Posts by Bschaffner

    Here's the thing... we are how many months later, and honestly, Rig manager is still pretty sketchy. The same issues from then, exist now. And it's )(obviously) very frustrating when you are trying to load your set list, and the device becomes unpredictable. I literally have to unplug the kemper, and double check that what is stored matches what RM says it stored (click through every performance). My main complaint is that the device is designed for this use case; it's not a design flaw; it's an implementation flaw.

    In fact, about 30% of the time it seems to do the right thing!

    If any of this software worked as it should!

    I'm a "registered owner" user who can't post in the private forums? I've tried everything I can think of - logging out; closing browser, etc.... still I can't post in the "real" forums?

    Even more is this Rig Manager software. It might be the lowest quality software I've used in YEARS! It's unacceptable that I can't simply move performances around in Rig Manager, and have them "renumber" correctly. It used to almost work, now - it doesn't work at all. Moving a performance keeps its slot number, and changes position. Which is pretty much useless. If it doesn't move performance slot 11 into slot 2, then what the f is it supposed to be doing?

    This should be a pretty simple use case, Kemper:

    1) I want to create all my performances for a variety of songs.

    2) I want to store those in Rig Manager folders in a particular order (which I'll call "set order").

    3) I want to grab that "set" of performances from my local library, and drag it onto my kemper, and have it load them correctly (in set order).

    4) If I then move one of those performances from, say, slot 22, to slot 5, then the current performance in slot 22 becomes the performance in slot 5, what was in slot 5, should now be in slot 6, what was in 6 is now in 7, down to slot 22, which now has what was in slot 21; all slots beyond 22 remain unchanged.

    5) It should do this and make the change immediately in Rig Manager, and immediately in the kemper device. I don't want to Confirm each change, or "Store performance".

    6) When I'm done making all the changes to my "set order", I want to then drag all performances from my kemper to my local library (new folder).

    7) Honestly, those local library folders should just be called "Shows". They should store the performances in set order. AND they should allow me to make changes to the order of the performances in the "Show" (e.g. in the local library, separate from the kemper).

    8) Lastly, all of these Shows should be stored in my "Cloud Library" (not local); and then accessible to load from my IOS device. So that, for example, when the band calls an audible to play a song not planned to be in the set, I don't have to freak out and worry about whether i have an appropriate performance available. I can just pull out my iPhone, select the performance I need from my "Cloud Library", and load it into the next "unused" performance slot.


    Very annoyed and frustrated user.