Posts by 7times3

    After some further testing have found that if I'm saving the rigs locally it works fine. But if I am selecting rigs that are stored on my profiler (through the
    "My Profiler" selection on the left) the changes are not saving to the profiler. So the only way I can make changes to the rigs on the profilers is to save them locally to my pc, then drag them over to my profiler. Nothing edited from "My Profiler" while using rig manager will actually save back to "My Profiler". Seems like some sort of communication sync issue. It was working fine as recently as yesterday and seems to have stopped working after a Rig Manager update that installed yesterday.

    Since last update, I've been trying to make changes to a rig using rig manager. Tweak amp knobs etc, then hit "replace rig". It quickly says syncing and everything seems fine, then if I change to a different rig and back again all of the changes I made are gone.

    Also happens when trying to change the name of a rig. If I change the name, then switch rigs it reverts to the previous name. After many attempts it seems to stay but usually only if I copy the rig, paste it, (or duplicate it) then immediately change the name and hit replace rig. Even that doesn't seem to work every time.