Posts by wpotere

    People just want free stuff... I have been amazed at the level of greed coming from folks over this. The upgrade is the cost of a boutique pedal! Hell I just spent $340 on a KoT as I was on the list since 2018. No screen and only two drives and still cost me as much as the upgrades, but Kemper is being greedy.

    Most small MIDI controllers seem to have 4 buttons. Something with a layout that matches the Kempers preset handling, possibly even with a screen that would be natively supported, is a fantastic idea to me. Especially if it still keeps a compact footprint.

    Plenty of MIDI options out there that have more than 4.
    Here is one example of a 3 - 6 - 8 solution.

    Morningstar Engineering | MIDI & Effect Controllers
    Morningstar Engineering designs and manufactures fully programmable MIDI Foot Controllers and Audio Switchers.

    Here is a how to:

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    I get wanting to have something that is simlar to the Kemper one. I'm just saying you can do it now.


    The statement is not meant to mean that the GUI should look exactly like that of another manufacturer.

    But it would be great if the Rig Manager Mobile worked for all Kemper models.

    Perhaps with some kind of WIFI solution for the Stage and Head models.

    So, as mentioned there already is an app for iOS and Android. WiFi is already built into the stage to take advantage of this and if you search the forum there is a way to make the head work with wireless as well with the purchase of a cheap wifi bridge.

    The big thing to remember is that the Kemper is a profiler, not a modeler like PG stuff. You still have to work with the profiles the same way, even in the iOS/Android app.

    Running Bitwig with Yabridged vst's here and with extreme much better performance results then i had with Windows. I love Linux but have to agree that a lot of software developers only look at the Windows/Mac side of the world.

    Will not give up Linux only for rigmanager not to function

    I don't blame you. I would love to see it have more traction in the mainstream home use as well. Overall it performs so much better than others. Good luck with the Rig Manager, and if you get it figured out, please let us know.

    Sigh......why is everything for Linux so difficult......

    I'm a linux admin by trade and can tell you that even at home there is no way I would run it as my home PC. I would use it for server services, and do, but for my workstation there are just too many limitations with available software. I use to run Windows but recently inherited my wife's older Mac and decided to give it a spin. I love Linux but there really are too many limitations for mainstream use at a workstation level. I know people will argue with me, but I never have been able to make a linux workstation stick without a lot of headaches or sacrifice. I feel your pain there.

    So I just took a swag at it on my VM running Ubuntu and Wine 9.0. No dice... It looks like there are libraries needed that they haven't implemented. You could put a ticket in with Wine to see if they will support it, but I doubt that there is enough interest in it. So, either a VM running Windows or back to a tablet/phone with you.

    Thanks for your answer:

    That seems to be really overkill for such a small application. Consuming a lot of resources and diskspace. Is there no other solution?

    Otherwise i think i have to stay on the iPhone/tablet im afraid. Tried it to run on wine but without luck.

    I haven't really tried to get it running in Wine to be honest. I usually use Mac for my home rig. If I get a chance this weekend, maybe I can sit down and give it a try to see what I can figure out.

    when you first enter into profile mode theres two things i can toggle between, kemper amp and reference amp. one is the real amp im pluggin in. whats the other one? where is that sound coming from? isnt that the current profile i was on before entering profiile mode?

    Okay, so you plugged in/mic'd up and set the amp you want to profile. You then go into profile mode on the kemper and run the profile process that sends a bunch of weird signals to the amp to capture that sound. The toggle you are talking about is between your new profile and the physical amp so that you can fine tune the profile before you save it. Is this what you are doing?

    Ive always had this problem when attempting to create new profiles. I choose a kemper amp in the browser. I switch to profile mode. I then dial in my reference amp i want to profile. I run the profile mode. I save the profile and change the name. The name i choose and the sound i profiled keeps reverting to the new profile. Both the name and the sound are the same for both the original amp i chose and the one i created. This has caused me to having to keep making a copy of a profile before choosing it for my next profile so i dont accidentally overwrite one i want to keep.

