Posts by FearAbsolute

    Trust me when I say the actual units do not really sound like that "stock" and straight in. With gain on 10, it's a bit more than a JCM800 and to me sound a lot like one. I've had 2)MP1s and 1) MP2 used them for years and alone they are not "Brutal" If you spent $1,000.00 buying a real one you'll wish you would have saved your money and just used the Kemper profile.

    The one I use has an "EL34 Mod" or something done to it. The closest comparison in tone would be a Friedman BE. A lot of what I play is old school Thrash/Death Metal, and I must have tried 300+ Profiles...nothing really floored me...until the ADA. šŸ™‚

    Ever notice many pros always tout their "custom" this or that (making sure you know it's special and you can't have one). Nobody ever goes on about their Fender Hot rod Deluxe or something everyone can easily get, it's always something that you can't try for yourselves easily. I recall getting frowned upon because I still used an ADA MP1 around 1994. I had to beg to sell it for $75.00 because they weren't cool anymore, but as soon as they are near extinction and forgotten about for a period of time, they become awesome again, profiles are sold of them and sell for $500.00- $900.00! Same with JCM 800s. When they came out most players couldn't stand them unmodded and you could buy them any day of the week for under $400.00 . Now they are legendary and sell for 4X that. They still sound the same just like the "legendary" ADA MP1 does it's just now less people have them so it's something people say they have that you don't

    An ADA MP-1 Profile from Rig Exchange has been my go-to heavy rhythm sound for months now. What an incredibly tight, defined & brutal tone it has. šŸ¤Œ

    Wild. I've had the complete opposite experience with the HR 108 that I bought a couple of months ago. Wished your experience was better! Things I've learned/done so far:

    - Headrush is up off the floor, on a table beside me. Helps kill that bottom end thump.

    - Kemper Low Cut @80hz & High Cut @11k.

    - HR is in Flat mode.

    - Profiles tend to need a bit of increased top end EQ for the HR.

    Thanks for describing your story FearAbsolute. I also had a chance to compare THR30II to THR10X and Brown II setting was indeed godly. But THR30II received firmware update some time later, with "Open" speaker tuning which made me keep it (without that it was inferior soundwise to older brother).

    I agree that headphones output on Kemper is stellar. Didn't care about THR's because I don't use headphones.

    I have Kemper since 10 years and have no interest in trying new gear. It's GREAT for what it is. But if I'd see Kemper Desk Amp, I'd shell out my cash.

    If Kemper makes a mini version that is similar to the THR, they will dominate the world, lol.

    So, I'll tell you my THR/Kemper story...

    The THR10X was my main home practice amp. The Brown II setting was godly. Great 3D sounds, tuner, batteries, portable, etc. Only flaw? It sounded hideous through headphones.

    So I go and try the new THR30ii in July 2021 at the local Mom & Pop music store. It sounded good, and there was some definite improvement in some features. Bought it. Then within 2 days, I A/B'ed it with the 10X tones & preferred the 10X. Go back to the store, returned it, feeling defeated...

    Then a couple of days later, I go to the big box music store uptown & what is sitting there, used? A Toaster! It was returned after 2 weeks, and it was $800 off the new price. Put some money down on it & then a payment plan for the rest.


    The Kemper has literally changed my life, my playing & reinvigorated my love for the guitar. Opinions are subjective & I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade - but the Kemper *wipes the floor* with the THR amps. Better/more realistic tones, editing flexability, more outputs, better 'real amp' feel, multiple noise gates, pedals, EQ's & a headphone out that is absolutely god-like.

    The tones this amp has under it's hood is incredible! Just my 2 cents & glad you love the Yamaha so much, man!

    Although I have profiled numerous of my amps (Vox AC 15/30/30 HW, Marshall 6100, Marshall 2525 Mini Jubilee) and although I've gotten quite good at it and like the results the one profile I rely on in both bands I play in is the Morgan AC20 by rmpacheco, which I use since 2012 because it's so tried and trusted.

    I even recorded 2 albums with it.

    Variations I do is using a pure booster with Volume +2.5 for more grit and a Plus DS (Distortion plus) with Drive at 4.0 and Volume at +3 for heavier stuff and soloing. Lately I also use the Kemper Fuzz occasionally with Drive at 4.0, Volume 0.0, Trans Shape 5.0, Trans tone 5.0, Definition 10.0, Octa 0.0 Mix 100%.

    This gives me all the versatility and expressiveness that I need.

    What a fantastic amp. That person has it dialed in perfectly. Thank you for the heads up!

    When searching that author I see only EVH 5150 MAJIK 1 and EVH 5150 MAJIK 2 Is that where the cab came from?

    I am not sure, my man. When I first bought the Kemper, the 5150 amp + cab was what I thought would be my high gain Metal tone. The 5150 amp wasn't for me, but that guy's 5150 cab is terrific. Wished I had more info! ?(

    I think using one cab could be the best way to avoid ear vertigo and even things out. Many profiles I thought were vastly different became very similar with the same cab. The cab does a lot for sure.

    I've got a mental block to where I think if you use a cab the profile wasn't profiled with it could be lacking something knowing that cab driver is making it's best guess at what is and what isn't cab. As maybe what is taken out with one cab is part of the amp but would be there with the original studio profile. Of course using a direct recorded amp profile would negate this.

    Obviously comparing my old Line 6 stuff to the Kemper isn't a fair fight, but recording an entire CD in 2002 with just an old POD 2.0 taught me a lot about cabinets. The normal mindset of so many people, myself included, is to use the digital version of the cabinet that they're used to playing through in real life.

    But your ears & the playback of the recording is the real deal breaker. I've had the Kemper for just over a year, and in the first few months, I must have tried 100+ cabinets. This free Rig Exchange no-name 5150 cab that I tried just kept winning, in back-to-back comparisons. Even the Fender Bandmaster Profile I use for clean & semi-dirty tones sounds perfect with the 5150 cab, and not the stock one. Weird.