Posts by Recognition

    Thanks for all the suggestions, much appreciated.

    paults seems to work best for my setup...........fires brute force into the Vox, sounding so sweet and powerful even at room volumes.

    Usually I have the Kemper through the studio monitor speakers, which sounds tonal perfect to my ears.

    Now with this option thru the Vox it opens up more fiddling options...haha...and dont we all just know how we love those choices...Lol

    The Vox will always have its own special greatness with a touch of a blues pedal here and there which can never be matched Imho and that setup is used a lot her..... but this option now with the Kemper firing love into it is the beez kneezzz ( wish I realised it sooner )



    Been using the Kemper for years and love it. Thanks to everybody involved in the design to make that happen.

    I have a question, I want to use the Kempers effects only as part of my pedal chain to go into the input of my Vox AC 30 amp.

    I dont want to use as a send and return ( loop) because Im using that for the JHS Little Black Amp Box which is like a attenuator.

    Not sure how to set this up. Any help appreciated.


    Yes that makes sense. I dabble with the same amp setups ie from cleanish, building up in gains and delays and reverbs and save as new profiles.....lets say numbered JP2 1-10, all in Rig manager.............. but Im thinking performance is the way to go with the remote.

    Years ago when playing live I had the Behringer Vamp Pro with the midi controller.

    PS. Wonderful is always a goody 8)

    Sorry, I forgot to include another important step.

    In Stomp A load the FX type Loop Mono and make sure Stomp A is active.

    Do you already have Parallel Path ticked?

    Yes had the parallel ticked...and have now turned on the LOOP MONO on Stomp A.......... all working well now.................. THANKS EVERYBODY FOR YOUR HELP! .... VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! :):):):):)

    I use one rig for the piezo, and others for the mag. Not sure if you have the remote, but I put the piezo rig in slot 1 of a performance, and some regular amp rigs starting from clean to higher gain in 2 - 5.

    So, as Wheresthedug mentioned I flick the switch on the guitar and stomp on the appropriate remote button.

    Thats sounds good....I dont have a remote ( might well be worth getting one?) .....but I`m starting to think I should look into "performance" the way you mention...........Ive had the Kemper for about 2 years and its a fantastic piece of kit..... Im really impressed by it, but I just load up profile, adjust for recording taste and thats it.....multi track.

    That’s the way I have my performances set up too most of the time as I rarely use a blend of piezo and mag. The OP said he/she needs the ability to use the blend of piezo and mag which would need the parallel path strategy.

    Ive only ever used the Browse for home studio, dont play live so never felt I needed to use the performance.

    I used a stereo out from Guitar to mono in the front and the into the return in the rear of Kemper.........when I flip to the piezo I hear cleans...but very low way I`d hear it in the mix position

    Would like to just flip the piezo switch on the Guitar...... sorry Im not too clever with this. Ive always just loaded profiles and played them...but now with the piezo switch guitar I want to flip the switch to get the cleans and in the middle position get the mix of piezo and mag.......all within the kemper rack unit, no other amp im use.

    Thanks for reply but Im sorry, I dont really understand.

    I want to flip the piezo switch on guitar to get the instant middle position get a mix of clean and magnetic(overdrive) and then in the down position only the magnetic...... But how to set this up from guitar into Kemper I dont know.

    I use rig manager.