Posts by TasmanAxeman

    Hi all. I have a few more days before I can return my Stage. I don’t want to, it’s amazing, but there is one area I can’t get my head around that’s slowly killing me, and it’s becoming a deal breaker.

    I’m hoping I’ve missed something painfully obvious and you all laugh your heads off and explain it to me in simply tiny-tots terms with small words.

    Ok here it is;-

    I would like to build my personal library by starting with amps and setups I have been familiar with over the years.

    How to I simply search for “Fender Twin amp” profiles. Or “Katana”. Or “Marshall Celestion SM57” profiles?

    All I seem to see are thousands upon thousands of weirdly named profiles with oblique character strings. The actual name of the amp etc. is strangely missing (is this a copyright thing?)

    What is the key to unlocking the code - what exactly do these names mean? How do I know the fundamental details of the hardware used?

    I realise that every name needs to be unique, and of course everyone has their own personal naming conventions. But is there an easy search tool, or some deeper database fields I’ve missed that clearly gives the fundamental real-world description of the actual gear?