Posts by circletrack15

    One thing I already love is the fact that this Forum community is way better than the Fractal site? Not in any way putting down anyone over there, but I get a much better response here and everyone actually will go through in detail what they want to convey to me in a simple fashion rather than answering me like I should know already what I’m needing to know? I guess for me I have come to the conclusion that at the end of the day, Fractal’s are Modelers not Profilers? Maybe this is why now days when Fractal releases new firmware it does sound different and they ad other things that you need to change adjust or tweak to get back to where it sounded? Maybe this why so many love Kemper and even the Tonex? I have a Tonex and as I stated before I play it far more than my FM9? That’s crazy but why? I believe it’s because it captures an amp not models an amp? One of my friends who has a Kemper Rack told me that if I like the Tonex pedal, your going to love the Kemper! This has me pumped to get one! :)

    I’ve been using Fractal sense 2010. For a long time, the sounds of the amps never sounded different after a new update. But, this last 2 years I have noticed that they do not sound the same and there is soooo much deep editing you need to do to fix it so that is true. The amps should never change in tone or sound unless it is improved amp modeling? Also now after a new update you have to go through presets and re-save them for the update to work. I hate that. Biggest thing is now , is that I have noticed some crazy weird things when switching presets after the last 3 updates? Some presets all the switches go blank (scrible strips) and you have to use the editor and switch patch to bring them back? The biggest thing is sometimes switching to a new preset, the tails from your last preset don’t just trail but the volume jumps like 5-6 decibels and live,,,, it’s embarrassing. My point is for me as great as Fractal has been I’m noticing lots of things that just seem off and after reading your take on it, I totally agree with you. My friends who have Kempers say just what you said, the amps never change in tone or sound. It just seems to me that even thou Kemper may not have all of what a Fractal product has, Kemper seems to be very simple but and consistent. Right now I want simple? I sold my Fm9 and I’m getting a Kemper rack thanks for the responce

    Wow! Thanks for all the great advice! I think I’m going to get a Kemper rack. I am much more of a basic needs guitarist and as stellar as the the Fractals are, it is far more deep and complex for me? The Kemper sounds just as good if not better to my ears as well. Fractals FX are some of the best I’ve heard but the Kempers FX are incredible as well and I don’t need much to make me happy? Besides I have an Eventide H90 and that would be a great combination in my opinion? I have been playing a TONEX pedal more than my FM9 a-lot lately and see that some are actually capturing the power amp section of thier favorite TONEX captures and profiling them to thier Kemper? Very cool! Thanks again guys I appreciate you all.

    Hi guys, I have been using Fractal since 2010! I played through a Kemper at this last NAMM and I have been pondering actually selling my FM9 and getting one? I really need some honest advice as to why I should? Fractal is great and the FXs are outstanding but here lately the amp modeling sounds just sound lacking to me. Also I’m starting to notice that I’m always having to change parameters and such to make it sound better? I know us guitarist are always tweaking but it just doesn’t sound right to me? I know 2 people that play Kempers and they both say the sound of the amps never change? At the end of the day my FM9 is a modeler not a profiler of amp capture device so it only makes sense that you would actually want a profiler? Beside the fact that I have never actually messed with most of the very very many pages and deep edit features as most I have no idea how or what they do? I’m a much more basic and simple guitarist who just wants a great sound and play? Maybe I have just grow to and acclimated to this sound and I’m over reacting? The other issue is that Fractal has always updated and upgraded thier product and Kemper is over a Decade old now? Should I be worried about that? I know many are still rockin Kemper and seem to still be happy? Do you think or believe that Kemper will come out with a newer version and regret buying? I have zero issues with playing a product that is as old as Kemper is if it is still viable and worth getting? I’m very very seriously thinking about getting a Kemper rack. I realize I’m out numbered here but I would really like for any of you to please tell me why I should move to Kemper after playing Fractal for over 14 years. Thanks, God Bless and look forward to any answers and advice you my have?

    Ok guys sorry for the ignorance here but im looking for the correct way to do this and after reading a 60/40 spilt on this way no that way, I still do not understand this. I am a new Kemper Stage owner and need to know whats right? The Main Outputs, im using of course XLR cables to FOH. The Main/Monitor outs that are 1/4 jacks I may use for FRFR monitoring on certain stages. I'm using IEM for the most part but if and when I do use FRFR does it matter if those 1/4 in cables are TRS or not? Some say yes because they are cleaner some tell me it does not matter?? Just like the Main XLR outputs, some say DI Box, some say does not matter? It's alittle confusing to me on what is the right way? Will I hurt my KS by using the wrong cables?? For example, I played a place last week where I used 2 FRFR monitors that had XLR inputs only and the sound guy ran 2 XLR to 1/4 inch TRS cables from them to my 1/4 Main/Monitor outputs of my KS. Might just be me but my rigs did not sound as good to me as when I'm at home in my Studio? I use 2 -1/4 inch TS cables at home thru studio monitors that sound great! Can someone please give me a grade school tutorial on what, how, and why with respect to cables??? Thanks in advance. Last thing I want to do is mess up my Kemper by not understanding this?

    Hey guys!, I am the proud owner of a Kemper Stage coming from an Axe Fx 3!! Something that I thought would never happen. I also have a Boss GX100 that I play as well and I was wondering if I can profile some of the amps from it?? I heard that I can profile non effects pedals so I would think that I can could profile the amps that I love from it? The GX100 is a great little unit for what it is but it combines the Amp. Cab, and mic all together. Soooo is this possible?? Im wanting to try it but I would like your input on how to hook it up to my Stage in order to do so???? Thanks in advance!