Posts by SynterX

    I too have used both the Neutrik line coupler, and a generic $4 ethernet cable coupler from amazon. The cable used for the remote is of course just a regular ethernet connection, so any coupler should work. You can buy those little D-type modules with passthrough and mount the whole thing under the pedal board.

    I think it's fairly obvious bass players are not high on the Kemper list. I have several of them, and it's all I use. But a "bass mode" that would unlock several bass only features is needed to claim the Profilers are great for bass. They are OK for bass if you work around the limitations. That's just my unsolicited opinion of course.

    The Player would be a perfect addition for me, but if I can't match what I have already dialed in on the regular Kempers, it's of no use at this time. Parallel Path is one of the features I would need at the minimum.

    They mention Bass players in their new Player promotion web page. But without letting us adjust the tone knobs to match actual bass amps, the whole thing is kind of useless to me. I have to use the Studio EQ now so I can at least adjust the frequencies that match bass amps. But I don't think the Player can use the Studio EQ at all. So until they either let us change the frequencies of the tone knobs, or provide a few Liquid tone stacks just for bass, I can't use the Player. I really truly don't understand why they blow off bass players in this regard. Is it that hard to make a few concessions to us?

    could it really cost much more at all to go balanced 1/4" outputs? I'd love to hear an explanation on this. If you're only going to have a few outputs, why not make them balanced? Maybe it makes zero difference, but saves $20 per unit, or maybe it makes them more compatible running into actual inputs on an amp, there must be a reason.

    For crying out loud, start with ONE single bass tone stack. I don't care who's it is, make a generic one...just turn the stock EQ knobs into bass frequencies is all I ask for. I can't even believe I'm asking this, as any device like the Kemper that is as complicated, amazing, and digital should have some way to make the EQ work correctly for bass guitars.

    I don't understand why Kemper hasn't made things more bass-friendly. I really don't. I love mine for bass, but it's compromised with the EQ, it really is. A bass-chorus FX, some basic bass specific help is not a huge ordeal to implement.

    Bass players love this stuff as much as guitar players, trust me, maybe moreso. They are open to almost anything, not stuck in tradition so much.

    You do have a "mixer" built in the Kemper. I run a single cable from the mixer monitor send for me into the Aux stereo inputs on the Kemper, L + R. Then take the headphone out on front and go right into my in-ear system. With the correct output settings, you get a mix of the IEM input and your guitar (in my case, bass) right out the headphone jack. Hit the Output button scroll to a particular screen and you have the ability to change the level of that aux input with a knob. It works perfect. WHen I get to a gig, we do a soundcheck, and all I have to do is turn this knob to get a new balance of my bass and everyone else. It changes slightly per room I find. Then I'm good. If I'm playing along and want a touch more of my bass, I just go in there and turn down everyone else a few clicks, and I'm all set.

    I wanted to purposefully not use a separate mixer as I wanted my whole setup to fit in a 4 space rack. But I used a cheapo Rolls box to do the same thing. There's one in particular that combines a stereo input for your IEM feed, a mono/stereo guitar input, and even a xlr mic input with passthrough. So that would accomplish the same thing without using the Aux inputs on a Kemper. The Stage can do it, but you don't have an Aux input, so you can use the Return inputs instead.

    are the center frequencies for bass, mid, treble at least close to what's on an actual typical bass amp? I know all bass amps vary, but I just want to actually use those knobs and get similar response in my ears that a real bass amp would give me. The freqs are so "off" now that I quit using the eq completely and load up the studio eq and use bass amp freqs to tweak things.

    One simple, even a generic actual bass amp liquid profile would be good enough. I just don't understand why this wasn't included in the list of profiles at the start. One actual bass amp is it. Jeez. That's not asking much at all. Or, let us change the actual frequencies and Q of those 4 tone knobs. Done.

    The Shure systems, both 1/2 rack and pedal, are my favorites just for the "no AA needed" format. The 1/2 rack version of the GLX16 even has a slot to put a battery in and charge it, right on the front. So I bought a 2nd and simply keep one charging always. It's really a great way to do that. Even using rechargeable AA batteries is less fun for me. Not to mention the insane battery life of the Shure transmitter. 10+ hours easily on a charge.

    Hi! I would go for a Shure GLXSD16, but it's like 10 years old or so, and it's out of production. Similar new product is the Sennheiser XSW-D. Both got tuner. Really good for small gigs.

    There is a new GLXSD16 out, with better features to help with interference, same price as before. Just saying. I love mine and also have the 1/2 rack version for my kemper. Been very, very reliable.