Posts by Gtrjunior

    HI all,

    I just bought a new laptop and can't seem to import my content into RM. I have an external WD hard drive that I have backed up all of my rigs and performances on. I un-zipped the folder and tried to drag and drop the file into my local library. It tells me that one or more of the files are corrupted etc...

    I can't seem to figure out what the heck I'm doing wrong!

    Any help would be appreciated


    it’s a Stage with a Freyette LXII. I posted that in my OP.

    HI guys,

    another question...

    I have a Splawn 1x12 cab (small block speaker) that i want o use as a "real cab" for onstage. I also want to run a xlr to FOH from a Kemper Stage.

    I'm powering the Splawn with a Freyette LXII. It has recently been made aware to me that I should be using direct profiles with the real cab.


    How do I take an existing studio profile and make it so that I can feed just the direct profile to the cab and that whole studio profile to FOH?

    And conversely, how would I make an existing direct profile and make it so it is a studio profile for FOH as well?

    Is what I am describing what a merged profile that contains both studio and direct profiles?

    Do I need to use the Direct output from the Stage to the real cabinet and the mains out to FOH to achieve what I am trying to do?

    assuming all connections are correct I would start with the presence and depth controls on the Fryette. After that I would move to the Stage Monitor Out EQ.

    If it sounds good through the PA wouldn’t touch the Amp Block or Cabinet block settings as these will also affect FOH and you A/I.

    If it doesn’t sound good through the PA then I suspect that you are playing much louder than you do at home through your computer and you have tweaked your sounds for the lower volume levels which would typically sound much more scooped when you turn up to gig level.

    Another thought would be to try raising the mids to give it body rather than trying to kill the highs.

    Another thought would be to check how things really sound in your room where you are hooked up to you A/I. If the room/speaker placement/etc has some issues it could be causing you to tweak tones to compensate but these may not translate well to other locations without the same isuues.

    I have adjusted the eq settings. In some cases I have brought the treble all the way down to -5.0 (the max reduction) and it was still bright.
    when plugged into the PA, I used XLR out to the board, so can sims are automatically on by default…correct? And I have the high cut setting down to around -7000 +\-

    I haven’t tried the definition/clarity control but it just seems odd that I would now need to go in and adjust this for every profile that I want to use…

    When I hook up my Stage to a real cab the tone I’m getting is almost painfully bright. I tried it through 2 different cabs (2x12 & 1x12) as well as my PA system.
    when I hook it up to my A/I and through my computer and into the studio monitors it sounds killer.
    The basic tone isn’t horrible, I just can’t warm it up.
    I’m sending the stage out to a Freyette LXII and then into the cab.
    I feel like the problem is not because the speaker or amp coloration or anything like that. I have the suspicion that I have some setting wrong.
    I can’t seem to get some pics I took to upload. It’s telling me the file is too big.
    If someone can tell me how to upload a pic, I’ll be happy to post them.

    I’m making a lot of progress with this. Thanks to all that helped.
    I’ve ordered a Weber beam blocker, which I have installed in another cabinet and really helps.


    In the output section, are all of those settings global? IOW, I should use those settings to shape the overall tone that comes out of the cabinet. And the individual profiles should still be tweaked from the amplifier section?