Posts by lbieber

    Joyo American with on a nano pedalboard with OCD, TC delay and verb, plusMobius. Joyo American is might be the best $40 I ever spent. I don't use a power amp, only direct to PA and monitors. For certain gigs, it is my main and only 'rig'.

    Perhaps you are focusing on the CS and DS too much? I pretty much set it and forget it. I want the different behavior of each guitar to come through on its own. I also am not interested in tweaking these params during a gig. Focusing on this is diminshing returns for me and it has zero issues that I care about.

    Thank you for the details. There is some possible confusion regarding what Bluesmaster means which is why I asked. I have built quite a few D-style amps as well. I was, am, a member of TAG and benefitted from the info over there.

    It seems some profile maker(s) don't know what PAB is. In any case, the D style amps require multiple profiles due to all the switching. Also, the HRM with two tonestacks is not really possible mimic with the Kemper. So, an amps like those would require quite a lot of profiles at different setting to get there. My experience is that the chirp, bloom and mids are never 'right' with the Kemper. At least, I haven't heard a profile yet that does it really well.

    Looking forward to trying yours out though!

    Thanks for making this available. How much Bluesmaster is the amp you built? Tonestack? PI? El34 or 6L6?

    I haven't had a chance to try it, but I'm eager to do so. I've found Dumble tones to hard to get with the Kemper for some reason. Always something missing in the mids. Also, it seems those that profile then don't understand PAB and that tone seems to be missing.

    Take a deep breath, you already have enough technology in your hand to write a few hit songs.

    Yes, take a deep breath. But we could say get out your acoustic guitar write a hit song. Totally off the point of the OP and the Kemper.

    ...For something that was/is so momentous and future proofing the product and keeping it at the forefront, it really seems like the move to Liquid Profiling has pretty much hit a wall (?)...

    IMO the OP made a valid point. LP is not actually that momentous, interesting or useful or much of an improvement over what was available prior to that. It did generate some buzz and new/renewed interest which is good for Kemper business. The hype on this forum regarding LP was not based on any thing tangible. It was mostly overblown nonsense. I would suggest that the OP reset expectations. LP is not momentous, game changing or any other platitude you may choose. The high expectations were never warranted, so understand it for what it is.

    I recognize that you think your tube output section makes your Kemper better. For your conclusion to be factual, you are implying that the your tube output section PERFECTLY corrects all of the errors inherent in the Kemper as is. Did you indentify all of the errors in the Kemper and design a tube output section that perfectly corrects the errors or did you just get lucky or is it just not an accurate statement? I know which is more likely. You state "ears mean everything" and "the guitar experience is about feel as much as sound". Those two statements don't logically make sense. I think you must mean that both matter. Or can you hear the feel?

    Again, YMMV. And again, just making a note so others that read this thread understand that there is a rather large difference of opinion on this topic.

    I'm confused about what tone you are trying to get close to. Luke, Landau, Huff tones covers a WIDE range. To me, the clip is dominated by overblown, unartful delay that is creating a sonic mess. Just my opinion. Foxy Lady tone it is not. So, can you give some example of the tone you are after?

    It's very cool that you addded the tube output section and that you like the result. I appreciate the work that you did. It is very novel. From an engineering standpoint, it is just not necessary. I'm only making this post to memorialize my view so that others are aware of a differing viewpoint. As a design engineer , this is a dubious method of improving a Kemper. YMMV and all that...

    IM cannot be filtered out per se. Once you pass the gain stage it is part of the signal, especially in push-pull topologies. The most you could try would be to add shelf eqs in front of the preamp section, which again will alter your gain and tone not unlike using a tube screamer or focus type pedal.

    Yes, IM is physics. Yes, it could be filtered. The lo cut on the output can definitely reduce the magnitude of ANY 31Hz input to that lo cut filter. Not sure how 31Hz was identified, but I suppose it doesn't matter for this discussion.