Posts by drkato

    As it turns out, RM is not working on my system now. It loads, but it doesn't recognize the Profiler and can't load profiles into it. Also can't install latest RM SW on this disk, so looks like I will be forced to move this stuff to my laptop. The hardware on this old Nehalem machine won't allow me to update an further than 10.12.6.

    I stay on MacOS 10.12.6 for my supercharged Nehalem machine with upgraded CPU/GPU/RAM to support my Pro Tools HD rig. The latest RM download says supported OS is now 10.13.6+, so am I to take it that I won't be able to update RM on this machine anymore? I could move to my laptop for RM, but it is just convenient to keep it on my same machine as I do my recording with. I get a message box each time I start RM that says to RM needs to be updated and to check website for info, but seems like it works properly otherwise after just updating the Profiler OS to 8.5.4.

    Mods, please move this if this is not appropriate place for the question.

    Fellow Profilers, does anyone know of a Rig that can emulate the tone in the Ray LaMontagne song "Barfly"? Please see this link if you are not familiar with the tone. It is first heard right around the 1 minute mark - Barfly. It is a beautiful "dew drop" type of sound. Soft and round, but lovely sustain.

    Just for completeness on information, and I am NOT saying to do this, but Universal Audio's OX Box is designed to work with Solid State amplifiers (which includes classes A, AB and D), unlike most reactive load boxes. Though for the Profiler, you'd have to use the wattage limiter. Kemper CS has made it crystal clear here, that if you decide to do this, it is at your own risk, and they fully recommend you don't. But in case anyone is wondering, this is what it says in the OX manual:

    I thought I would need to do this because I figured the line level would not be enough going through the OX, like it wasn't for my Eleven Rack (which introduced a ton of noise in the signal when I could get it loud enough), but for whatever reason, that has not been the case. It sounds absolutely incredible just running out of the Monitor Out. I only play in studio recording settings and not live, so it may not be the same for live settings, I just don't know. If I need more mmph for live though, I'd probably boost the signal after the OX, not before it.

    I don't know if this is a bug or intended, but if you scroll down to the Kemper Kone area on the Output settings, you can toggle Cabinet Off to enabled or disabled. The result shows in Kemper Kone and also in the grayed out Monitor area.

    The Monitor Cab Off soft button on the Monitor Output EQ hardware page on the Kemper works as well.

    Thanks. That confirms what I am seeing also, but interesting about the Kone area. I will check that out also.

    The Profiler Powerrack that you mentioned in your first post offers a dedicated speaker output with a red ring around it.

    No active device should be connected to it. It is strictly for passive cabinets that match 4, 8 or 16 ohms. The monitor output delivers a line level signal but since the Ox box does not seem to offer a line level input I am not sure how you are connecting it. Using a load box with a line level device seems like a very unusual application.

    Ah, thanks. I didn't even think to look over there where that output is, lol. I definitely won't be using that. Taking the Monitor Output just after the stack with cabinet emulation off, and inputting it to the OX's "From Amplifier" input, you are essentially doing the same thing as you would with a real word amp head, for which the OX is designed to be used with. So basically, I am using the Profiler for pre-amp FX (like distortion) and the raw amp modeling/profiling, then running that signal through the power amp section of the Profiler Power Rack to boost the signal as the OX prefers, and continue the signal through OX's cabs, mics and room emulations, plus some post amp FX processing. It is just my personal opinion that OX's emulations in those areas are significantly better than the Kemper's. Your mileage may vary obviously. Anecdotally, I tried this same scenario with my Eleven Rack also, but because it lacked a power amp, the noise to signal ratio was really bad. It worked, but not optimal. I imagine a similar problem would exist with the regular Profiler. This of course could be fixed by adding a power amp in the signal between the Profiler and the OX. Luck for me, the Power Rack solved this problem before I even had it!

    Anyway, the end result is a drop dead amazing spectrum of tones that could only dream of before with just my Eleven Rack. All this being said, any idea on my original question? Why does Rig Manager not allow me to enable/disable Cabinet Off setting, but I can on the unit?

    whatever you do you should make sure to never connect the speaker output of your Profiler to the Ox box since this will potentially destroy your components.

