Posts by reto64

    I have a few questions about my Kemper Profiler Power. What I still don't fully understand is the cabinet settings. So if I choose a profile that has Celestion V30 speakers and play them through my two KRK monitors (FRFR) or through my Kemper Cone Box, I hear the V30. But if I choose a different speaker for this profile, what do I hear, the V30 or the speaker I chose? The V30 is there in the profile, so I can't take it out, will I then hear a mixture of both?
    With a direct profile it is also not clear, the Cabinet button in the Rig Manager is deactivated; you can only choose one of the 6 Cab presets, for example I choose "Hi Sue", then the Cabinet button is activated. In the Rig Manager, “Hi Sue” appears under Cabinet Name. Now the 19 IRs are also accessible, so I now select them, for example a Celestion G12M, what do I hear, the "Hi Sue" from the select Cab preset list or the G12M? “Hi Sue” remains under Cabinet Name no matter which of the 19 IRs I choose. Or is the currently loaded speaker automatically replaced by the new one?
    I hope I was able to describe it in a somewhat understandable way. 
    English is not my native language.

    Schade das hier im Deutschen Forum so wenige User sind. Dieses Thema würde sicher noch so manchen interessieren. Ich selber spiele auch gerade mit dem Gedanken mir eine Box für den Powered Kemper zu kaufen. Es gibt zwar im Englischen viele Beiträge, aber eben, man würde halt lieber auf Deutsch schreiben und lesen.