Posts by nigelnisbet

    Got that working perfectly. One further question that someone may know the answer to, is it possible to control the looper functions via midi? As in basically have some computer send looper trigger commands etc more accurately than my feet!!!

    Hi All,

    I see in various manuals that the time limit for the looper is 60 seconds. However, when trying out my looper this morning I noticed that it only has 30 seconds - and rather annoyingly, the section that I want to loop is at 60bpm and is 32 seconds long (8 bars). (I have a Kemper Stage). Am I reading the wrong manual or is there some setting I need to adjust?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I did try those and they definitely got closer - and, yes I have a Gemini 2 in stereo (or I'm listening through studio monitors so either way running in stereo).

    However, the real solution turned out to be a little different. I had a chance yesterday to really mess around with pedals in the effects loops and A/B to the internal sounds, which I've done before but it was nice to dig in again. The key differentiator (for me) was that nothing gets close to the JangleBox JBX compressor. The internal compressor does a very good job of sounding pretty bang on for my MXR dyna-comp but the JBX is a whole different animal. Using that compressor in a loop at the front of the chain just changes everything about the sound, and with that engaged the internal chorus was actually BETTER than my wazacraft CE-2, and the CE-1 clone. So, happy camper. In all honesty, out of all the pedals I tried, the only things I ended up using in external loops were the JBX and my actual space echo. Everything the internal FX versions either sounded better or utterly indistinguishable. Even the space echo I can pretty much simulate any given setting, it's just so much fun to dial that in by hand and mess with it, although live I certainly wouldn't use it. The JBX I probably would bring out live though - such a complete game changer.

    I did search the threads and couldn’t find anything referenced here. Does anyone know of, or have, a good profile of a JC-120 with the chorus on? I realize that profiles are I guess mono and a true JC-120 with the chorus is very definitely in stereo so maybe that’s just not possible.

    The reason being, I find the chorus options inside the Kemper just not really capturing the real tone of a CE-1 (or a JC-120). They’re OK, but I have a CE-1 clone and it sounds just a million times more lush and awesome than the internal choruses. Wondering if anyone had profiled a JC-120 with the chorus and what that might sound like? :)

    Think I found a bug today, although maybe it's how they intend the functionality to occur but it seems odd if so. I have a Kemper stage running the latest OS beta 10. whatever, and RM 3.4.43 beta (on Mac OS 11.6).

    In performance mode. Had a Michael Britt AC50 profile, and added the new liquid profile AC30 tonestack on top of it - sounds awesome btw :))

    Then when I set a morphing feature to move from a lowish gain (4.5) to a more crunchy tone (gain 7.0) - it will allow me to set the morph between the values, but as soon as I make any other changes to the profile it will forget the morph (just disappears like I never set it).

    However, if I set the morph on the "generic gain" knob, it does remember it and all works as expected. Maybe that's not a bug, it just surprised me that I could set the morph feature on the tonestack gain and switch between them but it wouldn't "stick" once I made any other changes. Felt like a bug.