    Nothing on the back of the Profiler is labeled as "Speaker Output". Can be explicit in which output you mean? I am using "Monitor Output", which I believe to be correct, because I am basically emulating the real world use case. The other Choices are "Direct Output" and "Main Output". Do you mean one (or both) of these?

    Well, I answered my own question...sort of at least. That is I think I solved the problem. I got to the same page from the front panel of the unit, and there, I am able to click the button above "Monitor Cab. Off", and it works. The same button in Rig Manager, is now on, and says "Enabled". That being said, it still has this kind of greyed out look, that in software language means you can see its state, but you cannot click on it. I don't understand why that would be. Regardless, I've solved the issue, but the UI in Rig Manager doesn't really make sense.

    You should set the Output Source of the MONITOR OUTPUT to "Stack" and activate Monitor Cab. Off.

    I don't understand what it means "the button is always disabled". All settings in the Output Section are global.

    I have exactly that, but I can't actually click on the Cabinet Off button. This is in rig manager, I should have mentioned that, and I didn't, sorry. Hopefully this picture illustrates what I mean. You can see I have Stack selected for Monitor Output, but the button to turn the Cabinet Off is unclickable. It literally says "Disabled" beneath it.

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    Awesome, CrazyShred. These are amazing guitars, with the most comfortable, thin, flat and fast necks I have ever played. I absolutely love the 25.1" scale length with 24 frets. I had my Flash Yellow HM Strat PLEK'd by Sweetwater. Plays like a dream.

    I guess I also will eventually replace the stock FR Special with an Original Floyd Rose, whenever these can be found in the wild, again.

    By the way, I loved it so much, I ran to Guitar Center and picked up a second HM Strat. Grabbed the Ice Blue with Rosewood.

    Now, I just have to sell some of my other guitars.

    I love mine. It is an original model from 1990. I replaced the neck humbucker with a Bill Lawrence way back when. I didn't want to ditch the original Kahler Spyder, but it broke in an unfixable way, so I had to put on an FR, which is not stock on these first models.

    Not sure if the image will show. I see it in the preview, but then see "blocked" text in the actual post with a link to the pic, so sorry if that happens again. Maybe it is because I am new, but I assure it is a safe link on well known image hosting site (imgbb). Regardless, here is mine in black, the one color they decided not to do in the reissues.

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    My latest build. It is a celebration of the American spirit. It is built on the same type of concept as the "resto mod" in classic cars, where you take an older concept but modernize it some. So I started with a 60s style Fender Telecaster body, and fitted it with a roasted maple 50s neck (thick). I went with the traditional and era appropriate 3 saddle bridge. I also stuck with a vintage look for the tuners, but they are in fact both staggered and locking in nature. From there, we get to the electronics with are really fun. It is a Nashville configuration (3 pickups) with a lot of diversity. All Seymour Duncan, you have a mini-humbucker in the bridge, a hot rail in the middle and a vintage pole in the neck. Then there is that control section. The 3-way switch, along with the push/pull 2nd volume knob, gives up to 7 different pickup configs with respect to serial or parallel signal. Graced with 10-46s, this baby has a huge palette of tones, and just screams through my Kemper/OX combo. This ain't your daddy's Telecaster.

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    Hi folks. New to the Profiler (I have the Profiler Power Rack). I am using a workflow that is probably not standard here, but I am hoping you can help nonetheless. My setup is basically to use the Profiler up to, and including the amp part of the stack, and then take that output from monitor output into my UA OX Box for the cabinet, mic and room processing, plus some FX processing like EQ, Delay, Compression and Reverb.

    So my question is this. For any given rig I am working on, I want to take the signal out from the amp and bypass the cabinet emulation (and remaining signal chain) completely, and I want to do this for all rigs. I would think I do this via the Output section, with the radio button called "Cabinet Off" in the Mon. Output section. Problem is, the button is always disabled. So 1) I don't understand how it would actually get enabled, and 2) in the disabled state does that mean the cabinet is or isn't in the signal chain? Doing the ear test, it doesn't seem to be in the chain, but it kind of bothers me to not understand why. Can anyone better shed some light on how this works? I read through the manual the best I could, but I could not find reference as to how this button would be "disabled".