Posts by 0l4fw3mp3

    Hello fellow Kemperers,

    The 9.0 USB audio update has transformed the Kemper into the main headphone amplifier in my studio, because of the awesome quality of the headphone output. This means the Kemper will be 'ON' almost all of the time, and not just when I'm playing guitar.

    Should I be worried about LED & LCD Screen wear / burn-in / loss of contrast over time when the Kemper is always on? Has anyone ever seen any screen wear on a Kemper or Remote that has been switched on for many accumulated hours? Could it cause any other issues I'm not aware of?

    Thanks! :)

    Here's how I did it:

    After installation of the 9.0 beta, the Profiler is found as one of the audio outputs in Windows:

    Then, the ASIO4ALL audio driver 'sees' the Profiler as an available WDM Device:

    In Cubase, the Profiler input- and output ports are available. This is a Profiler Powered Rack, so only In 1&2 and Out 1&2:

    The outputs can then be connected in the Cubase Control Room:

    ...and done!

    Is there a way to pan a rig, but keep stereo effects, especially reverb, stereo?

    When I pan a rig in the rig section, the entire chain gets panned, including the reverb. I would like pan just the rig, and not sum the reverb output channels. Much like what would happen on a mixing desk when a stereo reverb is connected to a stereo auxilary bus.

    Is this possible with the Kemper?

    1 - Generally speaking, lower impedance headphones will produce higher volumes when connected to the same headphone output. For me, the 250 Ohm DT770s are too low in volume in some situations. But I do think that the Kemper can drive even 250 Ohm headphones to unhealthy volume levels - although I haven't tested this.

    2 - Also generally speaking, open back headphones are going to sound better. They allow air to pass through their ear cups to the speaker element. This means that pressure can’t build up and affect your sound, and there aren’t little echoes inside your headphones. Many expensive high-end headphones have open backs because it helps them sound more natural and clear. I strongly prefer open back headphones for recording and mixing for this reason, and use a Sennheiser HD660S (150 Ohm, by the way) with my Kemper. Downsides of open back headphones can be: more environment / room sound coming in, and more sound going out into the room which can be annoying for others ;)

    Sounds like either a clock sync issue or a digital clipping issue.

    With SPDIF, the devices on both ends must be clock synced. If your Kemper is from 2018 or later, it can slave to your soundcard's clock, otherwise the soundcard must be slaved to the Kempers clock.

    Make sure to check the SPDIF signal isn't clipping (hitting 0dB). I've noticed even some commercial profiles clipping with the SPDIF output level set at 0dB.

    3. Bedroom volume tone does not equal live tone. I have rigs that sound awful quiet but amazing cranked.

    This is a myth: a myth that the Kemper eliminates. Tube amps sound different when cranked, the Kemper is a digital device where output volume is just a setting.

    Your final output volume might affect your tone if your guitar interacts with that output (feedback), but the Kemper is not a factor in this. It will sound the same at any output volume. It is not a tube amp.

    You might want to look into Fletcher-Monson curves to understand why things sound different at different volume levels.