Posts by mooncat84

    I feel like this question got missed earlier in all the power supply discussion, but I'd be interested to hear the answers too. Anybody know?

    I'm confused in general about how pedals would work if they come after the player. Does that mean they come after the delay and reverb in the player (if you're using those effects with the player)?

    Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, i wasn't sure where to put it.

    Check out the video below. I can do the slap technique well, but I've always struggled to get a tone I love and this guy has a great one. Really clean, with just a bit of grit, but super tight. I can get it to sound great with a purely clean tone, but It's that tightness around the dirt I can never get dialed in when I try to add some. Any EQ or effects tips here? I'm guessing a compressor is one, though no idea what settings. Any effects or settings tips to try welcome!

    I'm currently using a Bert Meulendijk Princeton profile with the Green Scream, which I can get an ok tone with, but nowhere near as good as in the video.

    Blending amps seems to be all the rage these days and unfortunately isn't possible with the Kemper and is a bit of a disadvantage it has compared to Fractal, QC etc.

    Could a workaround though be using the parallel feature and using an Iridium in the direct line? This would mean the Iridium would be sending its own amp/cab sound to the output, and this could then be blended with the Kemper's amp sound on the other line? Has anyone tried this with an Iridium or similar? Cheaper than buying two Kempers anyway! Not that this is a must-have thing by any stretch, but it would be cool to experiment with and an Iridium would be an affordable yet still high quality way of trying.

    I'm finding that when I use the Ballerina delay it tends to glitch out a lot. I have it set so that the first delay is a 16th note and the second delay is an 8th note. They're a 4th and a 5th above. I play at a fast bpm and when I play one note at a time it works as expected. When I hold a chord and play fast notes and let then ring out into each other, it seems to completely glitch out. Is this effect monophonic? Or is there just too much going on for the processor to handle? I can create this effect on my Boss DD500 and it sounds beautiful, which is why I was hoping to do it on the Kemper. Any ideas?

    I've noticed this issue too with Kemper. It's a shame too as the tone is excellent. I was hoping it would replace my POG which also has excellent tone and no discernible latency, but the latency on the Kemper means it's just not quite as good.

    One thing I really notice is that when you have to change to a rig quickly mid-song where you have it set up to be pitch-shifted, the latency is super-pronounced for the first few notes and then reigns in after to a workable amount. Not ideal live...

    That's great feedback, thanks! The drives were my least concern because I'm an amp drive person myself (I use the OCD with a Fender amp currently as my main drive option, but obviously something like a good Marshall tone will blow that out of the water).

    I'm really happy to hear the octave is high quality as that was one of my main concerns. Nothing digital I've tried has lived up to the POG yet. I'll still be keeping it, but it'd be nice to mainly leave it at home for recording and use the Kemper live.

    Have you tried the filter/auto wah stuff much yet?

    I know there are other posts about this in the past, but with the digital world constantly updating I wanted to get a current view.

    I'm thinking of buying a Kemper Stage and hoping it will replace my amp AND most of my pedalboard. I'm specifically looking for a small portable rig. I know the amp tones are awesome, but I'm wondering if the effects could replace my pedals. I have good quality pedals and I'm not expecting the Kemper to beat them, but if it's close then I'm happy enough, I'll keep the pedals at home for recording. Pedal-wise I use octave (POG), fuzz (Fuzz Factory), envelope filter (MXR), drive (OCD), comp (dynacomp), and delay (BOSS DD500). Those are the pedals id be hoping to replace anyway and perhaps have a small board with my remaining ones next to the Kemper. Any views or experience on the current quality of the Kemper effects? Are they comparable?