Posts by Makophin

    Thanks, Don. I did see this in the manual, but for some reason thought it would replace the amp rig, which is fine. Will it show up as a cabinet choice? I guess I need to dig in and figure it out.

    Fairly new Kemper user - played two shows so far this year after migrating from a Boss GT100 that served me well for the past several years.

    The only patch (rig in “Kemper-speak”) that sounded better on my old processor was one for the CSN song “Suite Judy Blue Eyes”, which is a staple of all our shows this year. I had the Leslie effect dialed in perfectly to mimic the sound David Crosby got on the recording,. The rotary speaker effect on the Kemper doesn’t come close to being adjustable for this number.

    Has anyone come up with a rig or effect that can be downloaded for this effect? I’m happy to pay for rigs, and have purchased several rig packs from Michael Britt and others.



    Just a quick follow-up and. This worked great! I didn't see an option to export to a rig in the Windows version of Rig Manager, but the front panel save from the unit works great. (The "Replace Performance" option does appear in Rig Manager, and it works fine.)

    I think I discovered a bug in the Windows version of Rig Manager in that after tweaking a rig in a Performance slot and saving to the browser pool, it does not appear in the rig listings on Rig Manager until I force the PC to re-sync by unplugging and reconnecting the Kemper unit. That threw me for a loop before I figured it out. Don't know if the IOS version has this issue or not, as I'm not a Mac person.

    Thanks again, everyone, for your help!


    I'm a pretty ("relatively", not "attractive") new user to the Kemper, having upgraded from a Boss GT100. On both systems, I used SetList Maker on an iPad to send program changes for songs to the processor, and have that working nicely via a bluetooth midi adapter.

    My approach is to have a rig for each song, knowing that some will have the same exact settings, but renaming them so I can paste 5 songs into each Performance, then call up the performances and slots via the setlist. The "plan" was, for example, for some instruments to have a basic clean or effected setting that is the template for similar songs; example - a clean Martin D28 with light Chorus that could then be copied to a couple different rigs in my local Rig Manager library under the related song names, then paste those songs into slots on the Profiler performances. Subsequent "tweaks" to the local library rigs could simply be re-pasted into the various performance slots as needed. This seemed to work fine, until the reality set in that at rehearsals (and presumable gigs down the road) I find that what sounded good in the studio, need to be tweaked.

    Changing to "Browser" mode, loading the rig, tweaking, and re-saving, etc. is pretty time consuming and requires the coomputer to be used, which is awkward at best in a rehearsal setting.

    I can tweak the setting in the performance, save it, and save the performance to the local library in Rig Manager, but what I'd really prefer is to save the performance to the Profiler, then later extract that "tweaked" rig from the slot and save it back as a Rig in my local library and/or Profiler

    I can't seem to figure out how to do this. It appears that once a Rig is pasted into a performance, it goes into a black hole and can only be accessed through the Profiler vis a vis the performance mode settings. In fact, I believe that pasting a Rig from the local library does not automatically create a rig that is visible from Rig Manager on the Profiler; it appears that the Rig is stored within the Performance itself.

    Is there a way to tweak a rig in a performance slot, then save it back to Rig Manager (or the Profiler, for that matter) as a Rig that can be the new template for that particular instrument and sound?

    Thanks for your help!


    Weicome To The Party 😊

    Depending on the volume, The speaker in the Headrush may be breaking up with the pedal steel

    Thanks, Whippinpost, but it actually does fine with the Kemper in the Headrush. I previously tried the GT-100 with PSG directly into the PA and a 15" EAW NT-59 monitor with the same issues. I've had similar problems in the past with the fiddle and earlier wireless transitters - something about the harmonic content that those units can't handle without creating artifacts. The Kemper/Headrush combo is loud and clean, much to my anticipated relief, as the Kemper seems to be the choice for many professional steel players. (I'm a noobie, having just started PSG about five years ago.)

    Take care, and thanks!

    (BTW, "Whipping Post" by the Allman Brothers was in our set list a few years ago :))


    Hey, everyone! After listening to the success of my band’s lead guitarist (and my electric guitar mentor) moving from a 75 lb Mesa Boogie to a Kemper, I’ve upgraded from a Boss GT-100 for guitars, fiddle, banjo, dobro, mandolin, and lap steel, and a separate amplifier for pedal steel to a Kemper rack unit with a remote. Now I can sell the steel amp and run everything through my Headrush 108 FRFR.

    Tried this with the Boss unit, but it couldn’t handle the steel without breaking up or having weird digital artifacts. I downloaded some PSG rigs from the Steel Guitar forum, and WOW! My student model GFI steel sounds awesome! We’re all in-ear for monitors, so the Headrush is just for a little ambient stage volume.

    Now I have to embark on the process of replicating (and improving) all my other patches from the GT-100 into rigs and performances in the Kemper. I’ll be leaning on the forum for support as I go along, so thanks in advance for everyone’s help!

    Jerry Turnbow