Posts by mario2511

    I have a suggestion regarding importing Rigs/Performances with 4 Pre/Post Effects into a Kemper Player:

    - After Drag&Drop a Rig (from the bigger brothers with 4 effects Pre/Post) into the Kemper Player a Pop-up appears, showing me the 4 Pre and 4 Post effects giving me the possibility to select/unselect 2 Pre and 2 Post i want to keep. (instead of the first 2 Pre & last 2 Post automaticall)

    - So one could avoid (if using both e.g. Stage and Player ) to create duplicates of each Rig with the effects one wants to keep on the Player

    - This is especially usefull if you buy Rigs that are made for the big brothers without further editing.

    Hope you know what I mean and I hope this is possible to implement at.

