Posts by lbieber

    For my toaster, I used and then sold an MC8. It was easy to program and was a solid piece of gear. It had drawbacks with regard to performance mode. It was nightmare compared to the relative ease of using the remote that I purchased subsequently. The pages and banks also don't align well with the Kemper.

    For live use, I did not get along with the MC8 switching action - double tap, release and long press. Yes, it all worked as intended, but resulted in occasional unwanted switching. Bad news in real time, but YMMV.

    On a slight tangent, I am flabberghasted that Kemper did not design remote connectivity to the player. It could have been seemless.

    And Kemper will never tell anyone. Because they are under no obligation. That, and it has been the way they do things from the beginning. They don’t do things people expect, and they tend to do things unconventionally.

    Kemper already told EVERYONE that is paying attention. They didn't have to make a written/verbal statement. They told us through their actions. The player is not designed to directly connect to the remote. Now, some other, less than ideal, solution is possible but the direct connection ship has sailed.

    As we have before, we’ll agree to disagree.

    Existing Kemper users aren’t the aim of this device. If that isn’t painfully obvious, I don’t know what would be.

    Adding a $470 Remote to a Player - IMO - is absolutely ridiculous given the existence of the Stage…..which includes Profiling.

    It is painfully obvious that the goal is to sell players to anyone who will buy one. The word anyone includes new and existing users. Users, who already own a remote, might purchase the player to add to the remote. What a novel idea! This would provide the remote owner the ability to use it with more than one device. Another novel idea! Again, Kemper specifically made the decision not to make them compatible. Why? It is clearly not for technical reasons.

    Preposterous to think it was intentional.

    Kemper isn’t looking for existing users with the Player. I mean - duh.

    To include another, dedicated jack would increase the size - and someone would cry foul if it wasn’t ethercon.

    Silly. Especially given Kemper’s 13 years of behavior to the contrary. People who’ve claimed or demonstrated being ‘Kemper Faithful’ *instantly* going to conspiracy theories because a company did something they don’t like.

    No, it's preposterous to think it wasn't intentional. Kemper has ONE dedicated foot controller and they didn't let it work with the player. Are you suggesting that they never considered allowing it to be used with the player? This is stupidly obvious.

    There are plenty of existing users who bought a player. I don't know what you are talking about. Duh right back at ya. ;)

    I am sure size was a consideration, but did not need to be a show stopper from a physical standpoint.

    I never claimed and I am not Kemper 'faithful'. I have plenty of criticisms regarding Kemper products. So, I don't know who you are speaking to.

    And it's not that they did something I don't like. It's that they purposefully did not make the remote and player compatible. It is simply a factual observation. Not a conspiracy theory. Only the blindly faithful would attempt to justify this dumb decision from a technical point of view.

    No-brainer is a massive understatement! The fact that the player is not directly compatible with the remote is either preposterously stupid or insidiously planned. They are not stupid, so... It seems the remote is a thorn in the side of Kemper when it comes to the player. The player plus remote screws up the business roadmap. It is highly likely that Kemper made the conscious decision to make them incompatible. As it now stands I will never purchase a player, but I probably would if it was compatible with my remote.

    Most pro's are of the opinion that the Kemper, and modelers/profilers in general, are not as good as the real thing. This simply comes down to taste, whether real or imagined, and is up to each of us. It takes time and effort to experiment with the Kemper configuration AND with monitoring to really understand what it is capable of. I think quite a few pros tried it briefly and jumped to a conclusion. I wasn't that happy with the Kemper for the first few months until I sorted some of the issues.

    Hi, yes I've got a bank with Rigs 1, 2 and 3 working. When i copy Rig 3 (or any of those 3) and try to Paste into Rig 4 slot in RM (which is powered ON, comes up as Crunch by default), I get the "Performance not in preview" error message. The little headphones icon is on.

    However - when I click to activate a different bank in RM, then go back to the bank that was giving me trouble, NOW the Copy and Paste from Rig 3 to Rig 4 slot works fine. Not sure whats happening.

    Ok, it's a few mins later. I'm doing the same exact thing. I've set up bank 4, and I'm copying and pasting Rig 4 into Rig 5 slot in RM. I get the "Performance not in preview" error message.

    Now I double click a different bank. The different bank is now active. Now I double click back to the bank I've been working on and the Copy from Rig 4 to Rig 5 works fine. It's a repeatable issue.

    Hope this helps.

    I get this error quite often. My workaround is similar - select a different bank and return to the original bank. Then it works.

