Posts by Lnk97438

    Windows 11 Pro here. Asio4all v2.15 or beta v2.16 works terrible when trying to record the Profiler via USB to Nuendo 13. It works sometimes for a little bit and then suddenly these remnants of synth sounds appear like the bit rates are mismatched even though everything is set to 44.1Khz. I can't believe how long it is taking Kemper to come up with this ASIO driver! :(

    Well folks, if Kemper would finally deliver on the promised ASIO driver they said they would have months ago all these Windows USB issues would go away! Asio4all is our only option and has been for months. How about it Kemper, where's that ASIO driver for Windows? BTW, I have both Mac and PC here. The Mac side works great with Kemper USB but so would Windows if we had that dedicated Windows driver we were promised! Personally, I've moving away from Mac due to their continuing lock down of the hardware. I mean on the ARM machines if you loose your internal system drive Apple doesn't even allow you to boot off an external drive anymore. So your machine has suddenly turned into an expensive doorstop! That's right, your machine is now dead in the water! Come on, soldered SSD's and memory, just crazy! Can you say, planned obsolescence!

    New to Windows here, and running Windows 11 on an AMD Ryzen 9 system. When choosing the Audio System in Nuendo 13.0.20 I'm only given two choices, Realtek Asio and Generic Low Latency Asio Driver. There is no Profiler choice like in Mac Sonoma and Nuendo 13.0.20. I'm also running Rig Manager v3.5.15 and Kemper OS is at Is there no Kemper driver for Windows yet or am I missing something? How does one get this to work as the USB interface? :/ Thanks in advance!

    I been reminded this is why I bought my scarlett interface in the first place. I had pops an lag before I got my kemper even. Its your computer power. Nothing to do with the kemper. I have it now, an i run a ss drive. i noticed if you hit any settings in asio it goes away for a minute. I can not get a decent glitch free sound with the usb. I have to experiment with some settings but there must be something you can do. Windows settings or soemthing. Im enjoying the clarity of the usb recording so I want to figure it out as well

    Here ya go:…o-on-Windows-10

    Not sure if you have Rig Manager open when you're trying this since it can do some strange things. If you do, then reboot both the Profiler and your computer, then try it again without Rig Manager being open on the desktop. See if that helps?

    I would think one basic way would be for you to not use your Kemper as your USB audio device. Just hook up your guitar as normal to the Kemper and have the Kemper Main Outs going into your Focusrite which you would use as the audio device. You should then be able (depending on Focusrite model) to attach your microphone to a mic input. On the Mac just make sure you have the Focusrite chosen for your sound output. You should then be able to stream YouTube songs etc... and be able to play and sing along to them. On the other hand the manual states the following to hook up a microphone when using your Profiler as the Audio Output:

    Recording external audio sources

    Additionally, you could use the PROFILER as an audio interface for external signal sources such as a microphone.

    For this application, set Rec. Source to “Return Inputs” on the PROFILER Head and Rack to feed the signals of the

    RETURN to channel USB 1, and the ALTERNATIVE IN to USB 2. Stage users should set either 1+2 Source or 3+4 Source to “Return Inputs” and feed the signals of RETURN 1 and 2 to their DAW.

    Yep, I have done that. Here's the issue...when I choose profiler as the audio device, I'm able to hear computer audio through the Kemper (no problem so far). However, the moment that I try to play my guitar, the guitar signal automatically cuts out. I've noticed that lights on the chicken head knob (tuner, browser, perform, profiler) turn off as soon as I hit the guitar. If I pause the computer audio (YouTube song), the lights on the chicken head knob come back up after about 30 seconds and now I can play the guitar again. But I'm unable to both (stream the audio and play) at the same time for some strange reason! Not sure this helps, but I'm using Windows 11.

    I'm on Mac here. Have you tried uninstalling 9.0.5 and reinstalling? Sure sounds like a routing conflict. For Windows 11 Revo Uninstaller is a great util. I think you can get a demo that will remove all remnants of 9.0.5, and then reinstall it to see if that clears up the issue.

    I did read the entire Addendum 9.0 but that was no help. I am not looking to use the profiler with the DAW. I simply wish to play along to backing tracks through KP without having to go through the DAW (in my case, Reaper).

    You just have to choose the Profiler as your Audio Device on your system. You should then be able to hear backing tracks through the Kemper along with your guitar input through it. I just tested it by streaming a YouTube song as well as as an Apple Music tune to play along with, worked fine. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling 9.0.5

    Besides Direct Monitoring being defaulted to an on state when powered up, I've also noticed that the DAW Volume will not maintain a new setting when the unit is powered down. On a new power up it will reset to a default value of 2.5 why? Kind of a pain to have to reset these again when powering up the unit.

    Update: It happened again today. I'm pretty sure what causes it is when you have a Logic session open and you open RM. That will sometimes cause the mismatch error to happen. Today I had my Logic Session opened and decided to open RM in order to adjust the DAW Volume setting. All of a sudden Logic threw that error again and all audio output on playback stopped. I was once again unable to get it back and had to reboot both the Kemper Rack and the Mac Mini M1 to get things back to normal. Yesterday the I/O buffer setting for Logic was at 64 but today I had it increased to 128 and still got the error. There are other times when RM Is opened on the desktop while I'm playing back a recorded track in Logic and it will cause the track playback to start stuttering. I'm talking about a session with only one recorded guitar track on it.