Posts by erbanator

    Is there a parameter with the doubler effect which allows it to be set so the dry signal is set to one channel and the doubled signal is to the other?

    Not clear about this one.

    As far as I can tell, no mater what the setting, I'm hearing the doubler in both the left and right channels.

    I want to record two tracks at the same time, sending the left output to one track, and the right channel to another track, panned hard left and right. I want the left channel to be the Kemper without the doubler, and the right channel to be the doubled guitar only (no dry signal).

    It has been this way through every gig I've done.... run stereo left right... sound guy always ends u showing me the massive level difference in left and right.

    When I use logic, I run a track for left and one for right... same thing... left is about 20db hotter... all settings exactly the same

    Pretty baffling... I've checked just about everything I can think of... panorama, effects... eeeek

    -My Kemper Stage has an extremely uneven left/right volume from the main outs.

    -Left is over 20 db louder than right

    -I have checked the panorama and it is set to 0.0

    -Even with all effects disengaged, same problem.

    Any suggestions on something I could have missed? Do I have a hardware problem?