    What am i doing wrong? there must be an easier way than this.

    Profiling is for capturing the sound of a real amp external to the Kemper, not tweaking an already made profile which it sounds like you are trying to do.. I may be wrong, but it sounds like you think the Kemper is a modeler and it isn't. If you want to tweak a profile that is already made and not change the original, just right click and make a copy of it then tweak and save/replace.

    So basically the crux of your complaint revolves around cost and I can understand that. These are not cheap devices and I can understand your complaint on paying steep on a repair.

    So I am going to cover some of this...

    The problem is, you can't just hook it to any PoE switch, which would be the case if they had followed the spec. The spec clearly states that the powering device decides which mode to use when a powered device (e.g. Remote) is connected and that (for exactly that reason) it is mandatory for the powered device to support both modes of powering. Being limited to certain PoE switches is an unneccessary limitation that could have been avoided by a proper design.

    I'm getting the feeling you blew your remote by plugging into Mode B? I am an IT guy, but I am not going to pretend to know what/why/how they designed the remote other than what the manual says. What I do know is that I have three different Mode A pinned PoE switches at the house and it as worked perfectly with each one. This means that they must have followed some standard (Well, they did as it is mode A) otherwise it would have worked and potentially not worked moving from switch to switch. The manual clearly outlines everything and remember, that standards do change over time and the remote was designed years ago. Also, they can be compliant without being compatible. This is from the manual:

    Let's look at your other questions:


    - Why are defective Remotes not really being repaired instead of replacing everything that's inside the case (we are in 2024, shouldn't sustainability be an issue?)

    So I don't disagree with you here and hate that we are in a world of toss and buy new. I miss the old TV Repair shops and the ability to simply replace what broke versus buying new. Totally agree with you on this one... That said, I don't think they do circuit level repair due to ease and cost. It is easier for them to just swap the board out versus putting a tech with a soldering iron on it to repair it. It is faster for the customer, many who are pros and need quick turn around, as well as a cheaper solution for the company. Sadly, it is why many companies have gone this route. Labor costs a lot of money, especially skilled electronics repair. I did radio repair in the military back in the early 90's and watched it go from us working on circuits to us simply swapping cards out and sending them to depot for "repair". This world is no longer about sustainability at that level, but look at the Kemper and the longevity they have had with all the new features they continue to bring, and I think they are doing a great job of sustainability by today's standards and they offer repair. Sadly I don't think we will ever see circuit level repair again, only swap.


    Why is the replacement so expensive that you would rather trash the Remote and buy a new one?

    Only Kemper can answer this one. My guess would be that the remote is one PCB and you getting basically a new remote out of it minus the case. It is still cheaper than a new remote, but you are right, not by much.


    - Why was the Remote designed in a way that, in my opinion, simply doesn't suit a company like Kemper (and that doesn't justify the price)?

    This is more your opinion versus a question. Kemper built it the way that they wanted and it has worked for them over the years. Stuff happens and things break or fail, that is life sadly.

    I am sure Kemper contacted you to tell you the cost before they proceeded with a repair. At that point, you could have denied the repair and either attempted it yourself if you already knew the issue or bought new. The fact that they would repair it (even if it was a card swap) shows some level of sustainability as most companies would have told you to kick rocks if the device died out of warranty and you would be paying for a complete new one.

    And what is your point here? This isn't an internet device but rather a remote for an amp head, so they can design it as they see fit. You can actually hook it to a PoE switch and hook your Kemper to it and it works fine, so it has to follow some standard otherwise it wouldn't work. I have been running it that way for a long while now with no issues. That said, I still don't understand your main point with the post above, is there some question in there?

    Does nobody know what this means?

    Frankly I think it was just a bug. If it went back to normal after a reboot, I wouldn't pay much attention to it. I have had a few things happen from time to time which were resolved with a reboot.

    Curious... Are you running Beta?