Posts by Mangue Ailee

    I've never found IR to make anything "better* with the Kemper, just different, like any other Cab profiled (so for me not worth the extra hassle).

    You can get a bad IR that makes a very artificial sound.

    And of course, I was speaking about DI profile.

    Kemper automatically converts IR to 44,1 kHz and 24 bit.

    I have tried thousands of Kemper cabs and IR. In the end Choptones always sounded best for me. (Their newer profiles are all DI profiles with copied IR.)

    I like their big IR packs for picking exactly the mics and combinations I prefer. Works better than everything else for me.

    Does a converted IRs sounds different from the native 44.1Hz or are they exactly the same ? (same numbers) I took the brit rock vol1 IRs and damn, they sounded so artificial!

    Thank you for your answer when even :)

    Thank you all for your answers :D


    So much question from this title!

    First of all, what is your best bet for good IRs? For my rigs, I choose Choptones, it may not be the best but it's my selection. But even thought Choptones rigs never disapointed me, IRs seem to be random. I got very good and... which I don't like. So... according to you, what is you best "go for" IRs?

    Secondly, What should I choose for live and (mostly) self jam?

    I got it, IR is better for engineering stuff and a very specifically focused sound. I like it for a totally different reason: because I like the way it transform the sound. I don't go into the studio amp settings, I used them as it goes and change them (mostly DI profiles) with the IRs!

    Thank you for your answers by advance. <3

    Bonus question:

    For self playing and no records, should I :

    Choose 96Hz IRs ?

    Choose other IRs?

    Stop trying IRs?

    Thanks a lot for your answers ;)

    In fact, I'm not looking for a good sound to me, just the true plexi sound.

    Tone junkie's sounds are not this good, not about the quality but there are different rigs (marked from 1 to 6) just because the gain is different... why not to make a rig where we can set our gain and change it?

    The choptone's one I bought seems better on this point but maybe I missed something.

    If any of you have advice about a very well done plexi sound (according to what I just said), I'm heari... I'm reading ^^

    You are very right! I know I should feel free to modify according to my taste I'm just a bit scared because I lack of self-confidence :wacko:

    But in fact, my question is more like how is their rigs are intended to be used. For example, the equalizer is not active by default, does it simulate a button on the amp or is it only to fix the sound for some uses? The modulation effects (a tremolo and an harmonic pitch) are added because they like those or because it's a real feature on the amp?

    Well, a lot of question, no self confidence, beginner in Kemper and Guitar, you mix everything and you get me and this post :D

    Thanks a lot for the answer when even ^^


    I recently bought the plexi SL on Tone Junie and I have a few question about how the rig is make:

    My question is mostly focused on the equalizer (linked on the X button). What are the different sounds inside a single rig?

    I know my question may sounds weird but I don't really know if each effect linked to the rig is a part of the amplifier.

    For example, there's a delay on each rig, is it mandatory to get a good sound ? Same question for every effect, reverb, noise gate etc. What is mandatory for a good sound, what can I delete/change?

    I think the modulation effect (harmonic one and the tremolo) are far from mandatory. About the green scream and the other red effect, I d'ont really know if I nned to activate them both or if I can use only one of them...

    I know most of you will say "your ear is the master to answer those questions" but I want to know what about the real ampiflier effet through the rig.

    I don't really know what I'm looking for. This is not the most important, I think. I'm just testing a lot of sound.

    My questions are weird, My mind is weird, I hope you will understand what's my point ('cause it's not my case...)

    BTW I'm not an english speaker then I may make a lot of mistake, sorry by advance.

    Hello !

    First of all, I'm very new here as I got my Stage for some days. Secondly, I'm not a native english speaker, I may (will?) make some mistake, sorry :S

    My question, as the title said, is about the headphone/earphone port. I plugged one to the kemper and I was... disapointed by the sound. When I use my mix table, using its phone output with my headphones, the sound is far better (maybe too much treble but I can fix it using the equalizer on the table). Please note that I plug my Kemper to my mix table using XLR outputs.
    This is the story but I think you're waiting for the question. In fact, I just want to know If it's normal and I'm right thinking like this or if the problem just come from my headphones (or my ear^^).

    I took the Headphones AKG-702 and I'm waiting for the delivery, I hope it'll be better.

    If you're wondering what headphones I'm currently using, It's a presonus one in a external audio card pack, I know it's really not the best one I could get but it's currently the only one I have.