboard issues with Rig Manager

    If you press the tab key when focused on a rig this moves, you through edit fields for the Rig. Pressing escape does not return keyboard focus back to the list of rigs, leaving end users stuck in edit fields. The Escape key should return focus back to the list of rigs so that users can continue left and right Arrowing through them.

    If you are browsing through Rigs, it is not possible to sort rigs by name etc even if you have used the keystroke Control A to select all even if you click on the “sort by” option. Control up and Down arrow keys do not appear to move performances up and down however, you can cut, copy paste etc with Control X, Control C and Control V.

    Control Shift N doesn’t name a performance however, function key F2 does.

    Properties for Rigs and performances do not appear to be labelled E.G. when left and right Arrowing through rigs, information such as name etc is not spoken. I suspect that the properties for the underlying objects for Rigs and performances have not been labelled. Labelling these and adding keyboard support would take minimal time but would be worth implementing for the following reasons.

    1: Making Rig Manager will result in increased sales for Kemper. I already know of one blind end user who is going to purchase a Kemper due to the accessibility discoveries that I have made. Furthermore, this could be a great opportunity for your marketing team.

    2: adding appropriate labels for all objects in Rig Manager etc would allow Kemper to conduct in house automated testing which would free up more time for the development team and assist with software debugging.

    3: Adding more keyboard support and labelling all objects correctly would improve accessibility for all and would significantly improve Rig Manager.

    4: this would increase accessibility for blind and visually impaired screen reader users.

    Current keyboard support in RIG MANAGER, EDITOR & LIBRARIAN FOR KEMPER PROFILER KEMPER Version 3.5.26 g 2013-2024

    Rig Manager already has some keyboard support. However, this keyboard support is not triggered by default because it is possible for example that you may be browsing rigs or performances with left and right arrow keys or using other features in the Window that are context sensitive such as browsing rigs and performances on the profiler or locally in the library. In this instance it is understandable that end users would not want focus in that part of the Window that gives focus to altering a rig or performance etc. Moving forward perhaps it would make sense to have Say function key F6 move end users from the part of the Window where pre-sets are triggered for settings on the Kemper Profiler back to the other part of the Window where rigs and performances are located.

    For now, in order to make that part of the Window active, it is necessary to press the presets button (I think this button is located in a square on the screen). This gives that part of the Window focus which enables keyboard support. You can then use the built in Rig Manager keyboard support which I have copied from the Rig Manager manual:


    Amplifier Page


    Cabinet Page


    Input Page


    Output Page

    1 - 8

    FX Slot #1 - 1#8


    Trigger Morph Ramp (to simulate morphing)


    Toggle On/Off.

    Note other keyboard support used to import rigs, performances etc is dependent on the mode that the Kemper profiler is in E.G. performance, brows rigs etc. Also, preferences accessed with Control P is fully accessible.

    In case someone comes across this thread and wants to create keyboard support for buttons on the Mac using keyboard Maestro etc, I shall provide a list of screen coordinates for buttons. BTW, I have put together a button layout for the Kemper Stage.

    It goes without saying that I would be happy to, if necessary, sign an NDA with Kemper. I have 20 years of accessibility testing in music technology apps and software under my belt being privileged most recently to be part of the team of testers that worked with Ableton making Ableton Live accessible on Mac and Windows. I would also be happy to spend some time in a video call with Kemper, demonstrating the current state of accessibility for screen reader users and as a totally blind user, I am fully aware of any potential issues and may be able to provide some help. I would love the fantastic accessibility in Rig Manager to be improved and am thankful for the great strides that Kemper have made in regard to this. As a blind person, I now have access to one of the best high end amp modellers on the planet (this is currently the only amp modeler that we have full access to) and for that, I am extremely grateful!

    I have created a Hotspot Clicker script here for the Jaws screen reader and a Golden Cursor NVDA add-on which work well. Someone could program up an AHK script but not going to do that. Happy to provide these freely to anyone who wants them. Feel free to get in touch.

    Presets button, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift P

    action: left click.

    127 753

    Amp volume, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift V

    Action: lock mouse button and use mouse wheel to alter.

    819 923

    Drag Window, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift D

    action: right click or lock left mouse button then drag Window with scroll wheel. Or right click then select page up or down from the menu.

    1906 407

    Unlock, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift U

    action: right click.

    118 652

    Input and re-amp action: left click.

    431 836

    Main output pre-sets, keyboard shortcut: Alt Shift A

    action: left click.

    26 845

    Monitor output pre-sets, keyboard shortcut Alt Shift N

    action: left click.

    75 941

    Open Rigs in Separate Window, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift O

    action: right click.

    103 96

    Sort by keyboard shortcut: Control Shift R

    action: right click,

    236 66

    Store performance in profiler, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift S

    action: left click.

    1800 1019

    Store performance in Local Library, keyboard shortcut: Control Shift L.

    action: left click.

    1504 1013

    The following slots are made up in a tab order using Hotspot Clicker.

    Slot 1: action left click to make active or rename, right click for other options.

    1738 280

    Slot 2: action left click to make active or rename, right click for other options.

    1680, 329

    Slot 3: action left click to make active or rename, right click for other options.

    1767, 432

    Slot 4: action left click to make active or rename, right click for other options.

    1737, 527

    Slot 5: action left click to make active or rename, right click for other options.

    1759, 524

    The Rig Manager application is written in Juice. This should mean that it should be possible to achieve comparable cross platform access on Mac and Windows.

    Welcome to the Family :) And lets hope something gets done to help you

    Hey Matt. Nice, to see you posting here. Phil Muir here.

    I am a totally blind Kemper user with a bit of a developer background. I recently purchased a Kemper Stage because I wanted to use one. I did this knowing that I may not be able to use the device. However, I have a couple of friends in the Netherlands who told me that they would be happy to remote in and assist me with programming up some performances etc. When one of my friends remoted in and clicked on menus, my screen reading software, Jaws spoke. I now have a Hotspot Clicker HSC set that I can use for this and an NVDA Golden Cursor add-on which also works quite well. I suppose I could program up something using Auto Hotkey but that looks like to much hard work for me although I do have a friend who is also looking to purchase a Kemper who has offered to program up something if necessary, using AHK.

    I am certain that some enterprising soul could program up access on the Mac using Keyboard Maestro and the accessibility experience would be similar.

    I was informed incorrectly by other blind users that the Kemper is not accessible. I am happy to report that they are wrong. Through the use of Rig Manager on Windows and the Kemper I now have full control and am able to edit pretty much anything that I wish although I have to say that the WIFI on the stage is still a bit of a mystery to me. Would be nice if that could somehow be passed into Rig manager then I could edit all of the settings there. I have been involved in conducting testing in various music technology products for 20 years most recently working with Ableton on making Ableton Live accessible. I shall probably start a separate thread on current Kemper accessibility. Suffice to say that we are now in a pretty goo place with this although Kemper could add some more keyboard support which would definitely help. Would be happy to sign an NDA with Kemper if that would help. Would also be happy to jump on a call with someone from Kemper demonstrating the current accessibility of Rig Manager. Shall make videos on this soon. For now, just enjoying playing my newly created Kemper performances.

    BTW, feel free to get in touch if any of you need a hand with this or if you would like the NVDA add-on or HSC set.