Posts by shempbell

    NGD - PRS Fiore 'Sugar Moon'.

    Quite plain on the net, but much better looking in person. Quite a pale neck compared to some, but looks great imho.

    - Love the switching and pickup options.

    - Plays great, although I'm not a fan of the strings it came with (so they will go imminently), and it is much brighter than my usual fave Japan Tylers.

    - tuners a bit fiddly/not as pleasant as the Tylers.

    - has that 'pick me up' vibe!

    Very happy - looking for rig recommendations that suit it...

    Hi folks,

    Just got a Fiore, plugged it in to my Stage, and it's considerably brighter than my Tylers. All of them are HSS 'strats', but the Fiore has a very noticeably different and brighter sound (not a bad thing, just a different thing!).

    Obviously I will now embark on the EQing journey, but I wondered if there were any other Fiore users out there who have found nicely compatible profiles?

    Exactly what I do! Same on Helix.

    I also wish you good luck, and sympathise with a lot of what you say, although I've had a different experience to yours. I found my expensive 'real' amps were just unusable in the home environment, so tried a Helix, and instantly started playing more again. I'm not a 'tweaker' though, so had a similar experience in that regard, but after a while I focused on keeping it simple, built my own presets and only had around three or four really basic presets (other than for specific songs) that I used regularly, and could get a good live tone with fairly quickly.

    At this point I was now using my electrics so much more, my expensive acoustic was getting no playing whatsoever, so I sold it and bought a Kemper Stage to dive a little deeper into the modelling world... I am playing even more, currently, and love some of the Kemper's features and approach, but do find the 'auditioning' quite draining for new Rigs. I am also yet to try it in anger with the band, so will see how that goes in a couple of weeks. I have been playing at home at 'band' volume and getting some great sounds, but we will see, as it's never quite the same.

    And if it doesn't work out, there's always Fractal next... ;)

    (then real amps...rinse...repeat.....)

    and a quick google suggests that the Max is based on a Fender Champ of which there are many in profile land :)

    Thanks again, yes, he used to have a Champ but switched to the Marble Max, so I was interested in A/Bing, if anyone had a profile for it. Both to see if there is any discernible difference and to see if he gets himself a Kemper...

    I've recorded through a Dumble Profile and a Fender Princeton. Used a SM57 and a Bullet Mic with the Octaver.

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    Love Haulin' and High Beam particularly. All good!

    Can’t say I’ve heard of it ..but my harmonica playing mate was blown away by how quick I got him an awesome sound using an old Bassman with a tape echo and a spring reverb :)

    Thanks - yes, he's putting together requests already...Princeton 65 top of his list currently - will be interesting to see where he ends up with it.

    Hi folks. Was trying to impress my harmonica playing mate with the available range of Rigs for Kemper, and he asked if I had a Marble Max profile, which, of course, I couldn't find.

    We're probably going to profile his next time we get together, but wondered if anyone had profiled harmonica amps like the Marble Max?

    The power down cannot be altered.

    On/Off Button (1)

    Use the On/Off Button to switch the PROFILER Stage on and off.

    If you use this button to power off before disconnecting the power cable, the Stage will remain in standby as soon as you reconnect it to a power source. If you disconnect the power while the unit is still active, either by switching off a power distributor, pulling the plug, or in the case of a general power outage, the Stage will automatically restart as soon as a power source is reconnected.

    Thanks, didn't think so.

    yes, you can edit any parameter directly, on the Stage

    I would suggest you download the full manual, not the QuickStart, and study it

    I've gone through the manual but found nothing on changing the power down options - the only reference to power off on the Stage is as follows:

    Use the On/Off Button to switch the PROFILER Stage on and off.

    If you use this button to power off before disconnecting the power cable, the Stage will remain in standby as soon as you reconnect it to a power source. If you disconnect the power while the unit is still active, either by switching off a power distributor, pulling the plug, or in the case of a general power outage, the Stage will automatically restart as soon as a power source is reconnected.

    You can dim the brightness of this button in off-state by pressing the SYSTEM button.

    Are you saying you know a way to alter the power down? Or were you referring to the ability to reset to default settings? Haven't found any way to do that either, but may have missed it.

    Yes! Though I sold mine, as it wasn't getting the play that it deserved. I miss it terribly, and will one day get another. USA Hollow Studio Elite HD with the midboost circuit :

    Lovely! Is that a Rasta Shmear?

    The midboost makes a huge difference to me - nice also to be able to switch it off for that more 'straty' sound.

    Excellent! I love to hear about people starting out, and just learning new things. You've clearly worked at it and have put together a good track. Congratulations and well done for putting it out there!

    From my learning journey, the big moments of moving forward were nearly always through playing in a band and standing up in front of a crowd. Focuses the mind...! The other big moments are when I've tried to record, and then realised how difficult it is to lay down a good, again, well done!

    Hi Brenkj, I was going to reply then saw you have probably done the gig by now.

    So how did it go, and what did you use in the end? FWIW I was going to say I haven't used the Kemper Stage live yet, but have used a Helix with Headrush as monitor. XLR to front of house at line level, 1/4" out to the Headrush at Inst level. Only need one XLR out(Left/Mono for Helix, but looks like you need to set one to 'Mono', as HowardBrown says above, on Kemper), but you can send two if you want (if you do fancy stereo stuff...).

    Hope the gig went well.