Super exciting stuff here, thanks for all the great videos and knowledge!
Posts by smalltownsongs
Thanks for the ideas, y'all! Appreciate it!
Enchilada_Jones It's not so much that I've dialed in the profiles in the headphones first, it's just "out of the box" they sound killer in the phones. Also, I'm using the "Speaker Out" of the PowerRack.
BayouTexan Ruefus Thanks! The two cabs I have now are closed back with no real option to open 'em up. As Celestion shared those plans for the one cab specifically for F12 use, I'll try getting that up off the ground to see how that goes.
I'll also be bringing an open-back cab over soon to try that out.
Again, thank you! -
Hey all, long time listener, first time poster.
I've done some searching but couldn't quite find anything too related that wasn't aged out in the threads, but I need a little help if you don't mind?
I've got an F12-x200 and in the two cabs I've tried it in it just sounds like a boomy muddy mess. Running a PowerRack.
Multiple profiles from multiple makers. Sounds like heaven in the ATH-MX50 headphones, and like muddy bleh through the F12.
Cabs I've used are an Avatar Forte 3D style and a VBoutique that was made to the Celestion-shared specs.
Do I just need to EQ every profile (that I'm using to jam in headphones and record with) to work with a cab/speaker?
I was wondering if I got a bum speaker? I asked Celestion and they said basically the speaker either works or it doesn't. Helpful.
I've read reviews where people love the F12 with their various models, so I'm thinking maybe it's just me.
Any thoughts, hints, tips, tricks or links you'd be willing to share, I'm eternally grateful.
Thanks, and hello again!