    Both the KPP and Nano Cortex compete in the same product category, where their capabilities and limitations are, in some way, equivalent. What stands out in this competition is the NC's price of $500. In my opinion, it would be ideal for Kemper to unlock all the functionalities, blocks, and effects of the larger models in the KPP, except for the capture function, to better justify this $200 difference.

    This isn't going to happen for what should be obvious reasons. Perhaps Kemper should ship the player with some additional cash in the box? They could pay you to take it. That would be a blow to the competition. ;)

    All good suggestions.

    +1 on performance mode for live use especially, but I find it very useful at home. Some kind of foot controller is almost mandatory for live use. I tried a couple different 3rd party controllers that I happened to already own. In the end, I concluded that the remote is the best solution. My recommendation is don't waste your time and get a remote ASAP.

    Then there is the BIG question of speakers...

    Having expectations regarding Kemper's improvements seems to lead to dissapointment in this forum. My approach is to use what is available. If they never make another improvement, it will be good enough for me.

    I have a a powered toaster mounted in a SKB modular case, with a remote and a GOOD PA monitor wedge. I remove the front and back covers and all the cabling is already in place and simply needs to be connected. It makes for a quick setup with a single cable to the remote co-located with my mic stand. I don't want the AC cable at the front as mentioned. I replaced the remote cable with a high quality flexible cable since the Kemper version is pretty much garbage. I feed a mono send to the FOH. Having a good wedge allows for me to monitor with the same general quality as what the audience is hearing and my profile adjustments are minimized this way.

    I don't understand this. The model you refer to is the head/rack? Yet you want the player updated and you want Kemper to take your money. I suppose you bought the player and now you want it to be a head/rack? They would have taken your money for one of those...

    Many of us are in the Kemper ecosystem because they are UNIQUE in offering continued free updates. .It seems to me you bought the wrong product and your solution is to request that Kemper ruin the business model for the many satisfied customers. Maybe just buy the big brother?

    If you have too much money and just need someone to take it, I can send you Venmo info. ;)

    I almost always bring a guitar with me when I travel for work or pleasure. The exception is when it is multi stop travel. In and out of multiple airports is too much hassle. I have rented guitars at my destination as well. Most of my playing time is on an unplugged electric. I don't need to plug it in except for a gig and some performance setups at home. I've played long enought that I know what will happen when I do plug in. I don't need any more experience on the amp/effects side. I focus on simply playing the instrument.

    I always take a a bolt-on neck guitar (tele or strat) in a soft sided gig bag. I take guitars that I am not worried about getting dinged and these can take a beating. Gibsons or guitars with angled headstock are a non-starter for travel for me. I never check the guitar and the soft sided bag makes for a convincing argument that it can't be checked. Guitar mostly ends up in the overhead. I have to watch and make sure that some other traveler doesn't try to jam their luggage on top of it. So, I have to defend it. Sometimes, a nice attendant will find a safe place to stash it as well. Always appreciated when that happens.

    It is always worth the effort for me. Some wake up with coffee, I wake up with the guitar. I wind down every evening with a guitar as well.

    I developed a 1GHz system back in the early 90s. Circuit and PCB design on two layers. I am sure I could have used a 4 layer board and achieved failure through bad design. Sorry, but your comment that 4 is better than 2 is plainly false. We can talk about current stearing, impedance control and matching EMC, and many other electrical concepts, but many specs can be achieved on 2 or even single layer boards. It is very dependent on the design and target specs. My only reason for commenting is to avoid the situation where others readers get the mistaken impression that more layers is always better. You are trying to make a one size fits all statement that simply isn't true.

    I have not evaluated how factual the claims made by the OP are, but his description seems to be well thought out and detailed. In my view the only comment that doesn't make technical sense is the 2 layer vs 4 layer argument. A well designed 2 layer board can be every bit as good as a 4 layer board. FULL STOP.

    Otherwise, I don't see how the word count matters. That comment appears to made on emotions. I also don't see him crapping all over anything. Also seems to made on emotions. Facts are facts. A set of facts that one doesn't like doesn't warrant word count and 'crapping all over" comments. It seems childish to be honest. Dispute the facts, accept them, or ignore them.

    I don't see how the know-it-all comment applies in any significant way. If the design has violated the spec and is implemented in a way that is not robust, then we all should be aware.

    In my view, Kemper should respond to the comments by the OP and explain with technical details. Silence on Kemper's part seems to sway the validity of the OP's comments in his favor. This is easily resolved with a technical discussion.