Posts by lbieber

    I have compared profiles through many different monitors against the real amps. I don't notice any difference when the volumes are equal and the monitor is capable of moving the same amount of air as the guitar speakers. This also requires the profile to be adjusted to handle the ill effects that can result from tweeters.

    I suspect that many Kemper users are trying to play live guitar through studio monitors. This is never going to sound equivalent to playing live guitar through a guitar speaker. I am guessing that this is why amp in the room is even a thing. A good PA monitor and properly adjusted profile results in the exact same sound as the real amp and speaker in my experience. For me, a good speaker is critical to getting a good live sound out of the Kemper.

    There are A LOT of threads about this. First, I would note that your monitors have a 5" woofer. A 12" speaker has about 133in^2 of area while your 5" speaker has less than 20in^2. Can you reasonably expect those two things to ever be alike? This is ignoring all the other 'issues'. Second, what is the amp in the room sound? I would like hear what you think it is and how your 5" woofer can achieve it. I get excellent results from a good PA monitor. I have tried many PA monitors with 12" woofers and 1" tweeters with wildly mixed results. Monitors are not created equal. I use high cut, low cut, and tweak many of the amp parameters to get the profile right for the monitors that I use. Definition, treble, presence, clarity, compression also have to be adjusted to get what I consider a good guitar sound. In general, the tweeter presents the main problem. Many of the treble frequencies that a tweeter can reproduce are not valid in terms of good guitar tone. The trick is to adjust the profile so that the tweeter is not producing non-guitar frequencies. Many Kemper profiles generate unnatural high frequency that has to be filtered out. Once you have a 'real' monitor, the trick is to get the highs correct for the tweeter. In the end, I don't believe there is an 'amp in the room sound', but rather a big difference can exist given the monitor that you are using. This is my opinion and your mileage may vary.

    Yes, you can assign multiple slots to a footswitch.

    This is a welcome addition and the functional implementation makes perfect sense to me, although the GUI is a waste of space. I'll take what I can get. ;) You could argue that the slots should be assigned to switch or that the switch should be assigned to the slot. This is a coin flip for me.

    Thanks Kemper.

    The claim is that using a light bulb in this way is 'absolutely novel and ingenious'. I disagree with that statement. This is just another way to accomplish attenuation and has been accomplished with many different circuit designs over the decades. There is nothing that special or interesting going on. Chokes, resistors, VVR, load boxes, etc... have been used to accomplish similar results with varying degrees of success. The main goal of these types of circuits is to keep the drive and base tone of the amp while reducing the volume. The Kemper is VERY good at this all by itself. Knowing the topology of the amp would be the best way to choose a profile that is close. Without it, you already have good recommendations.


    And remember that using both is not additive, only subtractive, so if you shelve everything from 7k up on the cab and then shelve off 8k and up on the output, you're still only passing up to 7k. Lowest number wins. Visa versa, if you shelve 8k on the cab and 7k on the output, you're still only passing 7k.

    Yes in your example 7k is the lowest corner frequency. The simple view is what you describe, but there is a complex set of interactions above 7K. It is not as if the 8k shelf wasn't there. In fact, linear, time invariant filters are additive in the strict sense of the word. So, the rolloff is steeper and the phase and group delay is more complex.

    Your statement is conflicted. How can it both be the accurate tone and have overlays. BTW, pieces of of the original guitar track will be removed and overlayed onto other tracks. Only a perfect separate will guarantee full accuracy and that is not possible. So, only the original, isolated recorded track is fully accurate. And if you listen to it on utube, it is further degraded, but that is an other discussion.

    Any track from separator software is not exactly what was recorded and will therefore not fully represent the original recording. By the way, this is not debatable. It is a fact.

    My understanding is the Kemper filters work in series as mentioned. There is no 'overiding' as they all are working at the same time. I hate to say it, but you ulimately have to use your ears. How filters interact is mathematically challenging for most and nearly impossible to describe with words. It is quite involved if you want a full understanding. It may be helpful to assume the lowest hi cut frequency will be the most dominant in limiting the high range. Similarly, the highest low cut frequency will be the most dominant in limiting the low range. Beyond that there is a complex set of interactions regarding magnitude, phase and group delay among others.

