Is there any sound sample from Wizard MTL pack anywhere?
Posts by Xplorer
Sounds pretty good. Where are they?
Yeap you're right. That was it. Thank you Alan.
I'll keep this quick. In Rig Manager when you right click on "Cabinet" a list opens up and at the top there is "Select Cab Preset" which you can audition different cabs with your rig. How do we add more IRs or Cabs to that list. Thanks for answers in advance. Have a great day.
Thanks you very much for the profiles.
Thank you MCII sounds amazing.
I have the same issue with both kemper stage and AxeFx 3 connected to my Presonus Studio 192 mobile via spdif. I constantly hear random pops & clicks which sound similar to the sound of an old record playing.
Switch clock source on the Focusrite. It needs to slave to the Kemper (i.e., the Focusrite can’t be clock master).
Im kind of new to audio stuff. Obviously Presonus my main recording device. Does switching presonus Clock Source from "internal" to "spdif" can effect me any negative way? Thank you in advance.
Great profiles thank you for sharing. Very very organic. Ive been an Axe Fx 3 user for 3 years and oh boy Ive been missing out.
Please do more with MTL. Cant stop playing. I think I am little obsessed with MTLs. Cant find any commercial profiles either
Hover the mouse over a folder but instead of clicking as normal, right click on the mouse. This will bring up a list which contains the option “open in new window”. Select this. You now have two instances of rig manager open. Drag from one to the other.
Yep. It works. Thanks
Sorry, I do not understand. Copies into the Profiler are not stored into folders. Folders exist only on the computer where RigManager stores and reads them.
When you select a rig from the Rig Exchange and drag it to any folder, you find yourself at the bottom of the page of the Rig Exchange somehow. You have to roll back to the top of the page in order to continue auditioning rigs. I don't understand how some of this stuff still havent fixed yet.
The best workaround with RM is to open two instances and drag from one window to the other rather than from folder to folder in the same window.
I have the same problem. Can you rephrase that please what exactly do you mean?
Great profile. Thanks for sharing. I wish more Wizard profiles would be available