Posts by thebluesman666

    burkardI was about to ask for another question about the edits made to that performance and the saving/store your edits, but you did answer and explain it in your response.

    • So, to summarize in order to edit/create performances the profiler need's to be connected via USB.
    • Every time you store changes made to the profile, it will overwrite the existing performance loaded.

    Thank you for your time and help, it's much appreciated, this information will most likely help someone else on the forum.

    I’ve been reading the manual and searching online to figure out how to achieve what I’m after.

    At the moment I’m using a midi controller with the Kemper Rack (head).

    My goal is to cycle through a set list for a cover band with roughly 30 songs.

    I’m using the Morningstar MC6 Pro, here’s what worked for me.

    I wish to cycle through 30 performances.

    The manual state that

    Performances 1 to 25 are on bank 1

    Performances 26 - 52 are on bank 2

    I’m using messages sent (on bank enter)

    I’m using PC message to select the performance I want.
    When I need to select a bank, I use 2 messages.
    1 CC message and 1 PC message.

    Message no 1 : CC message #32 with a value : 0

    Message no 2 : PC message # 1

    These messages will result in loading performance #1 slot #1.

    Each increments of 5 will load the next performance.

    Whenever I reach a performance that’s requires a bank switch.

    I’ll program the 2 message as mention above and select the bank I wish to reach. Otherwise I’m only sending the PC message that correspond to the desired performance.

    Example :

    I want performance 26 which is located in bank 2. I’ll program

    CC #32 with value of 1 will select bank # 2 +

    PC 1 to select the first performance of that bank. I’ll restart the increment of 5 to select each performances.

    Hey folks, I would like to know if it possible to assign MORP to the cabinet parameters in RM or on the unit itself ?
    The other day I tried to and look like you can't assign Morp to the cabinet section.

    Is this normal, not being able to assign Morph to the cabinet section ?

    Could this be an added feature in the futur ?

    Any others options or possible ways to tackle this EQ idea ?


    Example :

    MORP OFF : All cabinet parameters to their default position (0)

    MORP ON : Saved preset affecting the Low and High shift, Character and Pure Cabinet parameters.