Posts by Teejay

    Can anyone direct me, please, to a resource that would help me understand the basics behind these topics?

    1. Patch management. Looking inside the Kemper (toaster unit), there are seemingly HUNDREDS of Patches / Rigs. But there are no patch numbers! If I find one I like, I save it (holding "RIG" for 2 s). But nowhere can I find a way to get back to it again! How does one do this?

    2. Patch Recall - again, with no Patch Numbers, I can't find a way to get back to a specific patch, except maybe spending an hour scrolling through the list until I see it again. This assumes, of course, that I didn't save it as a Favorite...

    3. Can anyone suggest a GOOD aftermarket pack of CLEAN amps?

    4. I just downloaded Rig Manager. Again, it has no Patch Numbers (and yeah, I understand why they wouldn't). Is there a way for me to assign them?

    5. Speaking of Rig Manager - there are 21,255 entries as of this morning. But when I click one, nothing happens on the Kemper. Am I missing something? (Doy! The USB Cable is brand new!! :) )

    Thanks all for *any* help you can provide! :D

    And no, I haven't read the Rig Manager manual yet - too excited / impatient. :thumbup:


    Thank you all for the assistance today!

    I've given up in disgust, put the guitar away, and the Kemper back under the desk. I started finding various "half-clues" through the course of poking around, but have concluded that Kemper's Manual is beyond wretched. Events concluded when I discovered a failure in the Bus 2 cable leading from the mixer to the MOTU, distorting the beautiful clean amp sound the Kemper created (and that I might never locate again). This entails yanking the racks and cable tracing from the board to the Limiter to the 828 - far more than I have the patience to undertake after dealing with the Profiler all day, attempting the simplest possible task, and failing.

    On the bright side: my liver still works, and does not require software. Nunc est bibendum! Thank you all again! ^^

    Thanks, Finally! So, a "rig" is a "patch"? The complete sound?

    By inference, then, a "Performance" is then a collection of "five Rigs"? Why? What's the logic there? How you you recall them at will?

    I saved my "patch" as a "performance", and have no idea how to get back to it. I love the unit, but the "Manual" is giving me a headache. I won't ask why Kemper can't just use standard terminology - that's a lawyer thing - but there MUST be an easier way?

    Hi all - thanks for the resources, above!

    I suppose, even after RTFM'ing, that I just contextualize information differently than most. I'm still looking for an explanation of some basic concepts - please. The Manual does not cover this, and I'm hesitant to watch more hours of YT's of people wincing with pleasure at their exquisite guitars chop as they fail to clarify what I seek. [Sure - "turning up the midrange" might in fact increase the midrange - but I don't need you to play for 45 seconds, make silly faces, and show me. It was a stroke, not a lobotomy!] 8o

    1. What, precisely, by definition, is a "Rig"? What is it not?

    2. If I find, by accident, a patch in the Kemper that I like, how do I document it and ever get back to that same patch again?

    3. Is there a numbering system in use? For example, I like the patch "Till's Recto Clean 2" as a baseline for editing. I'd like to be able to find that again, someday, edit it, and save the results.

    Forgive me for sounding whiney - I'm not. I come from a world of software (synthesizer) design, where the beginning of any manual describes the "architecture" of the sounds and patches. Kemper's manual does not - hence I'm lost. Their manual (and the several dozen YT's I've looked at today) drop right into "editing the sounds", not how they are organized in the system.

    On the bright side - after playing all day, I recognize why I bought the Kemper in the first place: to replace a stout arsenal of Modeling devices that could never provide a decent tone. ;) I simply choose to wince in pleasure at my own exquisite guitar chops alone, in the privacy of my own grisly cinder-block basement. Not that my chops are exquisite after the past year... you understand. They make me smile, but you weren't along for the ride. :D No sense in wincing.

    Thank you again!

    Hi Kemperites -

    I bought a Kemper Profiler last year, just prior to having a stroke. It's sat underneath the desk for a year, as I worked through rehab.

    This morning, guitar in hand, I pulled it back up onto the desk, turned it on, and realized I had absolutely no idea how to navigate the interface. Turning knobs and pushing buttons changes the screen, but I have no idea what the screen is telling me, or why it's doing what it's doing. Or how to get it to select a specific patch. There's no "Enter" button.

    Please - could anyone steer me to a resource that explains "basic patch management" and "what the buttons do"? Nevermind how it "sounds", I can sort that on my own, later. All the YT's I've found are guys showing off their playing skills, but not telling me "if you push and hold this button, it will do this - because...". I've spent several hours discovering that pushing and holding buttons might do something other than one would expect.

