Posts by Neddi Stanz

    what type of sound are you looking for?

    i'm trying to refine and tweak - this time i had 3 mics going into API 512C's into my UA Apollo 16 - my buddy Matt brought over 3 heads and a Splawn 4x12 cab loaded with Big Block speakers - i don't know too much about them - the amps were a Splawn Quickrod, Mesa Dual Recto and an ENGL Powerball II - i also redid my Wizard MCII with the cab and mics - here are the name of the files - let me know what you think - neddi

    -ENGL Powerball II Ch. 2

    -Scerpella Mesa Dual

    -Scerpella Splawn QR

    -Wizard MCII

    i picked up the Kemper Rack and started making profiles with my Wizard MCII - i was only happy with one of the profiles i made so i uploaded it - i used an MD421 on that particular profile so it has "that" sound - let me know what you think and feedback is appreciated - i'm going to give it another go today and hopefully i'll have a few more to share - thanks - ned

    also you can check out my YouTube channel at NEDDI STANZ

    hello all - i just picked up the Kemper Profiler Rack and after making my first profile i'm very impressed - i have a YouTube channel called NEDDI STANZ where i show the things i do - i'm going to be making vids of the profiles i do and will be sharing them on the Rig Exchange -