Posts by rm5153

    Got it. Did what Wheresthedug suggested and it works perfectly. Now I get a ton more pre and post effects, a way longer looper and the ability to even use the Fractals amp and cabinet sims by turning off the Kemper Amp/Cab blocks. Allows me to use my Fractal FC12 longboard and now I have 12 open slots for pre and post effects in conjunction with the effects in the Kemper.

    It is also nice for Kemper patches that I don't have the effects loop assigned in that the Fractal will still provide me with all the pre effects I want and the wahs built in the Fractal.

    Best of both worlds.

    I have both. The Kemper on the higher gain profiles just seem to have this "kerrang" and "percussiveness" that is more easily achieved. I find that with the Kemper I have both great low volume patches that translate very nicely to say stage volume patches that hold up very well. I am playing out of 2 Atomic CLR units. With the Fractal I can get great low volume high gain patches but I have difficulty getting these to sound good at high volumes.

    Like others have said the Kemper is a profile of a rig whereas the Fractal is a modeler. Both are great tools in that one can make each sound great and in the wrong hands, one can make both sound like crud. Again both are tools.

    I think the Kemper being a profiler, it is more realistic to the real amp in the room tone and the Fractal is more of a polished hi-fi or recorded and mastered tone come out. Little bit different but both can produce great results.

    I have seen other posts online and outside of this forum talking about connecting an external FX device to the Kemper via 4CM. Right now I own a Kemper Toaster and an AXE FX 3. I love the amp tones in the Kemper more than I do in the AXE FX 3 as I find the Kemper has a more organic and open tone to many of the amp tones that I utilize currently.

    What I would like to do in order to get more effects available and other tonal options, I would like to connect the Fractal AXE 3 into the Kemper via the 4CM. My objective is to utilize the AXE 3 for both pre and post effects like you would normally do in a 4CM scenario. I know this is completely overkill but it is something that I would like to pull off seeing that I love the effects in both the Kemper and AXE 3 but would like more effects readily available by using this method as I also have the FC12 floorboard with the AXE 3.

    I have connected my AXE 3 to real tube heads in the past so I completely understand the physical cable routing and setting up the grid on the AXE 3 in order to do this. I have also in the past set up the Kemper in 4CM with real tube heads.

    I just need to know the actual physical cable routing to pull this off and where do I put the effects loop (I believe Stereo) button at in the effects chain? Do I just need the stereo effects loop say in the X effects position or do I also need a loop designation in the stomps area pre the amp block.

    Thank you in advance if you can help me out with the cable routing and the effects loop grid designations.


    Ah - you were talking about the Kone imprints. Thanks for clarifying.

    Yes. The Kone imprints are supposedly a more amp in the room feel with no mic in the capture as opposed to a standard IR that has the mic as part of the capture. The Kone imprints I find are a little more real guitar speaker sounding when using 12" FRFR speakers. Only thing that kind of stinks is you have to choose one that you like and that is the same for all rigs until you actually change the imprint in the output section as it is not saved to the actual preset.

    You can make the Monitor output stereo, I believe it then uses the direct out as 2nd output. Both outputs into your power amp and that to something with a Kone (like the Kemper Kab) , so both speakers can be used with the imprints.

    Check the output settings, I believe at the monitor out page, top right button

    This is why I have the second output plugged into the direct output as it is the only other output (other than the mains that don't support the imprints) that offers the second output or right mono to achieve the stereo left and right.

    I have everything sounding great but just wanted to be doubly sure.

    I have owned my Kemper for years but normally would use the Kemper with traditional speaker cabinets and all of the cabinet sims or imprints off obviously.

    I am now delving into using FRFR speakers and a stereo poweramp and I am liking the tone that I am getting when I utilize the Kemper Imprints in lieu of utilizing a cabinet imprint. To me I think I like the sound of the tone from the Imprints as these are supposed to be a "amp in the room" tone without any mic's involved.

    My question is I fully understand that the Imprints only work if you use the monitor out which is mono so how does one achieve a stereo output and still use the Imprints?

    Right now I have one FRFR cabinet connected to the Monitor Output (Left Mono) and the other FRFR cabinet connected to the Direct Output (Right Mono) to achieve the full stereo sound but what cabinet is attached to the direct output? Is there no cabinet and this is just a FRFR signal coming out of the Direct Output or are parts of the cabinet block or Imprints coming out of the direct output as well?


    I am new to the Kemper world as I just got a Kemper Stage this week. So far I am working my way around this wonderful tool but I cannot seem to figure the following out:

    On some profiles the profile creator assigned some multifunction buttons and I cannot find out how to turn that off. I just want the four buttons to turn on and off ie phaser, flanger, chorus and micro pitch on all of my high gain rigs. How do I easily go about this as I love the amp profile and just want to reassign all the effects and most importantly the effects buttons to just turn on and off those 4 effects. Some profiles have one button turning on/off or toggling between effects. I don't want this. I always want delay, reverb and drive to be on and never toggled between any of my on/off effects. I know how to assign effects to the four buttons but when there in an underlying multifunction latching things behind the scene I am going bonkers.

    What am I missing.

    Kemper VIrgin
