Posts by Jdmoya

    Hello everyone, my name is Juande and I am from Andalusia (Spain) I was the guitarist of the band INXIGHT, I have been using a Kemper Profiler Head for a month, I come from Fighting with an Axe Fx2 Xl+ and for more than a year I was trying to convince myself , but in the end it was not like that, I know that it has many high quality effects and an almost infinite way of routing the signal, but ultimately it did not manage to give me anything that I could not achieve with my Eleven rack, after selling my axe Fx2 I wanted to try my luck with KEMPER, I was just hoping that I could load a sound and I wouldn't have to modify it to make it sound decent, I tried hundreds of presets and some sounded tragically bad, like I was listening to it in another room and it was always extremely loud in the bass frequencies, I reset several times the Ax...I changed the firmware several times, I listened to other axes and yes...I definitely didn't like the ax fx2, I finally sold it and bought the Kemper...!!and now I do!! I finally had a device that sounded decent in any situation, I was overwhelmed by the quality of its effects, and its wide range of sound possibilities, after comparing it with many A/B tests that I had done on the ax and the eleven, recording the D.I. signal, I was able to put together clues to compare now with the Kemper and it literally makes both the Ax and the Eleven look ridiculous....

    That said, I feel happy to have decided on Kemper and I hope to enjoy this forum with you and your advice.

    big hug and see you in the forums😉👍🏻

    Merry Christmas friends.

    I know that there has been a lot of talk about this, but do you think it would be correct to ask that they include copy and paste to the RM, respecting the structure of directories and subdirectories without having to then sort them by hand??... it is quite tedious, on the other hand It would be interesting if they released a tool to create our own RIG PACKS, it would be a way to organize our Profiles more efficiently.

    It is still not clear to me when the Asio drivers for Kemper or equivalent for Windows will be released. Could someone tell me more or less how they handle the issue?.... It would be very useful to work in the studio not to depend on an external interface or the horrible Asio4all or similar...Thank you and greetings to all 😄