    I need professional help. I'm not trying to do anything like changing the spin of individual quarks. I just want to play with the existing patches, and learn the machine.

    Please respond as if I were in kindergarten - as I effectively am, right now! :D

    Thanks, and my best!

    Thanks, all - as I suspected, these are all "FNG" topics. I happened-across an old You Tube video which articulated that "press and hold" is different than "push this" - a distinction the Manual does not make clear. That took another 60 minutes of my weekend, but once known, it's like the fog of war evaporated from my vision.

    I've actually tracked with it, now - a take of "Ziggy Stardust" - it is phenomenally quiet, and although all distorted amps sound largely the same to me, there are different tonalities in all the profiles that I can hear and leverage to my evil intent. None of that obnoxious "fizz" from those old Modelers.. all going to eBay, now. Add the "sag", and I'm cooking with gas! :thumbup:

    Thanks for the back-stop, guys!

    Yeesh, Matty , you sound much like me! Granted, I’m in Chicagoland, but 3 days into owning a Kemper Toaster, I’m completely baffled. I write Technical Manuals for a living (my “day job”), and I have many of the same issues you seem to!

    For what it’s worth - solidarity - just keep on experimenting. If the guys at Kemper can think it up, I can figure it out (and you can, too). It just takes “cycles”. 👍🎵🐾

    You obviously have way more experience at this (especially live sound - I gave that up when C-19 closed all my venues). So, I have no argument or rebuttal, man. I’ve owned my Kemper for 3 days (29 hours of which I was downstairs playing it!), and I have nothing bad to say, aside from some FNG quibbles with the LCD.

    I thought about the QC, but honestly, I have thrown SO MANY THOUSANDS of dollars down the toilet in “modelers”, I made the Command Decision: ‘no more’. With the EXCEPTION of the QC, I think I’ve owned them all at some point. And I’m not really ‘that picky’, either… as long as it sits well in the mix! 😳🎵 So far, it does: update in 12 months.

    So I’m really appreciative of your comments on the QC, and I wish you well with it, both in gigging and your success!


    Thanks, gents! Reasoning that this is “face-slap stuff” (I’ll slap myself later), I still have a couple of use cases / questions I don’t see covered in the manuals- and yes, I read them!🤗:

    1. I randomly found a couple of profiles I’d like to re-use someday. They don’t seem to be numbered. How do I retrieve them, in the future, versus scrolling through hundreds of profiles?
    2. Once I get there… I don’t care about the “rig”. I just want the clean Profile with no stomps or effects. How do I do that?

    3. The Manual says there is a “Sag’ adjustment. Where is it, please? How do I get there, and save my settings as a part of the Profile?

    My rationale, here; this Kemper Profiler lives in the studio: it won’t go on the road. I need 5 basic guitar sounds, that will never change, as the basis for all new Tracking: set so that anytime artists are in the studio, whether or not I’m there producing, my techs know they will always have “acceptable” sounds that I can back-engineer later, with confidence. The staff needs to be able to call them up, fast -I’ll get to that point, once I start saving my own profiles… which is why I’m asking this! I’m experiencing pent-up demand after Covid 19; the studio is in use almost 20 hours a day. It’s a “nice problem to have”, but time is a precious commodity! 🤗👍🎶🍸

    Greetings all.

    I'm a new Kemper user, based in Chicagoland, USA. I received my Profiler ("toaster") from Sweetwater yesterday, and have been playing guitar for the past 26 hours, minus a couple of potty breaks and drink-refill / walk -the-dogs sessions.

    I am keeping a detailed log of my "New User" experience, which I'll share later... but in the meantime, I do not have *ANY* negative comments about it, but I have lots of questions: here are a couple of them, please:

    1. I can't seem to find any instruction on the Display, what it's telling me, and "why". Neither the Quick Start, nor the Downloaded Manual seem to cover this. Could someone please kick me to the proper resource? (YouTube, URL, or other?)

    2. From what I've read in the manual, apparently I "could" program the "Quick" button. I'd like it to immediately pull the Gain down to zero, so I can audition the distortionless sound of the profiled Amp. Which is why I bought the Kemper. Can this be done, please, and can someone explain what to do?

    3. I can't seem to get Rig Manager to download. Is there a "quick start" checklist?

    I'd appreciate any help you could offer.

    Thanks vary much! :)

    Teejay Riedl