Posts by Brenkj

    I'm going to be playing my first live show with my Kemper Stage tomorrow night. I have a Head Rush that I plan to use as a personal monitor for just my guitar, so I can keep my primary monitor devoted to just vocals. What's the best way to run this type of setup? Obviously the sound guy will plug into the "Main" XLR input. Should he use both or just one? Which input should I use for the signal to my Head Rush? If the sound guy just uses one of the "Main XLR" inputs, I suppose I can use the other one. Any thoughts?


    Thanks for the responses. The buzz stops when I turn down my guitar volume, so that narrows things down. But I already have the noise gate set at 4 across the board, so I don't think I can go any higher without affecting tone. I'll try removing other electronic gear from the area.

    Any idea why the buzz is much worse with the Kemper than it's ever been with the various amps I've used (Bad Cat Cub, Divided By 13 JRT)?


    Well, through a bit of Googling I figured out how to locate the Ground Lift soft switches (although I still don’t understand what any of that means). I played around with all possible combinations of “ground” and “lift,” and with both the 1/4-inch and XLR Main outputs, but nothing is fixing the buzz. Any other suggestions, or is there still something fundamental that I’m missing about all of this? Thanks.

    I've had my Kemper Stage for a couple months now. I play a Nash T-52 Telecaster and a Dusenberg Starplayer TV. I had my first public gig with the Kemper a couple weeks ago. During sound check, the PA guy said he was getting a buzz from my Tele that was so loud and un-manageable that he'd rather I just not play it. This past weekend I borrowed a large active monitor (QSC K 12.2) to play through at home, and I'm getting the same loud buzz through the Tele with that monitor that I did at the gig. I know single-coil pickups are going to be noisier than humbuckers, but this isn't "hum" - it's a loud buzz. And it's much louder than anything I experienced playing the Tele through amps for 10 years.

    Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any thoughts on how to address it? Thanks.

    Thanks, ST. Unfortunately, for a techno-newbie like me, that only makes a little bit of sense. I think, ideally, I'd like to get all my effects to come through in my Head Rush, so that I can hear the super-cool tones onstage, but not in the signal going to the PA system, so that the sound guy can adjust them as he sees fit. I guess one option is just to have the sound guy connect to the Monitor Out on the Kemper (which is currently set up to remove all delay and reverb), and connect my Head Rush to the Main Outs, which currently includes delay and reverb. Is there a better way to achieve the same end result? Thanks.

    I got my Kemper Stage in Feb. With lots of help from this forum, I managed to dial in about 20 profiles - mostly M. Britt and Tone Junkie - with varying degrees of gain/distortion, etc. I didn't modify the profiles other than to adjust the rig volumes, and I dialed back some of the echo on the request of my bandmates. They sound really great through my Head Rush speaker.

    Yesterday I played my first gig with the Kemper, and using the Head Rush as my own personal guitar monitor. The sound guy (who we've worked with several times and is very good) said I had way too much reverb/echo, and as a result my guitar kept getting lost in the mix. Any thoughts on this?

    I also noticed that when I plugged the Head Rush into the Monitor Out on the Kemper, the signal was completely dry - none of the reverb or echo I hear when I plug the Head Rush into the Main Out. Is this by design, or is there a setting on the Kemper that will change this? Thanks.

    I have my first outdoor daytime gig with my new Kemper Stage on Saturday. In the past I've had problems with sunlight glare making it hard for me to see my pedal board, and I'm sure I'll have the same problem with the screen and lights on the Kemper. Does anyone have a fix for this (DIY or store-bought)? The only thing I can think of is fashioning something that shades the screen from the sun, but I'm open to any other good ideas. Thanks.

    Thanks. I think I'm in the category where my volumes are all across the board - not limited to clean/distorted discrepancies. Is there any practical difference between using Rig Volume versus Amp Volume? In other words, is one better than the other for any reason?

    I just tried one of each. When I did it using Rig Volume, the change didn't "stick" (i.e., when I went back to it, the volume boost I had done was gone). I thought I stored the change properly. How am I supposed to store it?

    When I adjust using Amp Volume, I get a question about whether I want to I want to store the Amp Module or the Entire Performance. What's the difference. Thanks again.

    I'm also trying to figure out how to morph the rig volume. I followed the steps in Reply #5 above, but the new morphed volume doesn't save. It's louder while I'm testing it out, but when I got back to it later, the volume increase is gone. Is there something I need to do to save the rig-volume morph? Thanks

    I'm a Kemper Stage newbie, so apologies if this is a basic question. I'm setting up my various performance in terms of level of gain (Performance 1 is a collection of profiles with the least gain; Performance 2 has slightly more gain, etc.), which makes the most sense for me with my overall settings. I just realized I need to insert a new performance right after number 1, which will become the new performance 2; the current performance 2 will become performance 3, and so on. What's the best/easiest way to go about doing that? Thanks.