Posts by Mudchild


    Just got a second hand Remote from Ebay, to go with my Rack.

    Alas the official cable was not included, just a generic CAT 5e, which appears to sproadically drop the connection.

    If I'm in the market for buying a reliable replacement cable, where should I look?



    Thanks for all the input guys, very thought provoking! Also apologies for the length in getting back on this thread, life took over for a little while.

    It's a good question - what is 'wrong' with the current pickups. Well for a start, the single coil in the middle sounds rather thin, I never use it. It's certainly quieter although I guess this is to be expected? Perhaps this would be a candidate for raising, to get higher/thicker output?

    I actually quite like the tone of the humbuckers, especially the neck one, but when recording, there's something about the attack of string plucking that i don't like. Sounds a bit 'plasticky'/'brittle'/'cheap'. I think that's what's making me look elsewhere...

    But I totally get the view that maybe what I'd be better off thinking about is a new guitar...

    Oh and the pickups on the Godin are:

    Neck: GHN1

    Middle: S1

    Bridge GHB1

    Seen one of those on Reverb for about £25, so they're not expensive, if that makes a difference...

    Hi all

    I have a Godin Solidac going into my Kemper. I love the Kemper and I love the guitar, great build quality, but I sense that one area that could be improved is in the pickups. People have screamed 'Seymour Duncans!' at me, but I'm just wondering if it's possible to prepare me for what kind of difference this might have on all my profiles?

    And furthermore, tbh, I'm also a bit wary of swapping the pickups. I know SD's have a great rep, but will I really like it better? I listen to demos on YouTube etc, of the ones I'm homing in on, but everyone's blazing away with extravagant bluesy rock wingin', or balls out crunchy mayhem, which is all very impressive but I have quite a mellow clean arpeggio approach, perhaps think Johnny Marr (ish). Hard to know what you're letting yourself in for. Any tips?


    Hi all

    I press Rig and Browse Snapshots and turn the knob... But whether I Load or Autoload it then takes me back to the main screen. If I want to trial my snapshots I have keep pressing Rig and Browse Snapshots in between each one... Would be great if it just stayed on that page like when browsing Rigs?

    Any thoughts folks?


    This is probably a very frequently asked Q, but I'm asking it too! Just got my Kemper. I'm hearing of people deleting all the factory rigs and stocking up on third party. Is there that much difference in quality? And how do I know where to start? Rig Exchange or commercial? Are there some must-haves? Would be grateful for a nod in the right direction to get me going. I'm not much of a hi gain or metal guy, would be more interested in vintage tones and thick creamy cleans which sound great with verb....

    Thanks for any advice!