Posts by nedavine

    I'm in Japan. Ended up sending it back to Korg (who distribute kemper here) but seems they couldn't get it to freeze. Given I ran multiple tests at home where it froze consitently bit sad to hear that. With that said could it be a power draw issue? I've had problems with non guitar products where they just seemed to not like being on a power strip and preffered direct connect to the power socket.

    Just curious given my experience with KORG was a bit fruitless :(


    This could well be a non issue but thought IU should check. As I was connecting the USB cable I noticed that it cuased noise at the output when the metal touchedagainst the USB input jack. I was concerned there might be a short somewhere so figured I'd ask. The audio noise is heard through the output. To be clear this is not USB audio just that the physical USB input jack causes noise at the outputs when plugging it in.

    Thanks for the help!

    And yeah the additional info is tricky unless you know the real amp first. Totally get it from the copyright standpoint so really it isn’t a complaint if Michael’s work.
    Thanks for the 2020 list wpotere helpful. Some of those amps I’d never heard of. While I can now see 3P Brit dream is obvious if you know there’s an amp that exists called 3rd power brit dream but for an idiot like me I never heard of that amp until now.

    Extra thanks for taking time from your day to write those out btw. Thank you.

    Hey this a truly newb question even in the sense about the amps themselves. I really struggle to understand what amp is what with the mbritt stuff (which sounds stellar btw). I get the mars and AC abut most of the other stuff is lost on me. I know he has to hide the real name a little on his store but is there a doc a bit like that helpful one for the artist rigs Kemper did to better understand what amps are in the packs without having to do some detective sleuth work? I have the 2020 pack but want to get some more because I like it but can’t decide because I basically can’t work out most of the amps names and what they are really profiles of.

    Again I get for many this will be super obvious I’m sure so sorry to fill up the forum with such a dumb question.

    Anyway any help welcome


    Sorry this seems like such a trivial question but despite searching through the manual I couldn’t work it out.

    On the stage for the effects there are four LED’s. The left ones are obvious enough but I’m just curious what the right side LED’s are supposed to do? The left top shows the effect type and left bottom engaged or not but the right side? Is it something relating to the morph? I haven’t played with that yet.

    I created a Spotify account myself on my Windows PC just to confirm, that it immediately works with my PROFILER as Youtube does and any other Windows audio does. You just need to set up your PROFILER as your audio output device in Windows. This has nothing to do with ASIO drivers whatsoever. There is nothing we need to do on the KEMPER side. Perhaps you have exhausted the number of devices supported by your Spotify account.

    Are you using the app or playing from your browser? For me, playing form the browser is fine it's only the standalone app that has this issue.

    It maybe that the ASIO4all driver is not the issue but for the life of me it will not play despite being set as my default device. The issue I get is what happens when ABleton is running for example (despite the fact I set it to not take exclusive control) and so spotify just tells me it cannot play the file at this time.

    Not sure what else could be going, Chrome works fine, bitwig works fine, but spotify is having issues.

    I will try on my surface pro and see if there is any difference.

    I did some digging and I think it may be related to the lack of dedicated driver. Looks from what I can find that the windows Spotify app doesn’t support ASIO and as such can’t use the profiler as a sound card. Chrome or firefox or whatever can so this would be why the web works. I hope there are plans to provide a proper driver for windows folks


    With both the latest Beta and now the official release I have an odd issue. I am using ASIO4all and everything works fine except that for some reasons Spotify and VLC willn not play any audio when using the kemper as my audio interface. Youtube works fine, I hear all my system sounds etc its just Spotify that seems broken.

    Otherwise loving this new update. Keep up the great work.