    Great thanks. Is ripx the best way to do this then? I see it’s £100 approx. I have Logic Pro I’m assuming you can’t isolate a track from heY

    There are many tools to separate instruments. I use Gaudio Studio, it's free and works well. But none of these are good enough to completely separate the guitar track into it's original form. It is not possible and there are errors. Unless the isolated track came from original studio track, it will not be a fully accurate representation of the original guitar sound. I would be careful with assuming that the separated track represents the original tone.

    It was intended as tongue in cheek not a statement of fact.

    The point is simply that the number of gigs available (at least here in the UK) is constantly dwindling. Most of the pubs that still have live music are still paying the same amount per gig as they were in the 1980's. That part isn't a tongue in cheek joke unfortunately. In Scotland pub gigs are paying around £300 - £500 for a full band, with all their own gear including PA, doing a couple of hours with a break. Of course there are more professional gigs and corporate work the competition for them is high. The days of the weekend warrior pub circuit which a huge number of semi pro players used work regularly or cut their teeth on before moving unto a higher level is dead and buried over here unfortunately. Live music venues are closing almost weekly. Even some great venues that have been going for decades have been closing over the last 12 months. It is tempting to blame it all on COVID but the truth is the decline was already well underway for many years before that. COVID just put the final nail in the coffin.

    Therefore, if younger players want to make a living from music they need to think differently and exploit different avenues and markets. I'm not being a grumpy old man shouting at clouds and ranting about how good things were in the old days but everything sucks now. Far from it actually. I believe there is hope for good younger players (and even old farts from my generation) but the opportunities are simply different. Trying to make a living/career playing live music venues (other than weddings and corporate functions) isn't worth the effort now and won't be in future unless the world changes significantly.

    That is only what I am seeing here in Scotland and hearing from other parts of the UK. The situation may be very different in other countries though.

    This is basically the situation in the US as well.

    Entirely agree with you !!!

    I've played with modelers' parallels paths possibilities ; Wet/dry/wet ; 4 amps/cabs in //, it's fun 5 mns but you stop quickly.... At the same time, there's another guitarist in our band.

    But I've never seen guitarist using rigs that way (on stage).... :/

    While not the norm, there are guitarists that have and do use rigs for live performance this way.

    There are quite few threads about this. I suggest you do a search. My summary is that the opinions are mixed. It depends on the box for one thing and it depends on what you think good is. Giving it a try is the only way for you to form an opinion.

    I disagree that this thread is 'sober' - whatever that means to each of us. The thread title is 'Has Kemper Taken On Too Much'. The OP mentions Kemper being overwhelmed because of new product releases. The implication is that Kemper is resource limited and has over comitted. As a follow on, 'improvements' are not being accomplished and delivered 'on-time' or according to some expectations. I don't think butthurt applies to a company like Kemper, but user expectations could be modified by how they choose to respond. It's not dissimilar from training a dog. Previous history of updates has created expectations that Kemper may or may not want to continue to address. In the long run, all updates to the toaster, rack and stage will stop. Don't know when that will happen, but we are getting closer everyday.

    I believe they developed and improved features to achieve the initial goals of the product and to stay relevant and competitive. I've owned a toaster for a few years and am happy with it. I would not have been happy or stayed with the platform had I purchased it in the first years of the product. There was clearly A LOT of room for improvement. For instance, the delays and verbs were subpar and far from state of the art. I had better delays and verbs in the mid 90s. The improvements motivated me to buy. I would never have taken the approach of buying a unit and then expecting it to be improved after the fact. So, you're right, those improvements and others helped them to be relevant, competitive and to increase revenue. I don't think any of those have much to do with profit, but I suppose you mean increased revenue? At what point will the implementation be deemed not worthy of improvement or simply good enough? At what point will Kemper decide that further improvements result in diminishing returns? I believe all of that is on the horizon. Perhaps then the dog will be retrained. ;)

    There seems to be a logical disconnect in the expectation of functionality for Kemper products. The products had a specific set of functionality when we purchased them. There was no contractual obligation, guarantee or promise of any additional functionality. If you bought a toaster, rack, or stage expecting something different , you made an illogical purchase. If you bought a Player expecting that it would do something different, you made an illogical purchase. If Kemper provides improvements then consider yourself fortunate. Otherwise, and to be frank, this all sounds like a bunch of entitled whining. Kemper 'owes' us nothing. To be honest, if I were making decisions at Kemper, I would view this type of complaining as 'no good deed goes unpunished'. I would be motivated to discontinue the updates as a result. These types of threads present a danger IMO. How about using the product that you bought and being happy if it happens to get upgraded?