Posts by troglodit616

    Simply assign Master Mono as the output source for the direct output and use the AUX in function to balance the level of the looper signal with the live signal of the Profiler.

    i have tried this but the looped signal is really silent even when Aux in is set on max volume.

    in order to get louder signal I need to crank Direct Output volume on max (any value in between results in quality loss of the tone) however even then the recorded looped signal is hard to work with. Can you share yout exact settings please?

    so after some research / trial&error troubleshooting, I was able to fix all problems with external looper pedal:

    - volume drop of the loop

    - tone quality loss

    1. Looper pedal pluged in to FX loop of the Kemper. The way you would do with any other amp.

    2. Kemper OUTPUT menu, tab 7 - all AUX IN on 0

    3. Set Loop Mono in the X slot of the effects section ( needs to be done for every profile)

    Enjoy :)

    Hey guys,

    Is there anybody using looper pedal in fx loop of Kemper?

    I am having trouble with low volume of the recorded loop. Drum machine from the pedal works fine but there is problem with low guitar signal. Is there a way to increase volume of Kemper fx loop?

    Pedal used Boss rc2

    Thank you very much for sharing this info with me. I really appreciate all the income I received within this thread. It really helps :)

    I will come back here when I am over picking up setup which works for me best. I guess it is over analysis/ over paralisis ;) time to move on!

    As Alan said, and previous posts, it depends on the type of music, your needs, monitors placement, room, budget, etc.

    I play with headphones most of the time, the sound is pretty amazing, Beware, the sound in studio monitors may not be even close to what you hear in your headphones for several several reasons.

    I do have HS7 on top of IsoAcoustic stands+a mixer to tune the sound to my liking and to add mics or more instruments. The sound is good in stereo to play and sing along studio backing tracks. Eventually, I could use the setup for recording.

    I’ve added a powered FRFR cab when I need more air moving, instead of going for a HS8 or a sub-woofer. The benefit is that you can take the cab out, if you need to.

    If you can afford HS7+Kabinet, go for it.

    I gave myself couple of days to calm down a bit. I will experiment with the current setup I have which is Kemper into fx loop of 6505 112 however I have to say I still prefer sound from the cheap headphones I have . Unfortunately like somebody above mentioned I dont like to be bound to extra wires around my guitar :D I've never liked to use headphones to begin with.

    I dont have space in my apartament to set HS7 or HS8 properly - they have the bass air flow from the back so there should be significant distance between speakers and wall. Thats the biggest obstacle.

    I am slowly leaning to Kabinet I guess. I will wait few more days so I cam make my mind. :)

    Still I have to say I am extremaly happy with KPA itself!

    Well I guess I might've been caught with the idea of 8''s without prior knowledge.

    Maybe I really should start with 7''s hmm.

    Like I said earlier I will order from a shop which gives 30days return so I think I will be getting 7'' and 8'' to double check. You made a good point with the bass traping which I totally forgot about.

    As deadman42 said, it really depends on how you plan to use them. For playing at home and/or recording I much prefer my Adam A7x monitors over a cabinet; particularly at low volume. However, if you plan to play just guitar and want the same feel as a regular guitar cabinet then I would go for the powered Kabinet or a powered FRFR. In an idea world you would have both.

    When chosing studio monitors a lot depends on the type of music and the size of your room. For metal or a large room you probably want the larger speakers of something like the HS8. However, for anything other than low tuned chugga, or if you have a small room, you should be fine with smaller drivers like HS7 or equivalent from other manufacturers.

    I was thinking about HS7 or A7x but then I watched reviews etc For me it will be something I want to stick with for another 5 years at least so I want to get relatively best for this budget. If I am wrong with my thinking please slap me.

    If you tried Kemper in the FX Loop of my Peavey 6505 and then you buy studio monitors, you will be dissapointed.

    I read your post and tried again through the 6505.

    The result is the same. The sound over headphones is miles ahead then the one I get from 6505 power amp.

    It is disturbing for me to see you stating that playing through monitors won't satisfy me :/

    Anyways, I am still planning to get minitors first. If I am somehow not pleased with the result I will thank think about kabinet.

    But honestly even when I just checked how it sounds with a simple 5.1 TV audio my wife came to ask where that nice sound is coming from :D

    Yeah I read about all this somewhere already. Thats why I want to get monitors for at least 2-3 weeks to try ;)

    if I am not satisfied I will somehow try to get Kemper Kab and see for myself.

    But honestly I feel like a whole new chapter opened in my life because of the KPA :D

    At first I plugged it into FX Loop of my Peavey 6505 - I could hear characteristics of real amps when checking different profiles however I was not blown with this. That is until my 2nd attempt in the late evening when I plugged headphones. Oh boy! I didnt notice when 2hours passed :D I could even feel chugs in my chest when playing heavy riffs which never happened with my tube amp - not unless I cranked it which was never possible in the apartament.


    Thanks again!

    Thanks man!

    It seems you have a point there with playing along playback etc.. so far I was using my looper with tube amp so I was hearing everything from my cabinet. Perhaps I could have better experience when using monitors in stereo. I think I need to try at least! I will get them online with 30days test option. I wish I could get kemper kab for test but I dont trust International carriers ;)

    Hello everyone!

    I have just joined Kemper Club recently and I am amazed!

    That was my leap into Digital modelers and I am selling all my tube amps soon :D

    I want to get either Powered Kemper kabinet or a studio Monitors (yamaha hs8 which people suggest mostly).

    I am only a bedroom player in an appartment so I dont want to go too loud with my rig.

    Did anybody have the same dilema as me?

    Thanks in advance!