... I wanted a purple powered head with a flamed maple shell and a cream colored leather strap and a silver sparkle backplate....
I want one of those, too.
... I wanted a purple powered head with a flamed maple shell and a cream colored leather strap and a silver sparkle backplate....
I want one of those, too.
So today it is no longer a problem to program for different operating systems if you use the right technology.
Yeah. I use a stove and a pan, but my meals are not on Gordon Ramsey level. Stuff is complicated and supporting an additional OS is hard work.
A shop loading paid profiles at no extra charge seems kinda suspect. I hope they're paying the profile makers.
I have seen/heard a Podcast where MBritt and HW (Tonejunkie) are promoting this deal, so they are cool with it and I would think that they also get something out of that.
I am using Linux professionally for 20 years now. 20 years on the server and for five years now on my main laptop that I use for work and most day to day stuff. So I would say I know a bit about the differences/advantages of Linux compared to Windows and MacOs. And also about the disadvantages.
My stance on Linux on the desktop: I don't think that it will ever become mainstream. A more user-friendly distro could be created, but I can't see it happening, there is just not that much of an incentive for a manufacturer.
For all music related stuff I use a Mac. And this most likely will not change. My DAW does not run under Linux. There are no Linux drivers for my audio interface. There is no rig manager for Linux and the list goes on. So much is missing. And I completly understand that there is no manufacturer too keen to support Linux. What would RigManager do good to me on Linux, when I cannot run my audio interface and my DAW simultanously?
The next point is, that there is no one "Linux". You have distributions. Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Suse, Arch and so forth. It is all highly fragmented. For a manufacturer a maintenance nightmare. What should Kemper do. It's difficult to support multiple Windows and Mac versions, but with Linux distributiuons, it get's tenfold complicated. And we only have talked about Linux distributions so far, we haven't not yet mentioned window managers at all.
So, as much as I would like to have a RigManager on Linux and as much as I would like to do all my audio related stuff under Linux - I am not counting on it in the slightest way.